The Conquering Lion

“The new pope knows that his task is to make the light of Christ shine before men and women of world – not his own light, but that of Christ.”
This morning was like any other morning. I was on the skytain on the way to work. It was lightly drizzling, and there was barely any room for me to stand comfortably on the train. I was still feeling the effects of the very busy weekend and truth be told, I was quite restless. There in the corner of my eye, I saw, much to my amazement, a young man, around my age, standing right in front of me, so confidently and so proudly doing the sign of the cross.

Like any young and devout Catholic, a curiousity in me sparked so I decided to (very stealthily) see what this young man was doing. His lips were moving, and I could tell he was praying. When I looked even closer, I could tell he was praying the Rosary. He was very engaged and he didn’t seem to care that others were staring. He prayed, because he wanted to engage in conversation in the Lord, and venerate Our Lady. The only thing that mattered to that person in that present time, was God and nothing – not the other commuters, not the drowziness of an early morning, not the less-than-stellar weather – would get in the way of that.

This stranger taught me a very important lesson in courage. We often hear about brothers and sisters who hesitate to show their faith publically; be it praying over their food, or talking about their faith. We’re so comfortable with sharing in the faith within the confines of the CFC community, but when the time comes that the Lord gives us an oppurtunity to be courageous outside of our comforts, we falter. Why is that? It’s not because we lack faith, it’s because we lack courage. Courage or in other words, fortitude, is a cardinal virtue that allows us, as CFC Youth, to live out our call to martyrdom on a daily basis. Standing tall in faith involves a dying and denying of self, maybe not physically, but spiritually.

In light of recent events, we are affirmed of this call to courage in the abdication of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, the Supreme Pontiff. He has shown great example of humility and courage. Despite the splendor and honour of being the Vicar of the Church, He knew his health was declining. His relationship with the Lord was so personal and intimate that it was easy for him to show great fortitude in this untimely and shocking decision. We, too, must align our unshakable faith with our willingness and conviction to do what the Lord has called us to do – to live this Christian life with vigor and zeal!

Lord, grant that I may have the courage to do what is most difficult, so long as it is in your divine will. Amen



Why is being a peacemaker such a frightening thing? Why are we sometimes so afraid to be a light in very dark situations and circumstances? I think the devil fills us with fear because he knows that once the light of Christ shines, there will be no more darkness and the face of evil will be revealed. Once the evil is revealed, we will be compelled to change our ways, and that’s what the devil doesn’t want. He doesn’t want repentance to happen. He rejoices in hardened hearts.

When we work for peace, we bring the illuminating and transforming light of Christ. I am afraid to be a peacemaker sometimes because I don’t think I will make a difference. However, the Lord reminds me that it is not I but He Who makes the difference. It is the Holy Spirit that transforms hearts. He just needs me to be His instrument.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” —Matthew 5:9

Heavenly Father, help us to not be afraid to let Your light shine in the darkness. Amen.

Business of Souls

Living life is a challenge. Constantly growing in a fast-paced world, we are met with not only good and lasting moments and memories, but also some negative ones at that. Then, there also comes in service. It is already hard enough, trying to be an example as an “every day Christian”, but as a leader in a Catholic lay youth group, or as an MV, you are no longer looked at as just an example. You are now looked upon with expectations to be a model of excellence.

In CFC Youth, we always hear Fulltime Pastoral Workers and our Upper Leaders say that what we do isn’t a joke because this is the business of soulsBut no matter how many times we hear this, how many times are we really listening? Business. How do you take care of business? Well, to basically look at it, business is run by systems and systems and files of millions of different things. In our community, the business is in databases, governance systems, monitoring the PFT, etc. It is always, always busy. This now brings me to my second question: How do you take care of souls? You pray for them, tend to them, you are patient with them, and you do all of that with loveNow where do you ever see busy-ness and hectic life of business mix in with tender, gentle, loving care for souls? It isn’t exactly the perfect match like chocolate with strawberries or ice cream with a warm, freshly baked pie (yes, I had to use a food reference haha). 

Mixing the two together – business with souls – isn’t exactly easy. It’s like trying to fit a leg through a sweater sleeve, or using a sock as a glove (no, I haven’t tried them both haha). But the point in saying this isn’t to make you feel like it’s impossible. Logically, serving in the business of souls is IMPOSSIBLE… but with God, THE IMPOSSIBLE BECOMES POSSIBLEThat is why service is so hard because it truly challenges us to seek God, and only God. In this kind of business, we will only fail if it is done with our God. We will surely be able to run from our failures and maybe even hallucinate with easy and false successes, but if we persevere and pursue WITH the Lord, and FOR the Lord, we will witness to the impossible transform into something possible.

In CFC Youth, I have come across many challenges and obstacles. Times where a friendship was on the line, or even a chapter, or a group, a person, or a household was on the line. I approached my upper leaders and even those I serve with, but no matter who I asked, I would never find a complete resolve to the conflict. But it is only when I empty myself and listen to the Lord, and let Him  take over that I can find joy in my deepest sorrows, and light in shadows of doubt. The more I emptied myself… the more I stopped doubting and made more space for Him despite of all that I knew, the more everything felt resolved… the more I heard His voice in those around me.

Sometimes, that’s all it is… in the business of souls, the Lord does not want us to let go of business and focus only on souls, nor does He want us to let go of souls and focus more on business, but He challenges us to be challenged so that we seek Him. So that we seek Him in our purpose, and seek Him in the plan. And in doing so, He becomes the only bridge between business and all the souls (even ours) that we serve.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me, you can do nothing.

