
It has almost been 2 months since I graduated college. Ever since then, I lost my job and have been on the search for a new one. My time has been focussed on serving and spending as much time as I can with my family. The fact that I am now unemployed makes it difficult to support my family as well as pay off debt. There are so many financial worries I have on my mind, everyone I talk to keeps telling me that “the Lord will provide”. I’ve been asking the Lord if I’m actually going to go to conference this year. Although I know I don’t have the money, I trust in whatever the Lord will provide me. The Lord desires what we desire. And whatever His plans are for me, all I can do is obey Him. It is only through the faithfulness of our hearts that will set us free.

Jesus, King of Mercy, I trust in You.


Falling in love all over again

I am falling in love.
Madly, deeply and truly.

Falling in love for the first time is enchanting; you are finally at the mountain top, your expedition has brought you to the ultimate treasure trove, you finally found yourself a pair of Jordan Grape 5’s after a relentless search at every Foot Locker in the area……. (shoeholics, you understand). But, falling in love for the second time has a different effect. It’s intoxicating and euphoric, almost to the point of delusion. Falling in love for the second time is better because this time, you have something to compare it to. This time it’s even better than what you imagined.

This is how I feel about my relationship with God, but more specifically the Holy Eucharist.

Every time the Eucharist is being presented to us at mass, all of the heavens rejoice and all of time stops to celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice of self. The past, the present, and the future happen simultaneously, to recognize the significance of this beautiful offering.

I grew up in an extremely Catholic home, went to an extremely religious school (Animo La Salle!) and have been part of the Couples for Christ community since 1991. But those things became irrelevant once I moved to Canada and had to orient myself to North American culture. I had to act differently, talk differently and be different in every facet of my life. It came as no surprise that the repressed Catholic girl in me lashed out once the opportunity presented itself.

After having gone through a hiatus in the middle of my CFC-Youth life and immersing myself in all things “worldy” within that time, the Lord graced me with a second chance. A second chance to do things right- not because I had to and was taught to do so, but because I made a conscious decision. A choice where I willingly allowed God to enter my life again despite my unworthiness. And I’m glad I did.

How could I have not noticed the magnificence and splendor that is the Eucharist? How could I have not seen the importance of receiving it and preparing my body to be a temple for Him to dwell in? How could I have ignored so many homilies and feigned ignorance over his Word? How could I have overlooked every moment where God was literally and tangibly offering himself to me?

I could go and on about all the things I did wrong the first time, but what’s the point? That part of my life is gone and I can never take back what I did and didn’t do. Instead, I’m allowing myself to just bask in His glory, bask in His presence and take in every minute detail every time he reveals Himself to me. God, with all His power and greatness, chooses to make himself available to me and to us everyday through mass and adoration. Imagine that. A love so pure, so tender, so sincere that he chose to be vulnerable; He came down from heaven and offered all that He is through His son and ultimately through the Eucharist.

There is no excuse in the world valid enough to deny God through the denial of Holy Eucharist. Everything that we do, day in and day out, is it not to find love, feel love and receive love? His arms are spread wide open ready to embrace us and give us all this.

All we have to do is step inside His house.

Explore Dream Discover

Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Very true indeed! We follow the path that Christ wants us to have. In that road we can explore, dream and discover. What path am I taking? Who am I listening to? Is it just my mind, my heart or my whole being with God?

Love on Top


Off the ocean to the Atlantic,
never parted ways from the seas,
He called Montréal and Ottawa to fall forward onto their knees/
Reunited with the calling, this RYC brought us together,
5 camps armed with conviction, 5 camps withstood the weather/
I Am, and We are Missionaries,
our calling extends farther into our homes,
turn kids, into the youth with the light that Christ has shown/
Cause we’re still growing, still learning,
still training with who You’ve blessed us with,
our mission is to love, and love is all You left us with/
From the East the sun rises, us Canadiens should never forget the truth,
the Atlantic is where we’re called, and we are called to lead the youth/

This poem was used in a creative at last year’s ALMIGHTY TNC in Winnipeg. This was the state of Region Canadien last year.

I want the rest of eastern Canada to see how far we’ve come.

From the East the sun rises

Conference has never been about ourselves. Of course the Lord chooses to grace us with personal revelations during our mountaintop experiences, but it has always been, and will always be about what we bring to the conference, and what we bring back to our areas.

The culture of our community reaches out to us during conference. Being able to witness different regions, areas, sectors, chapters, units and households worship the Lord demonstrates the dynamic nature of our community.

I am proud to say that at this coming Eastern True North Conference Ill be able to worship with my household head and most of my fellow household members, and I know that this experience will allow us to bring something amazing back to our area.

– Jesse R.
“I Am, and We are Missionaries”

Take and Receive

Overflow SFC/YFC Mass, June 23, 2012
Overflow SFC/YFC Mass, June 23, 2012

This man.. I am blessed to know this man.  When I needed real advice, he gave me wisdom.  When I just wanted to laugh, he wasn’t afraid to be joyful alongside of me.  When I was going through difficult times, he fathered me with his homilies.  When I failed, he corrected.  When I lost hope, he personified perseverance.  When I doubted, he immediately taught me to love in response.  And when the Lord called him to deny himself, he responded with a resonating YES.  

This man is an example.  This man imitates Christ.  Praise God for you Fr. Dave, and God bless you always. Thank you.

