“Is the cup half full? Or half empty?”

Often times, we hear analogies of cups being filled, half full, half empty. And often times, we question, what are we filling our cups with?

Recently, I have realized that the change of one word can make such a big difference. I have always asked myself, “How full is my cup?” And “What am I filling my cup with?” I’m sure that many others have questioned this over a dozen times as well. Honestly, I’ve spent a dozen times more than the times I’ve questioned this, THINKING about all the possible answers. But then God revealed something precious to me…

A cup can be filled with almost anything! Juice, water, soda, snacks, wrappers and other waste. And if I continue to look for an answer about what I can fill my cup with, then I could spend years and years thinking about what I have put inside, and what else can be put inside. Honestly, I’d create my own dillema each and every day. But then I heard Him say, “WHO are you?” And in that question, I realized the simple answer behind the infamous question.

I am a child of God, and as His child, I am seen as treasure… finest gold… 

And this revelation isn’t just for me. Each and every one of us is TREASURE in the Lord’s eyes. Everyone is finest gold to our Father. So comparing myself to a cup that can be filled with everything and anything from food to waste, I must stop, but rather look at myself as a chalice. Why? Because a chalice is only filled with water and wine. The BODY and BLOOD of our Lord, Jesus Christ. If I stop looking at myself as a cup, and look at myself as a chalice, made of finest gold and God’s finest treasure, I will appreciate myself even more, and strive to fill myself with wine (representing God and the blood of His Son, Jesus, as the grandest sacrifice of love) and water (a symbol of life, and renewal).

God has never thought about filling me with waste. He never wanted that. I am a child of God, and whether my chalice (“cup”) is half empty, or half full, I will never be seen as any less important in my Father’s eyes if I fill myself with His endless and sacrificial love, and find renewal through the Sacraments, and life.

Who am I?

I struggle with my sense of self-worth. I can’t seem to find who I am. I try to walk with confidence and present myself with poise and grace, but inside, I wonder if I am really so important. If I am really worth anything.

In the huge expanse of time and space, I am nothing. I am a mere dot in the immenseness that is the world. I am a sinner. I fall time and time again. Why would God, in all His greatness, choose me? Why would He want me? And why, even after all that failing, after all my sins and hurt I’ve put on Him, why would He still love me?

This sounds like a pessimistic post, but it’s not. It really isn’t. I am nothing. I am a sinner. I fail, all the time. But our God, in all His righteousness and glory, loves me. He loves me. He is the One that lifts me up, every single time. He is the One who finds me, in the midst of all the chaos around me.

And in my times of struggle, Casting Crown lyrics always find their way into my head:

I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean; a vapour in the wind
Still You hear me when I’m calling
Lord, You catch me when I’m falling

And You’ve told me who I am
I am Yours.


“By dialogue, we let God be present in our midst,

for as we open ourselves to one another,

we open ourselves to God.”

– Pope John Paul II    

Last, Wednesday I attended the 2nd Annual  Interfaith  Dinner, which was titled: “Green Faith: Environment and the Contribution of Religions”. As a lover of nature and a lover of Religions I was quite intrigued by the concept of this event.  I didn’t know what to expect going to this event. Who was going to be there? How we’re the siting arrangements will be? How were the discussions going to pan out? Luckily a sister who invited me ti the event was there with me. When we arrived,  there was about 120 plus people from different ages, different ethnicities and different religious backgrounds. There were four speakers: The Roman Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Montreal, a professor from the Islamic religion, a professor from the Hindu religion, and a professor from the Judaic religion. All spoke about how each of their communities are being called to meditate on nature and on the land that we are all living in. That creation is not to be dominated but to be appreciated.

As I listened to all the speakers and exchanged  thoughts and  experiences with the people at my table. I was reminded by a quite by Pope John Paul II “By dialogue, we let God be present in our midst, for as we open ourselves to one another, we open ourselves to God.” I then realized what this quote meant and I couldn’t believe that I was actually living that quote at that very moment. How could I deny the presence of God amongst these people, amongst my brothers and sisters. “As we open ourselves to one another, we open ourselves to God”, it is not an easy task to open our hearts and to share how intimate our love is with our Lord, but at the same time to listen and to acknowledge how others are able to experience this same love of God, but in a different way…a way unlike ours but still real. I thought to myself, this is beautiful, this is truly beautiful! Beauty!  What better way to sustain the creation that God bestowed upon us then to be united in acknowledging that this is not my home but OUR HOME.

The Auxiliary Bishop of Montreal said, ” We need to cultivate PEACE to preserve NATURE. If we are in war, we then become divided, then our so will be our land, and creation will deteriorate. But it is through PEACE that we are able to listen to each other and recognized the value of this COMMON LAND we stand on.