– John 15: 5

Be a Miracle

At the One Conference (a Vancouver Archdiocesan event) this weekend, I went to a workshop called Credible and Authentic Witnesses led by Fr. Chris Lynch. And he said something that really made me think:

When we lack a miracle, we must become that miracle. In the absence of miracles, seek the miracle worker.

You see, I’ve been waiting for a miracle. Right before Christmas doctors found a tumour in my uncle’s brain. And about a month ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He finished radiation to his brain and recently started chemotherapy. It sucks. For everyone. Our families avoid the topic but you can see we are all scared and all frightened and all upset. And I keep praying that he will get better against all odds. I have been begging God for a miracle.

But I don’t know if the miracle I want is in God’s plan for us. However, this quote, this speaker,  reminded me that it isn’t the miracle I seek, it’s God. Ultimately I am calling out for the loving kindness of my Father in Heaven. For His compassion and mercy. And just because my uncle’s cancer doesn’t suddenly disappear doesn’t mean that God isn’t at work. And just because I can’t feel God in this situation doesn’t mean He isn’t ever-present. Maybe God wants to speak through me. So that I may become that beacon of light or strengthening force or comforting servant to my family that I am asking Him to be.

Maybe God is simply calling me to become the miracle.

My Child, Claim It

“Who can teach me what is most pleasing to God so that I can do it?”
– Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

(For some reason, the past two weeks The Lord has been speaking to me in poem and in song. I am not a poet, nor a song writer…But His words were so strong and so I decided to share with you what He has been whispering to me.)

God’s plan is perfect
All words
All thoughts
All things
Are a part of it.

Every encounter
Every action
Every syllable
Is a clue,
A glue
To the craft
To the Masterpiece
He is taking you

I am telling you this
Sharing this with you
Because I have witnessed
A revelation to His Almighty Greatness

12 years ago
I was introduced to a lady
That little did I know
Would influence
And play a role in the essence
Of my life

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
The advocate of nature
The lover of the environment, ecology, and trees.
I love trees!
And this is simply what God is calling me to be
To love the trees
The trees that have grounded their roots
The roots
That are rooted in this land
His Land

Who would have known
That 12 years later
The Lord would ask me to serve
Her People
Mohawk alike
His People
God’s children alike
The people of this land

So, as I stood there in awe
Filled with The Spirit
I couldn’t deny the overwhelming Presence
Of her
Invisible spirit
That at that very moment
Became visible
In all who carry her
Embody her
And all who glorify Him through her

His Holy Presence
Her presence
My presence
Their presence
An affirmation
Of all the clues
Of all the times
Of all the moments
That now became the glue
And allowed me to see where I am
And where I am meant to be

Isaiah chapter 9 verse 3
The Lord revealed to me
” You have enlarged the nation
and increased their joy;
they rejoice before you”
The Lord has definitely enlarged the nation
The nation that He has called us
To hold
To mold
To claim
And to sustain
His land.
Their land.

Thank you Lord!
You continue to
Bless me and
To test me
And I
Will continue
To stay true to the mission
That you have bestowed upon me

Make me your instrument.

Use me.

Amen 🙂


I just got home from the first day of SFC ICON. This year’s conference was entitled “Witness”. When I heard of the title I already told myself that the conference would talk about how SFC could be better witnesses.  I assumed that what I will hear, will be all about going out and being a missionary. This was my preconceived posture going to the conference.

When I got to the venue for the international delegates’ welcome party, I was immediately expecting to learn about how to be a witness, but Kuya Shok did not say anything about it. It was the opening worship that made a mark on me and felt like the worship was already enough for me.  I felt the excitement and the movement of the Spirit within and among everyone.

Then we went to the main conference venue where I saw some of the same delegates waiting to get in the hall. That’s when the excitement continued to build- up. Then we had Mass, and that only increased my excitement.

Then came session 1 which was an interactive worship session. It was like a liveloud concert. The whole time during the session, I just worshipped and sang praises to the Lord. I thanked God the whole time.

He allowed me to witness His greatness to the community, the people around me, and most especially to me. Another realization was that – the Lord was the first to witness for me. He made himself accountable to me. He witnessed for me because He loves me and He will do it everyday for me.

The title “Witness” is no just being able to witness for others but accepting and acknowledging how Jesus witnessed for me – just allowing Him to love me.

Simple Distractions

I was on the Facebook page of Fr. James Martin SJ and I saw him promoting his new book by giving an excerpt on being distracted in prayer.  Automatically I smirked and said to myself, “yeah thats me.” Often enough during my prayer time I am easily distracted by my own thoughts.  I’m always thinking about other things.  Or when I’m in prayer and something good pops up, I write it down right way so I don’t forget.

At one silent retreat I attended, my spiritual director asked me how was my prayer time and I said, “I don’t know, its seems a little dull, I get distracted easily, but most of all I’m just there sitting in prayer getting nowhere, I can’t hear him.” He laughed and replied, “Well what’s wrong with that? You’re there praying to him.”  I learned from my director when I get distracted, I should repeat my prayer over and over again until I begin to remove my distractions.  Simply these distractions go away.

Remember prayer is a gift from God.  Often enough we will learn to know what to pay attention to and what not too.  Not all prayers will have desirable results.  When prayer seems dull or when we feel he isn’t present, maybe he’s asking us to pray in a different way or turn the page maybe to another scripture.  This is because maybe God wants to meet you somewhere else.  God is always there, He’s everywhere and be open.  Together let’s learn to take away these distractions and spend more time in prayer!
