Rooted from the bottom now we tree.


It’s been a while since I blogged.
Expressing my thoughts through writing used to come naturally to me. However, in the pass few months I’ve experienced many intimate moments with the Lord but have had difficulty translating them into words. Those moments allowed me time to ponder and to rest in the Lord. I realized that many times the Lord was indeed speaking to me, but not through words.

It was September 19, 2016, I was siting in-front of the Blessed Sacrament during my weekly Adoration slot. As I sat there, I remembered the feelings I used to have before I would write a blog: feelings of excitement, an overwhelming feeling of peace, an unexplainable undertsanding of my circumstance, feelings of joy, and of love. I missed it. I asked God, “Why have I not felt that way in a while?”

Upon reflection I took my journal and wrote down a list of possible reasons as to why I have not blogged in a while: a reason could be my inability to express God’s messages through human words, my insensitivity to the Holy Spirit, nothing interesting happened to me, laziness, or because I just didn’t feel like it.


I stopped and re-read my list.
All seemed valid, but there was one in particular that stuck out for me. I read it a few times, “…because I just didn’t feel like it.”
It was tough to admit, but in my honesty with the Lord I was reminded that when we say “YES” to the Lord it is not because we “feel” like it, it is because we love Him. Our feelings shouldn’t direct our actions, if this was the case nothing would get done. I was then brought back to my first “YES” to being a Full-Time Pastoral Worker. I decided to read the beginning excerpt of my essay:

When I was a child, I thought I knew the Lord
When I was a child, I searched for the Lord
When I was a child, my heart beats for the Lord

I thought that was enough

Like a seed, merely existing in the soil
Like a seed, in search of the sun
Like a seed, waiting for what is to come

A seed can never just be a seed

The Lord knew that there was more

I was about 8 years old. My faith played a strong part in my upbringing. I grew up in a Catholic household where I memorized the rosary, went to Mass every Sunday, and unlike most 8 year olds at the time I was intrigued by the idea of God. Who was He? What is He? Why does my heart warm up when I learn about Him?

One day my aunt, who is a religious Sister, came to visit from Korea.  It was a beautiful fall afternoon and we went to the forest behind my place. I was so excited to show her the leaves I picked up along the way. I showed her the multitude of leaves I grabbed in my arms, all in different colours. She looked at me and smiled as I showed her my treasure.

She looked at them and said,

“They’re lovely. But did you ask?”

I smirked and replied,

“Ask who?”

She looked at me with a gentle and sweet smile,
In joy of my curiosity
But humbled in her wisdom
She said to me,

“My dear, come with me. Choose a tree.”

I pointed to a tree from afar and I watched her walk towards it.
She asked me to choose a leaf and so I pointed to a bright yellow one.
She held it in her hand and said aloud,
“Dear God, thank you for this beautiful creation. Thank you for the trees who have created and the leaves that they bear. Thank you for this yellow leaf, Hannah will promise to take care of it as a way of showing her love for you!”

She told me I could take the leaf. She saw my inability to respond and looked at me as if she was sharing a secret of the world.
She smiled in the most loving way and I smiled back holding the leaf in my hand. Even though I may not have fully understood what she meant at that moment. I knew that a part of my journey was to figure this out.

And so…
The seed was planted in the soil.

When I grew older, I learned more about God
When I grew older, I realized where and who God grounded me with
When I grew older, my heart transformed through my struggles

God continued to push me

Like the roots, embedded beneath the ground
Like the roots, pushing its way through the earth in order to reach the top
Like the roots, holding you up

The roots may not be seen, but one cannot deny that it exists

The Lord knew that there was more



I was brought back to that moment and it was clear to me that though there may be various moments where I feel like I can’t write or don’t want to write, I was affirmed of the beauty of being able to look back and re-read God’s messages to me. Appreciating the fruits after so many years.

May my “YES” be a seed that bears fruit so others can taste its sweetness.

Lord, may my words be not mine, but yours. Grant me the grace to  write even when I may not feel You or hear You. Grant me the grace to share even when I may not feel like it.

May I choose to do so, because I love you.

Amen. 🙂

To be.

I stopped, because I thought I couldn’t

What moves me?
What consumes me and pulls me

My senses
Why do I ignore them?
Why do I pretend that I do not feel, I do not know and do not experience
While all along this is where
The Lord is taking me
To be

However, I am entrapped by my own preconceived notion of freedom
Entrapped, because it is my own
Free, because it no longer belongs to me

Am I truly free if I am consumed?
If I am being pulled away from what
I should be drawing near

Hidden in each of us
This desire
For the Divine

The presence of the vine
Compels the buds to grow and reach
To touch and to seek

So what about our senses?
Why do we fight it?
Why do we suppress it?

