Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Lately I have been feeling off. I am not exactly sure why, it’s hard to pinpoint it to one factor. There’s a lot going on in preparation for the upcoming National Leaders Summit, celebrating the 25yrs of CFC-Youth in Canada, being held at Camp Arnes, Manitoba. There’s also quite a bit going on behind the scenes in regards to my service role and the Campus Based program. In addition my weekends are filled with plans of spending time with friends and family at various birthday parties and celebrations. Yet despite having things I could be doing almost every second of my day, I find myself very restless. As much as I trust in the Lords timing of things, and I very much need all the time I have for preparations, I can’t help but feel unsettled and agitated.

I think part of it is also the fact that I am not in control of everything going on in my life. I can only do so much, plan, prepare and submit. Afterwards I’m left waiting for a response, waiting for the verdict, to see what happens next. This isn’t a subtweet to any particular thing happening, but rather literally applies to all aspects of my life right now. What is it that I need to learn in all of this? Perhaps it is that I may not have control over when the hour will come, but I must be prepared nonetheless for when it does. Much like the bridesmaids and having extra oil for their lamps (Matthew 25:1-13).

When being idle or restless, it can be easy to fall into the temptation of sin. And I worry sometimes that I may give into temptation, that I may not be strong enough. Lately, the more I strive to remain in a state of grace, an opportunity comes along where I am able to see how truly strong I am. It can be someone asking advice about particular vices and me being able to honestly help give them courage to overcome it, because I know the struggle it has been to overcome mine. It can be seen going to daily mass and being happy at the fact that I can partake in the Holy Eucharist. Whatever it may be, the Lord gives me these checkpoints where I am able to see where I am. These checkpoints have always existed, and in the past I felt guilt and shame in the moments that I failed. But lately, despite how hard I have been judging myself, I’ve noticed I’ve been clearing the checkpoints. That gives me strength and courage to continue to fight the good fight against sin and temptation. It gives me hope that holiness can in fact be very much attainable for me, and if it can for me, it most definitely can for you!

keep fighting the good fight, every second counts. Be prepared, for we do not know the day or hour. One day our checkpoints will no longer be a checkpoint, but the final test itself.  And when the time comes, I hope and pray both you and I will pass.

In Christ through Mary,

Meagan Webb

Much Given, Much Expected

Yesterday officially marked three years for me as a Full-time Pastoral Worker for Couples for Christ. I’m so glad that the Lord called me at the beginning of the blossoming of True North. Ever since day one, I’ve witnessed the growth of our community like never before and I just feel very privileged to have been part of the Wind of revival that is sweeping across Canada. It’s truly the Holy Spirit and because of Him, the community has been growing ever more fruitful.

I feel that it’s no coincidence that all of this fruitfulness, growth, and sanctity has been occurring in tandem with our Marian themes. Our Blessed Mother has been teaching us how to pray, to love, and has truly been bringing us closer to the heart of her Son.

Through the hands of Mother Mary, the Lord has been blessing us with much and it’s bearing fruit that will last. The past three years have been an affirmation that we are doing the work of the Lord because of the blessings coming from it and the amount of work the Lord has been entrusting to us.

At the same time, I have never felt so stretched. Every year the Lord has never ceased to remind me that “every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required; and of him to whom men commit much they will demand the more” (Luke 12:48).

The Lord has given much to us as a community because He’s finding us ever closer to Our Blessed Lady, to whom was filled with His grace. The Holy Spirit has been awakening and stirring the hearts of many because He’s finding more souls embedded in the soil of Mary’s heart. We are seeing more answering their vocation because our Holy Mother has been pointing hearts ever more to the gaze of Her Son, and helping us to hear Him say and answer to those two transformative words: “follow Me.”

Much has been given to us, and much is expected; but let us never forget what we can expect from our Heavenly Father,

What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Hang in there, brothers and sisters. When times get really tough and when we feel that He’s giving too much to carry and too many things to do, let’s cast our heavy hearts on Him and simply ask for more faith, more hope, and more love.


Today, God Made Me Laugh

If you ask certain people, they’d say I’m funny. (I don’t agree with them) If you ask other people, they’d say I cross way too many lines.  (I agree with them) I’d say I’m one to enjoy a good laugh, even if it meant to be at the expense of others. (I’m sorry to those whom I do it very often to. You guys know who you are.  We’ll talk soon.) But there are certain issues that I rarely laugh about, in fact if a certain topic is brought up in a certain way – my emotions flare up and I go berserk. Well maybe not  berserk-berserk, but you get what I mean. The topic of God is one.

About two years ago I was introduced to the concept that humour, joy, and laughter are part of a healthy spiritual life through a couple of books by Fr. James Martin, SJ. (One of my favourite priests/authors) To be honest, when I read about that subject, I found it to be sketchy. How can an all powerful, almighty, all knowing God be funny? Well Fr. Jim did an awesome job in making me understand that it was indeed not just a possible but a very certain reality that God is a God of joy.

A must read.

Fast forward to a few months back, I was able to read a book by Matthew Kelly – The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic. It was really a practical guide on how one can be a better Catholic. Of course, so I can “look like I know my stuff” – I tweeted one of the lines that spoke to me. Little did I know that it wouldn’t get sent. So when I was cleaning my twitter drafts, I saw this there. So I decided to tweet it yesterday.

Kevin_Muico__KevinMuico__on_TwitterSo I was a bit surprised while I was on my way to the office to get a reply from somebody I did not know. He said this.


My first reaction was to flare up. Who the heck is this guy. Why is he saying that what I quoted was crap. So I did a quick search on google, a found out that there is a Matthew Kelly from Britain who has a 90s show. So I responded that I was quoting a different guy, and I don’t believe that the quote was crap. And it escalated quickly.


