Joyful Mystery

From the Annunciation to the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple. There is a lot of uncertainties within this series of decades in the Holy Rosary. It makes you wonder, why is it called the Joyful Mystery? The title of each decade is very exciting and it holds a beautiful story, but when we look deeper into each story what does it really say.

I was very inspired to write this reflection based off of Fr. Mike Schmitz’s video on “Having Joy in the Uncertainties”, which made me then realize the joy in the midst of this life of suffering. Momma Mary, in the Annunciation was approached by the angel Gabriel and was told that she would bare the Son of God. In response she said “Let it be done unto me according to thy word”, I never realized this until I watch the video with Fr. Mike, was that the very next sentence was “then the angel departed from her”. Can you imagine being in that moment, being told that you are going to have within you the Son of God and that was literally it? No context or anything. Like where do you go from there? No one told Mary and Joseph that they would have to go to Bethlehem and give birth to Christ in a manger. No one mentioned that they would have to flee to Egypt to save their Son from being killed. No one told Mary that she would have to witness her Son be tortured, spat on and crucified. There was so much uncertainty that the only thing that was certain was and still is the past. Yet, Momma Mary was still joyful. The Apostles were still joyful, they spread the Good News throughout the world. Through their suffering came out a lot of joy.

It is very humbling to know that in this life of suffering, there is joy that will follow. Yet, we do not know when or where that will come but we remain hopeful. I know for myself in this pandemic, at the beginning of the year, everything was set in stone, I was ready… then the NBA got cancelled, that’s when I knew things were going to change. It was so humbling for me to realize that everything can just be taken away in the snap of a finger. There was so much that was unexpected at that point in time that I had no choice but to rely on God and entrust myself to His will. It was hard to remain hopeful but after households, after one to ones I felt the joy and the hope that the Lord was wanting me to feel. To understand that I was being called to love in the uncertainty, to be joyful in the midst of the suffering. There is so much that I do not know and I can only pray the Lord, for you and I both, gives us the heart to overcome the world. To love beyond our capacities. There is joy and hope because God is with us.

Lord God, help us to entrust our lives to You in the midst of these times. There is so much uncertainty but with You we find hope and joy. Give us the strength to carry on. This we ask through Christ our Lord. 



Fear Is A Liar

I’ve been asked over and over again, what is something I personally struggle with most in mission and in general. Typically I would say my laziness. There are times where I procrastinate and times when I know things could have been done or handled better if I only gave a little more effort.

To my surprise in response to that I’ve been told that I don’t seem all that lazy for people have seen the way I work. I’ve been affirmed of how much time, effort and hard work I put into things, and how much I go out of my way at times which others don’t understand why. I don’t do it for recognition, I don’t do it for rewards and I don’t even get paid for a lot of the things I do. Yet whenever people question why I continue to serve in community I get a sense of urgency to tell them all the reasons why and it always leads back to a personal encounter with Christ! Continue reading Fear Is A Liar


‘We gave you a strong warning’, he said, ‘not to preach in this name, and what have you done? You have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and seem determined to fix the guilt for this man’s death on us.

A lot of times we are faced with warnings like this or we get judged and criticized. This is actually a huge fear of mine. It is not like I am afraid to be Catholic, but more so afraid to proclaim that I am. Reading this verse from Thursday’s readings I couldn’t help but think of myself being in front of the high priest shook and distraught, sweating and nervous. I can’t help but think I am so weak that I can’t even defend the God that has given me so much in my life. Then I read the second part of the reading.

Obedience to God comes before obedience to men; it was the God of our ancestors who raised up Jesus, whom you executed by hanging on a tree. By his own right hand God has now raised him up to be leader and Saviour, to give repentance and forgiveness of sins through him to Israel. We are witnesses to this, we and the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.

So after reading that, I questioned myself, why am I afraid? Why can’t I be just like Peter and not be afraid to be obedient to God? What is it that I am really holding back? Sometimes I think, the early Christians, they faced way more than what we face today. They were discriminated, stoned, judged and even killed. The amazing thing is, they did not run away they faced all of this  hatred and defended their faith. They stood on their solid ground. So what are we really afraid of? It’s funny because whenever I ask that, I am always recalled to my life verse.

“But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” – Matthew 14:30-31

Constantly I am reminded of this verse and I am always called back to it. Why is it that I doubt? I know the Lord is taking care of me and He will protect me. No matter how many times I reject the Lord in my life, I am called to have faith in Him and believe in His love. So to say that by the end of this reflection I know the answer now would be wrong. I don’t know the answer as to why I doubt or why I am afraid to proclaim I am Catholic, all I know is that there should be no reason to doubt when the Lord’s plan will prevail.

Lord, guide me and protect me. Allow me to be a defendant of the faith. Give me the strength and the courage to proclaim Your Glory. Holy are You Lord God, let Your will be done.


