The Sorrowful Mother, who is also the Cause of Our Joy

The first time I had ever learnt about Our Lady of Sorrows was when I attended a Come and See retreat with the Sisters of Providence in February 2013. At the time of the retreat, I remember feeling very nervous because I was the only participant and because I was afraid that God was calling me to a way of life that I felt I wasn’t prepared for. As the weekend progressed, I grew to enjoy my time with the sisters learning about their foundress and Our Lady of Sorrows, but I couldn’t understand them nor their way of life. I felt that their charisms were interesting, but the thought of deep sorrow and suffering didn’t resonate with my life because it contrasted with the CFC-Youth culture, which was always vibrant, lively, and joyful for me.

In October that year, a turn of events occurred and so I began to fall into intense anxiety, constant worrying, and issues regarding my self-worth. I kept this pain to myself for months because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. I didn’t want people to worry about me. And I didn’t want to classify myself as depressed if I wasn’t and for other various reasons. I thought that being quiet about my suffering was the ‘best’ way to deal with it because I thought if I had said anything it would just feed the fire, and I would never get out.

A few months later I returned to the Sisters of Providence, except this time with other CFC-Youth brothers and sisters. At this event the sisters briefly introduced their foundress and charisms. However this time, I understood the connection between their foundress, Bl. Mother Gamelin, and Our Lady of Sorrows. They had expressed that Bl. Mother Gamelin found consolation for the loss of her family members in Mother Mary because of the pain she endured while following the life of her Son, Jesus Christ, especially at the point of His crucifixion. Furthermore, Bl. Mother Gamelin realized that Mother Mary experienced greater pain and suffering than she did because Mother Mary not only saw her Son on the Cross, but her God. This gave way to her understanding that she not only could find consolation in Mother Mary, but Mother Mary could find consolation in her.

At this moment, I was taken aback, almost mind blown because I imagined the intensity of Mother Mary’s deep sorrow, so I, too, found myself sympathizing with her, wanting to console her. Upon reflection, this made me realize that Mother Mary understood my suffering; maybe not in the same way, but in a much greater way as her commitment to God’s will meant the salvation of the entire world from generation to generation. This set as one of the beginning steps to my love for Mother Mary and having the desire to become closer to her.

The Annunciation

Today as the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Solemnity of the Annunciation/Incarnation, also sometimes coined as Mother Mary’s first yes, I wonder at the thought as to how Mother Mary must’ve felt during this specific time of her life. I would like to believe that although she may have worried about what was to come in her life and was humbly surprised that God blessed her among women, that she experienced an unsurpassable joy, having God’s grace outpoured from her womb while carrying Jesus Christ.

For the longest time I had taken the rosary for granted, and to know that the Annunciation is the first of the joyful mysteries makes complete sense to me now. The joy of Christ coming to this world impacts all human beings, including Mother Mary — how her joy must have been great and complete! I’ll be honest and say that I only know this much and probably nothing more, but I look forward to learning more about Mother Mary, to love and appreciate her more, and to give everything to her in joyful hope that she presents it to the Lord perfected.

In Mother Mary’s life I have found this truth in love where there is a juxtaposition between its many fruits.

Where there is great love, there is great suffering; and where there is great love, there is great joy; and where great suffering and great joy converge at a perpendicular as to form a Cross, there is great love. This love brings about a resounding peace, which cannot be disturbed when the mind and the heart are fixed towards God’s will. Nothing stands in between the woman, like Mother Mary, whose obedience is blind, but perfect. The woman does not fall short when in the constant presence of Christ, but rises with Him (again). So it is worth experiencing great suffering, great joy, and great love now than later because in Heaven the first is no longer present, and the two latter are far more amazing than we can imagine.

Although it’s nothing new to me, I’m beginning to understand more that in serving God and His people, there will be a series of varying emotions passing through the heart, but it is always up to me to accept God’s grace and love in order to do His work and fulfill the role that God has entrusted to me to do. With Mother Mary at my side, she sets as a prime example for me to do what I am called to do: to have joy now, to suffer now, and most importantly and overall, to love now.

Mother Mary, Our Lady of Sorrow and the Cause of our Joy, pray for us. Inspire us to love like Jesus Christ, your Son and God.


Today, God Made Me Laugh

If you ask certain people, they’d say I’m funny. (I don’t agree with them) If you ask other people, they’d say I cross way too many lines.  (I agree with them) I’d say I’m one to enjoy a good laugh, even if it meant to be at the expense of others. (I’m sorry to those whom I do it very often to. You guys know who you are.  We’ll talk soon.) But there are certain issues that I rarely laugh about, in fact if a certain topic is brought up in a certain way – my emotions flare up and I go berserk. Well maybe not  berserk-berserk, but you get what I mean. The topic of God is one.

