God is With Us

The proof is in the fruitfulness.

I remember a time when CFC-Youth Canada had only one FTPW and it seemed almost hopeless that we would ever have more people dedicate their lives to the mission. Now there are four FTPWs, three more coming who are currently training in the Philippines, seven Mission Volunteers continuing their active discernment to go full time, and  thirteen new individuals in the MV Program discerning to go full time. In total, this year we will have 7 FTPWs and 20 courageous Mission Volunteers who are potential FTPWs. God is so good.

There would’ve been another individual in the new batch of MVs but he has heard a different calling from the Lord at the last minute, and that was to go to the seminary instead. Praise God!

CFC-Youth Canada and Couples for Christ as a whole is truly growing in fruitfulness. It is very affirming for me because yes there are many imperfections, but it seems God is using everything for His glory and is pouring out His graces nonetheless.

The proof simply proves God is with us.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” —John 12:24

My brothers and sisters, may we be like that grain of wheat and die to ourselves for love of God, so that we can bear much fruit in this world in loving our neighbour. This is what it means to be a missionary, to bear fruit and build up the Kingdom of God wherever we are called, and whatever we are asked to do.

Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing to work through me even if I’m so unworthy. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your love. May You continue to bear fruit in my life and in all those I serve and serve with. Amen.


And the Journey Continues

‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘Plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and hope. -Jeremiah 29:11

It’s most especially hard when you definitely encounter struggle after struggle, only to lead you to the never ending thoughts that are supposed to either stay in the back of your mind, or are not even supposed to be thought about at all. Yet, coincidentally in the midst of all these things happening in my own life, or even yours, Holy week is literally here to help you with these “never ending struggles” and turn them into the sufferings we share with Christ.

Big difference there.

Christ suffered for us. We suffer for Him, our families, our friends, etc etc… BUT never did He ever plan to put something in front of us we cannot handle. At the ultimate price of His life, to save us, we too on this earth must bear our crosses. As simple as that. So as we continue to go through Holy week, keep in mind the beautiful struggle Jesus Christ had went through for us to be here. That just like Him, His bearing of His cross lead to victory. It should be no different with ours.

Although as I write this, I myself am working on being able to accept and bear my own sufferings, this is a start. Though a bit lost, and I can admit I’m a bit of a mess at the moment, just pray for me as I am praying for you. I am embarking on a journey with the rest of Canada to the Philippines for ILC (International Leaders Conference) in 3 days. I’m already so excited to see what I can bring back to my service, my family, my friends, my community, my parish, and overall, have some time with Christ in a place where I have no idea where I will go next.

I am in awe sometimes with how simple God’s plans are to the eye and to the ears, but how complex and how fulfilling it is to the heart.

Lord God,

Allow me to bear the crosses you have called us to carry. Though at times I may fall, or may feel like giving up, grant me the strength to endure the journey that can only lead us closer to You. Closer to the callings that you have prepared for us. Grant me the patience, the understanding, and anything else that we need to see the good in all You do. I love You. I need You.

Lord, I offer my life to You, take over.


Christi Crux Est Mea Lux





“Strength and dignity are her clothing, as she smiles at the future” – Proverbs 31:25

Truly I say that verse with conviction. Two years of fashion school have been a great journey. And I’m proud to say, I’m finally finished! Praise God!

This journey has been filled with many mixed emotions about my future and where God is leading me. Through out my time in school I always questioned if this is what I’m really called to do. If what I love is truly what the Lord has planned for me in my future. With uncertainty, I stayed obedient to my service with finishing school praying for God to reveal something to me. Now that I’ve finished, I still don’t know what that “call” is but I simply smile at my future. I know that the vulnerability of my heart to God will allow me to be open to whatever He has planned.

I humbly ask for You to guide every step I make, every chance I take, even if it frightens my heart to break, I trust in You. May you keep me rooted as I step into my future as a child of your grace. Protect me Lord. 

Benedictus Deus in Saecula

Compliment than Complain

There are a lot of times that I want to be mad and angry with the situation of our power outage here in the province. Our province is the source of the hydroelectric power here in the whole island of Mindanao. There are a lot of issues that caused the power shortage but that is not what I want to share.

Coming from Canada which has enough power supply, I haven’t experienced power blackout for the last 2 and half years. There was always wifi, mild weather every season, on the dot arrival of buses, a pretty convenient life. I experienced everything 24/7 for at least 2 and half years straight and if there were interruptions it was a valid and short one.

