I am currently at the San Diego Airport waiting to end my quick day trip in San Diego. I had no intention to go see anything in particular but to see where the Spirit would lead. I was drawn to San Diego primarily because I have family within 2 hours of the city and wanted to surprise them. This leisure trip ended up becoming some sort of a short pilgrimage or retreat away from my routine at home into a city by myself.


I did the usual tourist thing, by hitting up the places that popped up on the google suggestions for the city. I was wrapping up my quick tour of the waterfront and headed for my Aunt’s house about 2 hours away to surprise them. Something felt off, and I wanted to make a turn thinking I missed my initial turn. I then ordered Siri to find the nearest Catholic Church, and found out that I was within meters of a church. I parked my car and walked around the block and found myself into the church.


This church was called “Our Lady of the Rosary.” The church had a simple layout on its exterior and was a complete opposite from the inside of the church. The church was painted white and when you looked at the church, the sun made it stand out even more. Upon walking inside, you would be surprised at the sudden change of lighting from bright to very dark. Not sure if it was because the lights were off, or if my eyes have yet to adjust to the brightness of the outdoors. I walked in and knelt in awe of the artwork. My prayer included a brief history of the church given by a local tour guide accompanying a group of about 20 people.

The church had a very unique beginning. Locals in the neighbourhood came from Italy, and contacted the local Bishop to set up a church. The Bishop, who knew that the locals were Italian, urged for an Italian priest to come. Within a few months of discernment, called one priest. The priest arrived by boat and train and ended up in a very unfamiliar area in San Diego. All he knew was that the locals wanted to set up a church, and being a priest could help with that need. He knocked on the door of a small house and greeted the family. The family was shocked because of the accent of the priest, which originated from their local town in Turin. The family welcomed the priest and offered their home to the priest. The family moved out of the house and moved into their grocery shop a block away so that the priest can fulfill his mission in the area. The Priest set up 45 chairs in the home, and prepared 5 masses that was full every Sunday.

After a few years of having mass in the home, the community grew even bigger and many supported the idea of having a bigger church. Within a month of this thought, the community came together and provided financial support for the church. Construction of the church began and in the transition period between the first and second World War, the church began to experience great financial trouble. Not only was the church running out of money, the locals had to be removed from the shores of San Diego. According to the tour guide, the Allies were fighting against many in Europe and that Italy was on the enemy’s side. At the cost of being near big US Naval Bases, the Italians had to be relocated to avoid rumours of possible spies and smaller wars amongst citizens on American soil.

Despite the removal of his people, and the lack of money to continue decorating the interior of the church, the priest continued. The priest took up a paintbrush and painted all of the artwork and assembled the stained glass windows by hand. After 2 years of decorating the church, the priest finished and many of the locals were welcomed back home.

I recall the history of this church through the sharing of the tour guide with a very promising heart. In my discernment in my career and vocation as a man of God, my heart is at peace with the path the Lord has paved for me. I pray, that like the Priest who was called by the people, I may be ready and give my all in the work and the fulfillment of the Lord’s plan.

“His calling is a declaration of Love”-St.John Paul II

M.T.L. SHouT

(July 5, 2016).

A few days leading up to Shout, I was feeling a little tired (both physically and mentally). As I unpacked from Camp Fearless, I had to replenish my bag and prepare for Shout happening a few days later. This would be my 6th summer house training but this time, as a mission volunteer. I had never served at a shout before so I was trying to prepare myself for whatever the Lord wanted me to do. As the days continued, I was slowly realizing that the Lord was calling me to rest. He knows my heart better than I know it. He just wanted me to be there and experience Him. Amongst the many messages He had for me, the greatest one is this: I am called time and time again to love, and that was exactly what happened at this shout.

Philippians 4:4-7—“Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”


Saint Paul reminds us that we should be joyful because we are sons and daughters of Christ. Happiness fades away and tiring times often brings sorrow in our hearts but when we are joyful, even when we fall, we are able to get back up and move forward towards Him. Joy should begin within our hearts and radiate through our faces, our bodies and our whole being.


