Heavy Cross? Don’t fret

It may come in any point of your time where you might feel like you’ve got a heavy cross.  What does that mean?  It could mean that you’ve taken on a lot of responsibilities, you also might have heard the term “spreading yourself too thin” or “burdened.”  Well in any of these cases I will share to you some points of how we can continue walking with our cross just Jesus did himself.  The biggest thing I want to share with you is do not be afraid to fall.  There’s been quite a few changes going with my service the last few months and let me tell you this change is starting to hit me good.  Taking on a new responsibility and continuing the ones I have on top of being a part time student with a career does sound like a handful but for now manageable.  I have been slowly learning the secrets from my mentor about how to use my time effectively because he is telling me that our time in this service is short.

Here are some tips I found effective to keep up with my service and life.  First I’ve come to learn that a heavy cross probably means His will for you is being done (that’s right we constantly pray for that.) He’s working through you.

  1. Understand the trial you are facing, learn to love what you’re in and be the BEST
  2. Pray. And don’t stop find your perfect time, yes I said perfect… in the morning after I wake up works for me. Also read the daily Gospel, see what He is trying to tell you each day.
  3. Pray to the saints.  In whatever situation you feel stressed in there is a patron saint for your specific needs.  Use them, they help because they want you to also join them in Heaven one day.
  4. Last, go to confession (its one of our national directions.)  Going to regular confession (monthly/weekly) will help you feel God’s love and purify all your intentions
  5. Ask for help.  From your counterpart, MCG, potential leaders

And there you go, this is my daily grind.  Though my cross may be heavy I know that whatever I bare will be in His hands and His victory.
