
I was blessed to be able to attend CCO (Catholic Christian Outreach) conference in 2019 entitled Rise Up. The pastoral theme for the conference revolved around being “Anchored”. Which stirred my heart into writing this reflection:

What is an “anchor”?

It is part of a ship first and foremost, but what does it do? It keeps the ship in place and that even in a storm it is able to stay in position. As I sit here in Adoration before Christ Himself, I wonder about everything. Anchor, how do I make Him my anchor in my life? I think one thing that I struggle with is keeping up my prayer life. I always give into sin. It holds me back and I want to change that.

The very first step is to accept Christ and to claim Him as God, our God. One who is so loving and forgiving, His mercy is so abundant… it is endless. That no matter how many times we sin, we fall, we give up, Christ is constantly there, asking us to let Him in, asking us to choose Him in everything. Small or big… how will these things or everyone we encounter bring us closer to Christ. We must accept Him. Hard, but it was never meant to be easy. Love in everything that we do, because it is only through love that we will find Christ, that we will find God in everything that we do.

We take chances in life. Risky? Yes, but that’s how we grow. We take risks – we would not be able to change for the better good if we did not. Not just any risk though, good risks, ones that would benefit into making you a better version of yourself. Christ meets us where we are at, yes. That doesn’t stop him from moving us though. He calls us to more, He calls us to make Him our anchor. That in life when we move, we are anchored in Him. In Him we find true joy, true love, true happiness. Why? Because He is God, Christ the Messiah, Christ Emmanuel… God forever with us.

Lord continue to be my anchor and . That in times of doubt, sin and fear, I see You through everything. Give me the strength to conquer my selfish desires and to instead bring You everywhere I go. Guide me to the path You call for me Lord. Guide me to holiness. 


Christian Medeiros