Seeing The Face Of God

So me and Noel went out for a run a few weeks ago. Yeah. I actually went out and used my runners for running. The first half of it was more of a jog and some brisk walking, the latter half was just walking. I was also wearing this shirt.

Jesus Shirt
It is a picture of my boss. Both of them actually. Kuya Law and Jesus. 

On our way back, we were already on my street, walking – tired from the “run” and the workout that Noel put me through during our 1on1. As we approached the mission house, there was this lady walking towards us.

She exclaimed “Wow! That’s a nice shirt!”

Her eyes were wide. Her face lit up. And her body exuded joy in seeing Christ in the shirt I wore.

I said to myself, wouldn’t it be nice if all we saw in each other was Christ. 

Lord, allow us to see Christ in everyone we meet. Amen.

Wear Jesus

I took the bus going to downtown to hear the noon time mass. As I was walking to the bus stop, the people waiting there were staring at me but I did not make a big deal of it. Then while waiting for the train a lot more people were looking at me and it continued on when I got on the train as people were coming in and out. Lastly, walking from the train station to the church, which was 3 blocks away, around 80% of the people’s gaze was following me.

I’ve never been so eager to get inside the church as that moment. I was wondering why people were staring at me or just looking at me weirdly. When I got in the church I sat on my usual spot and that’s when I realized. It’s my shirt! I am wearing the new shirt from Ablaze which has a huge face of Jesus printed in front and the word Saviour (with a definition) printed at the back.

Candy in JC shirt2

Praise GOD that I was not conscious of wearing this shirt. Coz if I was, I may not be walking as confidently as I was. Why does it feel like I should be more careful so as not to offend someone? When in fact I am just being truthful of our real identity.


“Lord Jesus, God of everything. I praise you for revealing your greatness to me. May I always seek you in every way and reflect you in every situation. May your Holy Spirit grant me the boldness and courage to not be afraid to always bring you to other people in whatever way it will be.