Coming home here in Iligan, there were several days that we have no power for straight 12 hours but the usual is 4 hours everyday. This means no wifi, hot weather especially that it is already summer here (29C but feels like 37C), longer exposure to the sun’s heat while waiting for bus/jeepney, and a not so convenient life.

While this is happening for the past 12 days, the Lord showed me a different kind of convenient life. Everytime there is power outage, I would go to my Dad and we eat lunch together almost everyday, even if he’s at work; my parents and I just stay home, catch up, talk about the community and share about anything (no wifi, no telenovelas, no movie); my mom and I help each other cook since everything is cooked using gas; and most of all we are always doing things together.

Lord Jesus the ultimate source of power and energy, thank you for allowing me to see the blessings in this power outage. You always know what is the best situation for me. May I always see you in every situation that I will learn to compliment than complain. Praise be to God!



Choosing beyond ourselves

The more I think about it the more I’m scared.  It’s funny because you spend most of your young years trying to see or plan your future ahead of you.  You make goals and you try to achieve those goals.  Its funny because yeah in this career and present time that I live in I like to be in control of what is coming ahead of me.  I’m so used to knowing what I want in a few months, let alone a year.  I’m used to making my own plans.  But when I think about HIS plan I get scared because I don’t see anything.  Is it because it’s God’s way of telling me, “you’re not ready to see the mystery that is unveiled in this direction.”  I find myself more scared and wanting to just stay in my comfort of my career and so called 5-year-plan.  A brother I spoke to was sharing “I realize, why am I so scared of God and his plan for me?” Man this is the first talk of the youth camp, “God’s Love and His plan for us.”  This God of ours has such a crazy dream for me that I am too scared to see it.  Just like in the youth camp I should be open to it, believe it and best of all embrace what He has for me!

Lord, I pray that I let go of this fear and be more open to your plan, whatever direction it may take me, soften my heart and open my eyes so that I may be humbled by you and see your plan unfold.


The Call to Mission

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:2-3

Listening to MVs share about their journey during interviews this week has re-affirmed to me that Mission begins with one thing…a Calling. What a blessing to witness, the uniqueness, and yet some form of unity throughout every testimony.  Indeed, listening to testimony upon testimony, it would seem that many Callings started being felt by few, or many of the following:

  • Unease: a slight to increasing discomfort, with the question “is there more to this than my present life”?. A catalyst to look deeper.
  • Curiosity: an opening to one, or many possibilities the Lord is setting for our lives.
  • Desire: a longing to please the Lord through the right vocation.

(Stir my heart when I lose my purpose…but Lord, let me find it first.)

In taking the discernment deeper, and specifying it to Mission, how does one come to realize “Mission as a higher calling”. This statement has sometimes troubled me, in the sense that mission work is put on a pedestal and hegemonized over all other vocations.  Indeed, there is definitely “no lesser calling” in life, but then what makes the call to Mission work unique, not in worth, but in nature?

My reflection on this lately…Personally, the Call to Mission is unique in three ways:

  1. It is Non-sensical…de-stablizing, contradicting every standard of success the world offers, but ultimately brings us to an encounter of obedience towards with Christ, the Lord of Lords.
  2. One of Love…through His anointing. Out of the many who are listening, the Call to Mission came to us, specifically. “Many are called, but few are (have) chosen”.  He then offers us the chance to lovingly respond in return.
  3. Heavenly…Because responding to the Call is placing our Hope not in things of this world (security, comfort, etc), but assures us a glimpse of eternity. This is the true Answer to the philosophical question contemporary souls ask: “what is really the purpose of life”? (ans: to live for heaven)

The call to Mission is a calling that is “out of this world”, and that opens us up to the immensity of His love that breaks through the senses. Our commissioning is personal, and given us by ultimate loving Father.

Lord, help us to recognize Your calling for us, and give us the courage to lovingly respond in return. 



Suffering with Purpose

“Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?” – Psalm 139:7

It seems easier to find the Lord working in my life when blessings are coming from every direction. However, I’m thankfully seeing God more and more in my daily crosses. When He said, ‘whoever wishes to follow Me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me’, He really meant it! It is difficult to follow Christ, but not impossible.

The cross reminds me of Christ’s suffering and death. But also of His resurrection. There is nothing more comforting than suffering intimately with the Lord. I am at peace knowing that the Lord gives me a cross because He wants me to experience His deep, authentic and transforming love for me. He wants me to turn to Him. He wants me to rely on Him. He just wants me. I was made to love Him. He is what my heart wants and will always want.

Thank You, God for my crosses. Through them, I have the opportunity to experience death of myself and a renewed life in You. Give me the grace I need to carry my cross joyfully and to offer up myself to you entirely.