At the end of the night, I was already feeling overwhelmed and couldn’t stop smiling, a gentleman siting at my table who is part of the Islamic religion, approached my friend and I and said, “There’s something in the air that I’m feeling…a feeling that I can’t explain. Something that is filling this room.” This gentleman, my friend, and I looked at each other and just smiled because all three of us knew WHO this “something” was.


Relationship Flow

My relationship with the Lord was started by the Lord and not with me. It is initiated by the Lord. He loved me first, He chose me first. He created me with this intention – a relationship with Him so that He can just love me unconditionally. He supplied all my needs and this includes my family and all the people around me. It was because of my relationship with Him that I have my relationship with other people. If He did not start this then I will just be existing and not living.

I realized that in order for these relationships to be nurturing, these have to be founded on God – the God who is in 3 persons. It is the dynamics and the mystery of the 3 persons that best exemplify the fullness of a relationship. If ever I am challenged in any of it, the best way to get back on track is to look at the Trinitarian love make it the basis.

“Lord, thank you for coming in 3 persons, thank you for loving me first. May I always allow you to love me in whatever situation I am in; may I see your love in every second of my journey and may I experience your love through the people that you have surrounded me with. Lord, teach me to consecrate all my relationships to you. ”

Where the strength is

Dug into the Glory Book archives today, and reviewed one of the old school songs that tugged (and continues to tug) at my heartstrings once upon a time.  The lyrics are powerful:

Whom have I in heaven but You
There is nothing on earth I desire beside You
My heart and my strength, many times they fail
But there is one truth that always will prevail. 

So many thoughts, desires and worries weigh down our hearts daily, and most especially in the area of our deep longings that are looking to be filled. Sometimes in considering the possibilities, our hearts end up buckling under a weight of felt unworthiness and pessimism.

Yet, a heart that is full of “weight” and one that is full of “strength” are truly two completely different things.

My reflection on this song was: “When Heaven is deeply desired, failure is prevailed.” Strength of the heart occurs when it loves with purpose and hope. Our calling is upwards, and full of promise.  As its flame rises upwards, it inevitably begins to illuminate every crevasse and corner  of the space. Every blessing poured out a chance to be turned into praise. Every seeming failure, an opportunity for growth for the soul  A “heart full of strength” is one filled with the right Light (Christ).

Listen to the cover of the song here:

God Is The Strength Of My Heart (Cover)- CFC-Youth Montreal Music Ministry



Lead Me

I’ve been lifting prayers through praise and worship songs lately. The lyrics of Lead Me to the Cross by Hillsong United sparks a desire in my heart for God. I tear up and even smile of how beautiful the lyrics are. This song is an affirmation of how beautiful the Lord’s mercy is. The humility and sincerity I feel in my heart when I listen to the lyrics brings me peace within the Lord. Through this song, I know He’s trying to reveal something to me, I just don’t know what it is yet but even though sometimes I am afraid to trust in Him, I know that through this song, He is able to bring me peace. As I continue to pray for whatever He has to reveal to me I simply humble my heart and be open to whatever He has in store.

Savior I come
Quiet my soul remember
Redemption’s hill
Where Your blood was spilled
For my ransom
Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost

Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross

Lead me to your heart

Completely, consume me Lord.

Fill me

Last weekend in Mountain region, specifically in Calgary, we were able to witness our own RLC.  This years anchor verse came from John 2:7 “Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.”  I am so inspired and affirmed of the youth in our area, I can really see that they are learning to embrace their calling as leaders to whatever the Lord is leading them to do.  He has truly filled us to the brim…. or has he?  Is there a larger jar awaiting for us?  More water to be poured?  After a few days coming out of RLC, I continue to see myself reflecting on the verse and the many sessions that occurred.  What strikes me is the infinite love our Lord showers us in whatever state or condition we are in.  How He is able to work through us to help us take the next steps forward to the goal we are striving for.  We wrote letters to our future-selves 5 years from now and to see that the youth are all aiming to grow in the Lord is just so affirming and exciting to witness.  I couldn’t help but share that the water being poured is the many events CFC Youth has to offer and the jars are just like our hearts willing to get bigger and bigger.  The one challenge I face is to allow the Lord to be poured into my heart.  I wonder why am I so scared and guarded when our Lord is right next to us.  I learned more and more about how much He loves me through regular confession and a protected prayer.  I begin to let Him in.  I hope through this our youth will begin to see the many miracles behind the scenes of their lives.  God is our farmer and Jesus is our gardener, may the water poured into our jars grow.

Lord help me surrender my heart to you, may your love grow miracles and fill us to the brim.
