Gracious God

“My child, trust in My heart. I will not lead you astray.”

Most of the time I become very selfish. I start to think about my own desires and my own pleasures that I forget about the Lord. I start making my own plans and I eventually start getting carried away with all of my thoughts and imaginations. I forget about all of the wonderful plans that He has just for me. And although I do not know His plans, I can only trust and have faith that the Lord has every good intention for my well-being.

Many times we forget that in order to desire what is true, good and beautiful, we must desire for the Lord. We must always keep close to His heart.

Despite my stubborn and selfish ways, the Lord continues to assure me that He wants nothing but the absolute best for me. My God is a gracious God. And He will take my desires into consideration so long as it aligns with His will.

Lord, only you know my heart. May I always desire what you desire . And may these desires always lead me to you.