Prayer is God’s gift to us and it was definitely a time of prayer during my week at shout. We were given many opportunities to pray and we did so in many ways as well. It was indeed a time for me to reconnect with God and it has helped me to listen to Him more intently. It is easier for me to pray for my desires and to ask the Lord for things. Prayer is a dialogue with God and the listening part was always my biggest struggle. I would get distracted, I would get tired and I would get impatient. But if I want to hear the Lord’s message, I first need to stop and wait. I don’t want to miss any opportunities, I have learned to embrace the silence and to be patient and trust that the Lord will answer me.

Give thanks

There are so many reasons to give thanks to the Lord! From the simplest things like being able to take a breath and blink, thankful for the fresh air, the sound of the birds, the work I am given, my family and friends, the community. I came to realize that I am ever so thankful for being tired. For I know that it is the Lord who is truly using me.

My heart was expectant and was ready to serve and help my brothers and sisters in the Montreal core to experience Shout the way I was used to experiencing it. However, the Lord stirred my heart and allowed me to experience Him through my brothers and sisters. Sometimes I get lost in the call and just go through the motions of events and activities, but this shout has taught me to slow down and savour every moment with Him. My brothers and sisters in the area core are so inspiring and have so much love for the Lord. Each and everyone of them are called for mission, whether in their homes, their friends, their chapters or programs, and out there wherever the Lord calls. They have inspired me to remember why I am called to mission, and my mission is simply to love.

Heavenly Father, I praise and thank you for the gift of this community and for calling us by name. May you always remind us to seek you in our mission and may you always use us to bring Glory to Your Name. I lift up to you my brothers and sisters in this household, that you may send them your Holy Spirit and as they journey alongside each other as Your messengers. Amen.


Messengers of the Lord (M.T.L.)

Chosen, Blessed, Broken, Shared

(May 28, 2016) On Thursday was the Feast of Corpus Christi and many were gathered at our Cathedral to celebrate as one. Every year, I sit with a dear sister of mine and we whisper to each other how we wish there were more people who attended this beautiful celebration. This year, it was a blessing to see many Couples for Christ and a handful of SFCs and CFC-Youth.

It was a beautiful experience walking through the secular streets of Montreal. During the procession, the Holy Eucharist led us on St-Cahterine street from the Cathedral up until St-Patrick’s Basilica. Reflecting on this, I was reminded about the time I attended a Gift of Life conference held in Montreal last year. The speaker, Katrina J Zeno. was encouraging us to live out the Eucharistic Pattern. She described it as being chosen, blessed, broken and shared. From there on I always reflected on what she said and go back to it whenever I can.

Sometimes we feel like we can’t do things or we don’t feel worthy to do something. I know I constantly feel that way. But in reality, we are chosen amongst many. God loves us, so much, that He is constantly choosing us.

By His grace, we have been blessed beyond measure. The Lord has blessed me so much in my life and through this community. By the simple fact that I am able to breathe every se
cond is an immense blessing.

There will always be a time for suffering and brokenness. I think that we can find true beauty through suffering. If there was no such thing, there would not be joy in the resurrection. Through brokenness, we are able to be repaired by Him and in Him.

We are meant to share the love and joy of Christ. Something that has been so evident to me in the last few months is that we are all part of the Bo13323830_989822944404633_6670545807199679710_ody of Christ. We share the love, joy and peace of one another as followers of Christ. We bare the same cross as we journey alongside each other. Everything we receive is from God and meant to be shared to others, so that they too may experience Love.

The eucharist is one of the tangible signs that Christ is present in my life. I pray that I too, may be chosen, blessed, broken and shared. My journey is not only for myself, but for the people that God has intended it to bless.




God is bigger than your problems. God is bigger than your sins. God is bigger than any obstacles or problems.