Christian Medeiros



Boots of readiness

The first time I ever lead a worship was at a SHOUT back in 2010. It was around the third day and I was deciding whether to stay or go to my friends birthday. I remember it very vividly haha. I was torn from either going to spend time with my friends or spending time getting to know the Lord. I was washing the dishes after we had lunch and a brother came to help out. I had already decided to leave and notified the team lead that I would be leaving because I made prior commitments. As the dishes were about done, the brother helping me out asked me how I was enjoying the event/retreat/training so far. I replied that I was enjoying it so far. What he asked next is probably one of the funniest and most randomest things I have ever been asked before. He asked me if I had my boots of readiness on. I replied jokingly “I always have them on.” He then said “good, can you lead afternoon worships?” I was so caught off guard but at the same time it was as if the Lord knew the real desire of my heart. I believe that the real reason I wanted to go to my friend’s birthday was to experience intimacy with others. When I was asked to lead worship, I believe God was answering that desire. I answered the Lord’s call to leading that worship and not only did I experience intimacy with others but with God in a very special way.

The reason why I bring this story up is because amidst the busyness of life, I sometimes forget that the Lord knows the desires of my heart and knows exactly how to fulfill them. The year of 2015 has a lot of possibilities for me. I already know that I have preconceptions to what the Lord may have for me, but I must be ready for anything. I believe the Lord has been preparing good things for me. I must continually have my boots of readiness on, because I am still on this journey back to Him.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”

Ephesians 6:15 “As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace.”

Lord may I continually put my trust in your plans and not upon my own.  

Gracious God

“My child, trust in My heart. I will not lead you astray.”

Most of the time I become very selfish. I start to think about my own desires and my own pleasures that I forget about the Lord. I start making my own plans and I eventually start getting carried away with all of my thoughts and imaginations. I forget about all of the wonderful plans that He has just for me. And although I do not know His plans, I can only trust and have faith that the Lord has every good intention for my well-being.

Many times we forget that in order to desire what is true, good and beautiful, we must desire for the Lord. We must always keep close to His heart.

Despite my stubborn and selfish ways, the Lord continues to assure me that He wants nothing but the absolute best for me. My God is a gracious God. And He will take my desires into consideration so long as it aligns with His will.

Lord, only you know my heart. May I always desire what you desire . And may these desires always lead me to you.

3/52: Balance

There is so much to be thankful for, I’m sure I don’t have to present the laundry list of blessings we all receive on a daily basis!  What I will comment on is how we often we tend to complain and stress over them.  I am guilty of this =( 

Maybe we’re feeling overwhelmed. Maybe we’re doubting our capabilities.  Maybe things are piling up and we’re beginning to get anxious about all that is expected of us.  We spend so much time worrying about the tasks as opposed to doing them that we get lost in the mix.  How can we even begin to serve our Lord, if already at the start we’re hindered?

I’ve come to be reminded that BALANCE is key.  If we are at an imbalance in our lives, how do we plan on tackling all of our tasks and responsibilities?  How can we properly share our Lord’s message? How can we remain firm and steadfast to win the race?

More important than reevaluating our priorities is PRAYER!  Prayer is what offsets all those tasks we have to take care of.  And if we’ve got a lot of things to do then that also means we’ve got a lot of praying to do!  It is through prayer that we receive the graces to handle such things, that allows us to centre ourselves in Christ, and gives us the freedom to rest in the Lord after a long day’s work.  Prayer, both, grounds us in our faith but it also motivates us into action!

Mother Teresa once said,

 “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

Let us balance our lives with prayer and realize how much of a blessing each day is.  Let us be good stewards of our time, talent and treasure and make the most of each day for our Lord.  Let us not bog ourselves down with worry or anxiety or complaint and realize our Lord walks with us daily, therefore is with us every step of the way.  Let us begin…

Accepting God’s Authority

I trust you.

“… The Lord remembered her. She conceived” – 1 Samuel: 1:20

The past two First Readings have been from the first Book of Samuel, and have made us journey with an extremely unhappy and scorned woman named Hannah. The deepest desire of her heart was to conceive a son. In fact, in few but bitterly (10) cried out words, she expresses this out to God. She is not alone in the temple. Although misunderstanding her (“drunk” is her appearance to him), Eli’s curt response in seeing her weeping can be read as a two-fold in meaning: “Sober up.” (14)

An evaluation of my trust. How confident am I in God’s unwavering willingness to hear and answer my prayers? Admittedly, I do start to doubt when I ask: Is He even moved by my misery? Or did He actually forget me me? (11) Even if the only person present in my midst every day is not God but Eli the priest sitting on a chair, do I still strive to live without appearing downtrodden or downcast? (18) I am reminded that my trust in Him is deepened through conscious building of my relationship with Him. For this Hannah teaches me, that for one, all my deepest desires are to be offered directly to Him (not the “Eli” in the room). Second, when I can’t see Him clearly (through my crying or anything that blinds me) that I must “vow” (11) to live faithfully what He is asking me to do now fully accepting His authority in this way:

Simply. I praise God because even if He doesn’t say it, He knows my heart (desires, sorrows, miseries). Simply. I give thanks because he does answer prayers: In His time, He did give Hannah and Elkanah a son (Samuel, was his name). Simply. I must confess my tendency to put Him second in turning to others first rather than Him directly. Simply. I ask for the grace to trust His strength rather than my own.

A most “Dangerous Prayer” passed down by Bishop Dowd: Holy Spirit, I give you permission to work in my life the way that you want.