Choosing beyond ourselves

The more I think about it the more I’m scared.  It’s funny because you spend most of your young years trying to see or plan your future ahead of you.  You make goals and you try to achieve those goals.  Its funny because yeah in this career and present time that I live in I like to be in control of what is coming ahead of me.  I’m so used to knowing what I want in a few months, let alone a year.  I’m used to making my own plans.  But when I think about HIS plan I get scared because I don’t see anything.  Is it because it’s God’s way of telling me, “you’re not ready to see the mystery that is unveiled in this direction.”  I find myself more scared and wanting to just stay in my comfort of my career and so called 5-year-plan.  A brother I spoke to was sharing “I realize, why am I so scared of God and his plan for me?” Man this is the first talk of the youth camp, “God’s Love and His plan for us.”  This God of ours has such a crazy dream for me that I am too scared to see it.  Just like in the youth camp I should be open to it, believe it and best of all embrace what He has for me!

Lord, I pray that I let go of this fear and be more open to your plan, whatever direction it may take me, soften my heart and open my eyes so that I may be humbled by you and see your plan unfold.
