All I Want Is To Be Like You

Last week I was blessed with the opportunity to witness a Grade 2 retreat at St. Judes Academy of the Arts in Toronto. The children learned about how we are all called to become Saints. To journey with the Saints, Mary and Jesus. I was amazed by how intrigued and inspired they were in wanting to learn more about how to be like Jesus.

During the retreat they were taught a few worship songs. One of the songs they sang was “To be like You – Hillsong United”. I’ve always loved the simplicity of this song and hearing the children sing was angelic.

We made our way down to the chapel and the children had the opportunity to pray with the Saints. They were each given first class relics of different Saints that they could hold and pray with.

As we all knelt in front of the Blessed Sacrament in adoration and prayer we started to sing the reflection song  To be like You.

I closed my eyes and started to hear the children sing out:

Jesus, Jesus
All I want is to be like You

Jesus, Jesus
All I want is to be like You

I opened my eyes and looked at them singing. I was in awe. My eyes started to tear up as I heard them sing. The innocence and purity of their faith was so beautiful to witness.

I was reminded of how beautiful our faith is, simple and pure. All I want is to be like You. Witnessing this child-like faith has reminded me to love God simply because all we have ever desired and wanted was to be like Him and to be with Him.

Our faith is simple. Our love is simple. Our God is simple.

“All I want
All I need
More of You
Less of me
Take this life
Lord it’s Yours
Have my heart
Have it all”



Beauty Of The Unknown

There are many times I ask myself, why is this happening? Then I question God asking the same thing.

The mystery of the unknown is always interesting because we will never know what is next. We can ask ourselves the same question over and over again asking why, but we will never get a straight answer why things happen a certain way.

This is where I am reminded of how patience is so beautiful. Patience allows us to humble ourselves so that we are able to understand the importance of discipline and prudence. This is where I am also reminded of how I should be grateful and be accepting of the certain situations that happen in my life realizing that maybe these things were meant to happen and that there really is a reason for everything.

Although there is a mystery to the future; of the unknown. There is beauty in waiting because it is truly in the great things in our live that are worth waiting for.


Lord, may you teach me how to be patient and grateful for everything I have been a witness to in my life. Allow my heart to be hopeful for what is next, to trust in Your holy will, to stay faithful and prayerful. 


Who am I?

“..a veil lies over their hearts, but whenever a person turns to the Lord the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. All of us, gazing with unveiled faced on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord who is the Spirit.” – 2 Corinthians 4:15-18

For the past few weeks I have been dealing with an allergic reaction on my face. I have been suffering with rashes, burns, redness, and dry skin. Suffering to point when even laughing hurts my face. I visited the doctor to see what happened and why this was happening to me. They prescribed me a cream which enable more of a reaction because I was allergic. Other than physically hurting I was starting to hurt emotionally because I didn’t know what was wrong. I started to question my worth, my beauty and because of this allergic reaction I stopped wearing makeup and I started to feel insecure about my bare skin.

After a few days of dealing with this reaction I asked myself, why am I so affected by this? Why do I care so much about what other people think or what I look like?

How fitting it was that I was attending the SFC Princess Diaries Woman’s Retreat that same weekend. Not a coincidence at all. God moved my heart so personally. He reminded me of my worth, my beauty as a woman, and more importantly that I am loved. After reflecting on my weekend with my SFC sisters I asked myself:

Who am I when I am stripped of what I am comfortable with?

Who am I when I am stripped of my worldly possessions?

Who am I when I become blinded and distracted from the lies society tells us about beauty?

Who am I?

I have been reminded that I should not cling onto the things of this world. That I am made worthy for greater things and that I am called to let go of the desires and possessions I settle for and should cling on to the plans and desires that the Lord has entrusted me. So when I ask myself “Who am I?”:

I am reminded from this community that because I was created by God, I am loved.

I am reminded that I should never settle for less because I am His daughter.

I am beautiful because I am made in the image and likeness of God.


Unveil the mystery of God’s beauty through recognizing the beauty within ourselves. 


You are beautiful and you are loved.



Lately, I find myself faced with many tasks. Tasks with service in the community, at work, and even at home. These past couple of months have been busy and I’m not going to lie, I’m overwhelmed. Not like being overwhelmed is a bad thing but it definitely asks much of me and I think that’s what God is trying to do; test me in what I’m capable and incapable of doing.

Yesterday I was reminded that sometimes it’s okay to stop what you’re doing, take a step back and just ponder.. Ponder the work of The Lord.
Reflecting on the bigger picture rather than all the little things is important to. This is where we see God. This is where we see all the little blessings The Lord has revealed to us.

Just as a painter or artist takes a step back to see the progress of what they created, we too should remind ourselves that it’s okay to
take a step back and to ponder the beauty The Lord has created in our lives.

Random Acts of Kindness

As I was on my way home from work there was a woman on the skytrain asking anyone if they had a cellphone she could borrow. She wanted to call her son letting him know that she was close to the skytrain station he was suppose to pick her up at. No one responded or gave her reasons why she couldn’t use their phones.

I was too quick to judge her. My first impression of her was that I assumed she did drugs or was an alcoholic. She then came to me asking to use my phone and I slowly dropped it to my side from my lap. As I did that I thought to myself “what good will it do if I lie to her and make an excuse up?”

I told her I did but asked if it was okay if I dialled and spoke to her son letting him know where she was. She agreed to it eagerly and gratefully. After I got off the phone with her son she insisted to pay me for calling but I immediately refused. As I got off the skytrain I told her to have a good night and to get home safely. She thanked me again.

Usually, I would avoid people who ask for things especially personal items but for some reason I thought about it and when I’m in need does God avoid me and turn away?


God serves without any judgement, freely gives, and loves to all those who are in need. God reminds me that I need to serve in the same manner regardless of my insecurity or discomfort. He has given me so much.. Why do I give to those who I already know and love but limit myself to people I just met or don’t even know.

I’m reminded that I must give myself without any limitations but an endless amount of love. Random acts of kindness with love.

“In this life we cannot do great things, we can only do small things with great love.” – Blessed Mother Teresa

Benedictus Deus in Saecula

Thus Says The Lord

“Embrace My love” thus says the Lord.

I experienced the Lord’s love through this evenings recollection for Pacific’s Regional Youth Conference happening this weekend. As I reflected on how I could prepare my heart God reminded me how His love is simple yet so extravagant. If we embrace His love, He reveals His goodness. Coming into RYC God reminds that I need to ask, seek, and knock. He wants me to empty myself and open my heart to His unconditional love and mercy.

Embrace My love and allow Me to show you everything beautiful and everything you are meant to experience throughout this RYC. Be not afraid.

Benedictus Deus in Saecula

God’s Morning

I always catch the 9am bus to go to work. It’s almost always the same bus driver who drives this bus. Every morning he greets everyone “Good morning” with a big smile. Depending how my morning is going I would respond with a smile, reply good morning, or some days I say and do nothing at all.

Today, I’ve realized how humble this man is. He drives passengers everyday who sometimes respond to his greeting and some who don’t notice or care at all.

I am reminded of God and how He tries and speaks to me everyday. The days I don’t acknowledge Him, He continues to speak to me without getting tired of it. He continues to love me even when I reject Him.

I realized that I shouldn’t respond according to how I feel on that day but appreciate and acknowledge that everyday IS a good morning. Every morning is God’s morning and that I am called to listen and respond to the love of God who speaks to me every second of the day.

God bless that bus driver and that everyone may see the little blessings of each day.

Benedictus Deus in Saecula