As I was walking to the office, I was already thinking of ways to defend the faith in 140 characters – well less than given that I needed to tag these two guys. My emotions were high. Then I said to myself, that verse is familiar. So I looked it up and it was…

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28

And I burst into laughter.

Today is the feast day of St. Philip Neri, the patron saint of humour. Both of the guys “mocking” me (well they said they were mocking the TV show) were actually british comedians. And the verse capped it off – I don’t bear the burden of defending what I believe to be true. God can defend Himself. In fact theology and philosophy will point this out to be true. I come to God so I can rest in the One who loves me.

God was doing a prank on me, if I was actually listening to Him during my prayer time this morning. If I was looking to the Saint who found way to holiness through joy.

Today’s Gospel says:

You also are witnesses, because you have been with me from the beginning. –  John 15:27

I am called to bear witness to the gospel, the good news. If I am not joyful, then the medium hinders the message. The message is love – and in, with, and through it – we find faith, hope, peace and above all joy. Today I found joy in a weird circumstance. But it is still joy found in the Lord.

Saint Philip Neri, we take ourselves far too seriously most of the time. Help us to add humour to our perspective — remembering always that humour is a gift from God. Amen

PS. You can read the rest of the conversation here:

Gracious God

“My child, trust in My heart. I will not lead you astray.”

Most of the time I become very selfish. I start to think about my own desires and my own pleasures that I forget about the Lord. I start making my own plans and I eventually start getting carried away with all of my thoughts and imaginations. I forget about all of the wonderful plans that He has just for me. And although I do not know His plans, I can only trust and have faith that the Lord has every good intention for my well-being.

Many times we forget that in order to desire what is true, good and beautiful, we must desire for the Lord. We must always keep close to His heart.

Despite my stubborn and selfish ways, the Lord continues to assure me that He wants nothing but the absolute best for me. My God is a gracious God. And He will take my desires into consideration so long as it aligns with His will.

Lord, only you know my heart. May I always desire what you desire . And may these desires always lead me to you.


Crispy, salty, yummy, oily, fatty, carbohydrate-filled, cannot-stop-yourself-from-eating-it fries. Whether it be shared or eaten alone, we all suddenly get the craving to get these fries.


Why? Not because of the potatoes for sure, though it helps. We get potatoes in different varieties, but there is something with McDonald’s Fries. Well to cut the story short, it’s  the  right amount of SALT.

You are like salt for the whole human race. – Matthew 5:13

We should be like SALT.


Have you ever tried any kind of food without or lacking in salt? You wanna spit it out as soon as you can right? Too much of it and you’ll stop eating.

Our faith, if lived out, makes others crave for more. It is not bland nor does it shoo people away.

Are we boring that no one dares to try it? Or too strong that people are put off by it?

You know you want more


My best memories of hanging out at Mickey Dee’s were always with friends surrounding a pile of french fries and devouring them. It was not only a cheap way of feeding everybody but it was an experience rich in love. And that is what Amor is, love in Italian.

What is God’s love if not shared?

Sharing is caring.

Life Giving

Salt gives life to your boring potatoes. Our lives should give hope to everyone we meet. We are beacons of hope in a world full of pain, suffering and at times monotony.

Are we a source of hope or despair? Is our testimony uplifting or scaring the heck out of everyone?

Because life is full of twists and turns.


Salt makes us thirsty, that’s why your large cup of pop doesn’t really cut it after consuming a bag of fries. If we live our lives filled with faith, hope, and love, it causes people to seek the One who gives us true life – Jesus. Our saltiness doesn’t highlight us, but the One who is the Waythe Truth, and the Life.

Do our lives point to Jesus or to us?

Not enough.

Faith, Hope, and Love makes our lives truly salty and it makes others thirst for Christ.

Stay salty my friends.

May we be the salt of the earth. Amen.

PS. I am not endorsing the Golden Arches, but if they want to sponsor me – that’s okay too.

PPS. This reflection was inspired by the homily of my parish priest at Merciful Redeemer, Fr. Robert, last Sunday on Matthew 5:13-16.

This blog is also hosted on my personal blog


Yeah, that pixelated bird that can’t even flap properly.


Initially I thought it would be about getting the bird into the pipes, you know like Mario. Well because the pipes look exactly like Mario. Only to find out that the point of the game was to get the bird across without hitting the pipes.  Lo and behold, you’ve got one of the most addicting games ever.

While playing the game (or gamessssszzzzsssss based on the unfortunate reality that you’ll have to play it several times before you top your previous score) I had this epiphany of sorts.

Flappybird is like our relationship with God!

Yep it is.

Here are my reasons:

1. Only through God’s grace are we able to fly. If not, we drop.


2. His timing is perfect.  Perfectly timed taps of grace that allows us to go through the obstacles of life called pipes. Which explains why at times we need to fall in order for us to rise.

Even when it seems impossible

3.  During the times we cease to open our wings to God’s much needed grace and we crash into a pipe, the Lord still chooses to play the game again not out of an addiction – but out of pure love that He wants to see us through.

You know He’s gonna hit the play button again.

While the analogy is lacking, the Lord loves in a crazier, bigger, unconditional way. He keeps on loving, even when it doesn’t make sense anymore. I thank God that He is God and not me,  because I would’ve quit a long time ago.

Lord, I know I don’t see the bigger picture but I trust that You are always there to raise me or allow me to fall when needed. Give me faith to trust when I can’t see past the obstacles before me. Give me hope that everything will be alright. Amen.

PS. My latest top score is 35. I don’t know how you guys get a 100.

PPS. This blog is also posted on my personal blog at