We are not confident in the vine

The Divine

We must allow ourselves to feel
To be sensitive
To His Holy Spirit

The Lord speaks.

I stopped, because I thought I couldn’t

I thought, therefore I can


A few months ago while I was praying to God, I asked Him a question
A question that has been lingering in my mind.

I asked God,
“What gift shall I need, what gift shall I ask for O Lord?”

I felt restless, so I decided to go to the prayer room
As I reached the room
I immediately felt heavy
My shoulders were giving in
My hands finding its way to each other
My knees on the ground

There were so many things running through my mind
Aside from the question above, other questions started to emerge
I looked up at the altar
I saw the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
I was reminded of His Sacred Heart
The heart that reminded me of my ongoing journey towards sacredness

I asked yet another question,
“ O Lord, how are you calling me to sacredness?”

I reached for my Bible and prayed for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead me.

As I was reading, I was brought to this passage:

“ The spirit of Wisdom is intelligent and holy” (Wisdom 7:22)

This was exactly what I needed to hear.
I paused, absorbed each word, and remained in silence
Then I continued reading

“It is of one nature but reveals itself in many ways. It is not made of any material substance, and it moves about freely. It is clear, clean, and confident; it cannot be harmed. It loves what is good. It is sharp and unconquerable, kind, and a friend of humanity. It is dependable and sure, and has no worries.”

The Lord speaks

so personally

so profoundly

I feel the Lord was answering my prayer by showing me this passage.

Wisdom leads one to sacredness.


(one nature, reveals itself in many ways)



(loves, good, sharp, unconquerable, kind)



(clear, clean, confident, no worries)

Wisdom is a gift.

Wisdom is holy.
Wisdom shows presence, but remains humble.
Wisdom is a friend of humanity.

Lord God, I am nothing. I know nothing. Humble me, empty me and fill me. If it is your will allow me to be continue to acknowledgeYour Grace through the gifts we are so unworthy to receive. 




“When God wants to teach divine lessons to a soul & speaks to her heart He leads her into the desert”
– Imitation of Mary

May (First month in British Columbia.)
“ My Lord, My God may you make me an instrument by anointing me with the wisdom that I may need in the places that you are leading me to.

Late have I acknowledged you
Now that I’ve let you
Always have you known me

I felt a drop.

“ My Lord, My God unworthy as I, fill me with your Spirit and if you will…allow me to understand though I am just a mere servant.”

Late have I seeked you
Now that I’ve allowed you
Always have you loved and guided me

Or two.

“ My Lord, My God though I desire to know, I come before you humbled…knowing nothing. Only through You will I be able to gain a fraction of the insight and the knowledge that You may desire for me. May I know only what you maybe desire for me to know.”

Late have I turned to you
Now that you’ve revealed to me
Always have I pushed you away

Then it started to drizzle.

“ My Lord, My God you continue to seek me, you continue to fill me, and you continue to use me. May you grant me the sensitivity to seek counsel from you so your Spirit may enable me to see and choose justly the direction that will most glorify You.”

Late have I asked you
Now that I’m here
Always have you known

It started to rain.

“ My Lord, My God you know me, I am weak. Grant me the strength and the fortitude to endure and persevere despite the heavy cross.”

Late have I known
Now that it’s your birthday
Always did we share this month

And it continues to rain.


“My Lord, My God you fill be with joy, only because I have allowed you to and only because I have realized that you are the source of every joy that I have experienced thus far. May you install in me the piety that I may need so that every inch of me will desire to worship you completely…nothing less”

Late have I prayed this
Now with sincere love
Always was I skeptical

It pours.

November (My seventh month in British Columbia.)
“ My Lord, My God you have brought me here. Just a year ago, I would not have known that I would be where I am now. I lift up all my worries and anxieties to you from the fear of the unknown. May I be able to embrace the unknown, not with fear…but instead with fear of the Lord. Allow me Lord to grow in the virtue of hope and to continue to be confident in You.”

Late have I found you
Now that I love you
Always have you been with me


And I am soaked by His Grace that continues to pour through our Mother and which overflows unto me.


“When God wants to bless a soul & speaks to her heart He showers her with grace after leading her to the desert.”






It is when we realize that the heart and mind are no longer separate
But led by the same Spirit

It is when we are no longer led by our own emotions
But led by His love

We will no longer feel chained but free
Free to be who we really are in His Presence

It is our confidence in the Lord
That exudes perfect surrender

It is when the mind and heart align
When the soul is able to experience true freedom

True joy in recognizing
That we are created for greatness

Because we are no longer a reflection of ourselves
But a reflection of Love Itself