God has a purpose for every single person we encounter in our life.  As missionaries, we must fully acknowledge that in God’s design, the people we meet and encounter, befriend and eventually grow fond of, are all apart of a greater mission that God has.  As much as it is our mission to come home to our God, it’s his mission for us to reach salvation by way of loving and responding to those people.  Loving God is by way of loving neighbour.  Loving God is a response of giving to those who need, and receiving from those which God wants us to love.

Prayer of Surrender, St. Ignatius of Loyola

Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding and my whole will. All that I am and all that I possess You have given me: I surrender it all to You to be disposed of according to Your will. Give me only Your love and Your grace; with these I will be rich enough, and will desire nothing more.


“Do Whatever He tells you.”

Lately, I find that I’m facing a lot of struggles with everyone around me. Many of my friends and my loved ones, both in the CFC Youth community and out, have been questioning their faith and some of the testimonies of others. For some, it is mainly because they feel like nothing significant is happening to them, and then I just so happened to be the one they confront or vent out to. Because I’m so deeply rooted in my own faith journey, it really hurts me when I hear the things I do. It was even to the point that my sister was also questioning a lot of things, and even some things from my own life, and that hurt most because she is my “home girl’, my best friend, my better half (because there’s only 2 of us in the family haha, get it?), and the very person who began to bring me to my faith. So to see her pull away or become sceptical was something that truly hurt and took me aback. I remember thinking, “What can I say to her? What can I advise her?” But even when I prayed about it, nothing came to mind. It’s like as if the Lord wanted me to be silent.

I prayed to the Lord, asking why this was happening because it honestly didn’t make any sense. And despite of all of the different scenarios I tried to make out if it, the only thing I found Him doing was smiling. I recalled a Psalm that He led me to a few days ago – Psalm 55 – and it stated this:

“My heart is in anguish within me…Fear and trembling come upon me, and horror overwhelms me…It is not an enemy who taunts me — then I could bear it; it is not an adversary who deals with me — then I could hide from him. But it is you,my equal, my companion, my familiar friend. We used to hold sweet converse together; within God’s house we walked in fellowship.”

I remember thinking, “Lord, you’re funny! You know I would love to have all these things in the Scriptures become so real to me, but why Lord, why is it that the one that becomes soooo so real is the one all about anguish and pain from these emotions and encounters with others and what not?? Why not 1 Corinthians 13 (as a joke, of course!)??” And then I read on..

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved.” 
– Psalm 55: 22

I realized that yes, the Lord wanted me to be silent, but the point of that silence is not to tease me, but to allow myself to be led to Him. I decided that despite of the sense I couldn’t make out of it, or whether it was a test or not, I would just lift it up to the Lord. Not just my worries with my sister, but with my family and my friends, and everything and everyone else. Surely enough, He continued to make the Psalm come more to life for me. It began to be a living testimony (haha).

Yesterday, because my sister was unable to go to anticipated Mass on Saturday (since Sports Praise was the following day), she was the only one in my family who still needed to go to mass. She asked me if I wanted to go with her. Usually, I can’t because I made plans with sisters from the GTA core or I had a meeting, but this time, I had a choice. Some people were asking me to hang out after Sports Praise, but I felt the need to go with my sister instead  (1. Because I was free; 2. I haven’t been able to spend a lot of time with family at all lately). So I decided to go. When we were at Mass, there was a point that she grabbed my hand and just leaned on my shoulder and smiled. And then when we were driving home, we were able to talk about faith, which is something we couldn’t comfortably do for a while. When we arrived home we stayed in the car for a but, and she then began to tear up.

She asked, “Ate, how do you know? How do you know it’ll be okay, and that all of this is from God?”
I answered, “There is never a day that passes that I can say, ‘I know 100% that this is going to happen exactly at this time and exactly this way because He says so,’ because He never does that. All I know is that He has always been asking me to trust in Him. Because I know that He loves me, I know He will never lead me to anything that won’t bring me peace, and because I am at peace even though ‘I don’t know’, I trust and know that He is there, so I trust Him with everything I have… including any insecurities, thoughts, and whatever else there may be.”

She then paused, and asked if we could go to the balcony to talk even more about it. And I just knew that everything would be okay. That He is taking care of literally everything in my life. 

Reflecting on this, I read the Psalm once again, and noticed the last line,

“But I will trust in thee.”

Lord, Despite of all the things I don’t know or the things I can’t comprehend, I will trust in Thee, and I know that in this, I will be okay. “You are Mine, and I am yours.”

Be Still and know I am your God

Sometimes, it just doesn’t hit you.  I’ve lived in Calgary for 19 years.  It’s a beautiful city, safe, progressive, and a great place to raise a family.  Other than an occasional blizzard during winter, there are no real calamities that have hit the city.

The floods of these past few days have been very eye opening. No matter how smooth your life is, a storm will come, trials will come, and devastation will come.  Where is God in all of these?

No matter how bleak the situation is, God will bring out the best in people.  I see God in the outpouring of support, the willingness to lend a hand, to open their homes even to strangers.  When people come together in the midst of adversity, God is there.

Some people wonder why God doesn’t intervene to prevent these calamities, wars, crime etc.  And yet they ask God to stay out of their lives.

I can never expect to understand the wisdom of our Lord, but I fully trust in Him.  In the midst of all the chaos in this world, all we have to have is an expectant faith,  to be still and know that He is our GOD!