About two years ago I was introduced to the concept that humour, joy, and laughter are part of a healthy spiritual life through a couple of books by Fr. James Martin, SJ. (One of my favourite priests/authors) To be honest, when I read about that subject, I found it to be sketchy. How can an all powerful, almighty, all knowing God be funny? Well Fr. Jim did an awesome job in making me understand that it was indeed not just a possible but a very certain reality that God is a God of joy.

A must read.

Fast forward to a few months back, I was able to read a book by Matthew Kelly – The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic. It was really a practical guide on how one can be a better Catholic. Of course, so I can “look like I know my stuff” – I tweeted one of the lines that spoke to me. Little did I know that it wouldn’t get sent. So when I was cleaning my twitter drafts, I saw this there. So I decided to tweet it yesterday.

Kevin_Muico__KevinMuico__on_TwitterSo I was a bit surprised while I was on my way to the office to get a reply from somebody I did not know. He said this.


My first reaction was to flare up. Who the heck is this guy. Why is he saying that what I quoted was crap. So I did a quick search on google, a found out that there is a Matthew Kelly from Britain who has a 90s show. So I responded that I was quoting a different guy, and I don’t believe that the quote was crap. And it escalated quickly.


As I was walking to the office, I was already thinking of ways to defend the faith in 140 characters – well less than given that I needed to tag these two guys. My emotions were high. Then I said to myself, that verse is familiar. So I looked it up and it was…

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28

And I burst into laughter.

Today is the feast day of St. Philip Neri, the patron saint of humour. Both of the guys “mocking” me (well they said they were mocking the TV show) were actually british comedians. And the verse capped it off – I don’t bear the burden of defending what I believe to be true. God can defend Himself. In fact theology and philosophy will point this out to be true. I come to God so I can rest in the One who loves me.

God was doing a prank on me, if I was actually listening to Him during my prayer time this morning. If I was looking to the Saint who found way to holiness through joy.

Today’s Gospel says:

You also are witnesses, because you have been with me from the beginning. –  John 15:27

I am called to bear witness to the gospel, the good news. If I am not joyful, then the medium hinders the message. The message is love – and in, with, and through it – we find faith, hope, peace and above all joy. Today I found joy in a weird circumstance. But it is still joy found in the Lord.

Saint Philip Neri, we take ourselves far too seriously most of the time. Help us to add humour to our perspective — remembering always that humour is a gift from God. Amen

PS. You can read the rest of the conversation here:

Seeing The Face Of God

So me and Noel went out for a run a few weeks ago. Yeah. I actually went out and used my runners for running. The first half of it was more of a jog and some brisk walking, the latter half was just walking. I was also wearing this shirt.

Jesus Shirt
It is a picture of my boss. Both of them actually. Kuya Law and Jesus. 

On our way back, we were already on my street, walking – tired from the “run” and the workout that Noel put me through during our 1on1. As we approached the mission house, there was this lady walking towards us.

She exclaimed “Wow! That’s a nice shirt!”

Her eyes were wide. Her face lit up. And her body exuded joy in seeing Christ in the shirt I wore.

I said to myself, wouldn’t it be nice if all we saw in each other was Christ. 

Lord, allow us to see Christ in everyone we meet. Amen.

A People Of Joy

So this last Easter Vigil, was my first.  Ever.  Now before you start judging me on my Catholicity and how the heck did I become a Full Time Pastoral Worker – let me answer your judgement call that I have no idea.  Praise God, that God calls those who needs His love the most.

Now for those who do not know what happens during an Easter Vigil, it is the greatest and noblest of all solemnities (EV, No.2*) Basically it is your mass on steroids. It literally takes you down Salvation History from the beginning to now. And it’s a bunch of sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist) happening in one fantastic liturgy. But that is for another reflection, maybe next year.

There was one part of the liturgy that became really personal to me and the image still sticks to me now. During the sacrament of baptism, there was a good number of people to be baptized ranging from young babies to kids, teens, young adults and to elderly people. They were all of different races. But there was this one girl who I think was in her late teens or early twenties that really amazed me.

As she was called up to be baptized, she was so excited that she was about to be a part of the family of God. Now at her age, she already knows what it means to be Catholic. She understands that the teachings of the Church go against the ways of the world.  Yet for her, the fullness of life can only come through a faith that is lived. You can see it in her eyes as she was waiting for her turn to be baptized.

Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God. – Exodus 34:29

After her baptism, as she was walking back to her spot in the line, there was this profound and distinct joy that emanated from her. Something like what happened to Moses when he was talking with God. Not even my words can ever describe the joy I saw beaming out of her. If there could be a person that could be joy personified that was her. She was literally lighting up the Church.

There I was witnessing a person who had just met Christ, who could no longer contain it that her life becomes a visible and tangible sign that God indeed loves us. Her visible sign of Christ’s love should be also be visible in us. For though her baptism was just last week, we were also baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. It is the same God who loves us unconditionally and extends his covenant to us – making us His children.

To me, her witness, was a slap in my face. For I’m quite known to always look  serious and to always be deep in my thoughts. Don’t get me wrong, I am joyful as well – but I guess I need to make a better effort in making that joy known through my face and more importantly my actions.

Christ is indeed Risen. That is the cause of our joy. We are an Easter people. We should then be a people of joy.

Saint Philip Neri, we take ourselves far too seriously most of the time. Help us to add humour to our perspective — remembering always that humour is a gift from God. Help us to live out this profound joy, from the Risen Christ, in our lives. Amen.

*Missale Romanum, “Rubrics for the Easter Vigil” (EV)

In the Darkness

1495617_10152069871078329_1282759230_oYesterday Toronto experienced one of the worst ice storms to ever hit. It was devastating and beautiful. Over 300,000 torontonians lost power, the streets were cluttered with fallen tree branches, and ice so thick you can literally skate on the roads filled the streets and sidewalks. The news was filled with warnings of treacherous conditions and strongly advised everyone to remain indoors. On the other hand it was very beautiful, like something I have never seen before. Everything turned into crystals. Every branch, fence, road, house, leaf, and every blade of grass glistened like a diamond in the light. It was fascinating.

The roads were so dangerous that my mom even considered not attending Mass which is a twenty minute drive in normal driving conditions. When I heard her, I sternly and lovingly said, “it’s the last Sunday of Advent. We have to go to Mass.” To which she quickly agreed! We decided to leave an hour early.

1509475_10152069856788329_1739881493_oThe ice was so thick that we couldn’t even leave the garage because of the steep decline. We actually caused a bit of traffic in the condo parking lot and I had to get out of the car to direct traffic to ensure the safety of everyone and proper flow (that was a first). We called security and they put salt to melt the ice, after which we all successfully got on the road. We couldn’t believe how dark it was driving to St. Joseph. It was a bit frightening because it was difficult to tell which was water and which was black ice. Most of the street lights weren’t working and the intersections were also not functioning so we had to treat them as four-way stops. My dad drove cautiously and slowly until we safely arrived at our destination.

Upon arriving at the parish we noticed all the lights were turned off so we thought they cancelled Mass. My mom asked someone outside our window and they assured Mass is still on. After dropping my mom and sister off at the front, my dad decided to park behind the church but we couldn’t because the entrance to the parking lot was completely blocked with fallen branches. We ended up finding a parking spot, but what a journey it was just getting to church!

We were greeted by an usher holding a small light to help us navigate. The church was almost pitch black. I also used my cell phone’s flashlight to get to the pew. They told us that father wanted everyone to sit near the front, so we did. I have never attended Mass in such darkness before so I knew this would be a night I’d never forget.

When I knelt to pray I heard a voice say to me ‘Miguel, you’re distracted by your fascination with everything. Relax and listen to what I’m trying to tell you in this experience.” After praying, I became more focused and present. The Lord spoke to me throughout the liturgy and told me the meaning behind the things I was fascinated with. The things He revealed were so simple and beautiful. It has helped me to prepare my heart for Christmas and I’d like to share it with you as a humble gift.

The darkness of Toronto last night reminded me that Christmas is the time which we celebrate the Light which came in the darkness. God entered human history, human suffering, the human problem, in all of its devastation—He entered and brought Light into the midst of everything. This Light, like what happened in the church, brings us closer together. It gathers us in its warmth. The Light is Jesus Christ Who gathers His people to His heart and draws all things near to Him. Like Christmas day He comes into our hearts that is filled with much darkness. He comes into the darkness and gives us hope. This hope gives us joy, and it’s from this joy—from Him—we are called to celebrate on Christmas and live the rest of our lives!

Yesterday morning was filled with so much beauty from how the light reflected off everything. Yesterday night was filled with so much darkness with only a glimmer of light found here and there. However, wherever there was light, there could be no darkness because “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

May the Light of Christ shine in your heart and in your family always. Merry Christmas!