Stronghold – Day 4

Campus Execom Retreat (EXERT) circa 2007
Campus Execom Retreat (EXERT) circa 2007

Probably the most pivotal time of my journey in faith was around 2007 – freshly graduated, entering the college life, outgrowing the average age of the youth.  I needed something more, and the Lord knew that.

In 2007 during the busyness of the preparations for that year’s Western Conference, the FTPW for the area Richie Aldaba set me aside and (almost ninja-like) we had an impromptu 1 to 1 on the front porch steps of the infamous Rodas Residence.  It was 30 degrees.  Slushies was the choice of arsenal against the heat and potential dehydration.  We talked about everything – from my life, to my plans after high school, and to my service.  It was refreshing (as refreshing as the slushies), because it was, I believe, the first sincere and genuine 1 to 1 I’ve ever had with a brother.

He told me about Campus Based.  He told me they were starting anew, and that they were introducing the stronghold movement to Pacific.  In short, “Stronghold” would be the refocusing of the formation of our region, by empowering the parishes by way of mentorship and shifting on Campus Based as the champions and leaders.  He asked if I would be interested in partaking in this “movement”.

This impact of this 1 to 1 was quite poignant in my life because it 1) gave me, an off/on active lukewarm Catholic, an avenue to serve beyond my own inhibitions 2)  It sparked the beginning of a brotherhood that instantaneously went from acquaintance and essentially brothers in this community to brothers in the Body of Christ and 3) It sparked an outpouring of love that would eventually nurture my hidden longing to be a missionary (specifically a full time pastoral worker), through brotherhood and mentorship from someone who has travelled a some what similar journey.

For those who were around during this time, some can argue that the movement of “stronghold” was unsuccessful.  Last night, I saw the fruits of Richie and Vanessa’s labour.  I saw parish G.A’s in the hundreds, and I saw Campus members being the mentors to the younger high school aged children.  It brought me such joy (and albeit nostalgia) that I was able to be apart of the earliest days of this vision.

For me, this first service as apart of the Campus core group was that which taught me the beauty and art of mentorship.  This community would be one of repeated mistakes and stagnant growth without the mentorship as cultivated by movement of the Holy Spirit.  Richie and Vanessa were far ahead of their time when they realized that community isn’t just a refuge for misguided youth and a pool of dozens (even hundreds) of teachings.  It was a living organism apart of the bigger body of Christ (the Catholic Church) that grows only through the passing on of gifts of the Holy Spirit and the attainment of graces.

Praise God I’m part of this constantly growing community!  There is no limits to what we can attain when the sole measure of our success is that of eternal Glory in our Lord Jesus Christ!

I leave with you the words of St. Augustine:

‘You are the Body of Christ. In you and through you the work of the incarnation must go forward. You are to be taken. You are to be blessed, broken and distributed, that you may be the means of grace and vehicles of eternal love.’

No Expectations

I had my first one-on-one with a sister, as I started my new assignment. One of the few things that I always make sure when I have my first one-on-ones is to set each other’s expectations especially that I am their Fulltime Pastoral Worker.

I was surprised when she said that she doesn’t expect anything from me. Great! Then I can just choose not to be cautious of myself around her. Before I went to bed I was reflecting on what she said. Is it really how it should be? What is the Lord trying to tell me in this encounter?

Yes, of course! More than focusing on meeting the expectation of people, I have to meet God’s expectation first. More than doing what is expected, I have to do everything because of love, because of God first. More than the delivery of output, I have to express love first so they will know that I am bringing God. More than being a missionary, I have to acknowledge that God loved me first.


Lord you initiated this relationship with me. You already knew me before I was born. You already loved me before I even knew you. Lord remind me always that it is all because of You. My actions, words, thoughts and my emotions are Yours. You are the reason of service. Direct me what to do and say so I will give glory to Your name at all times.”




Philippians 1:29

The Bigger Picture #1stworldproblems

Dated: September 18th, 2013

In recent news, my home province called Quebec has been trying to pass a Charter of Values that would ban public servants from wearing religious garb (e.g crucifixes, hijabs, turbans, etc.).  This proposal has been causing an uproar in the province, a slew of “racist” and “xenophobic” incidents (i.e a muslim woman being insulted on a bus, etc.) littering Youtube and several media outlets.

The province has hit a new low to me, for a one whose history and culture is founded on motives of Faith: ‘the first explorers, 250 years worth educational, and social service c/o of the Catholic Church” (as Conrad Black from the National Post writes).  A Quiet Revolution in the 60’s and a couple a governments later, not only is the Roman Catholic Church on “the chopping block,” but so are all religions.

My first thought was “secularism really does head East to West”. #Europeproblems now #Quebecproblems. Toronto (the mission area I am assigned to), is the first Mission Centre west of Quebec.  Toronto must be strong to be light to the areas in the east.  This very individual thought inspires me to continue serving passionately.  I am part of a missionary Community that is called to inspire one individual, one family, until eventually Society itself starts to change.




What is it?

What is it that draws my attention?  At first when you think of suffering you actually want to avoid it but later on it grows on to you and you begin to accept it.  Have you ever longed to suffer with Christ so you can also make reparation to God for the conversion of sinners, and remind all to make sacrifices and do penance.  Do we too want to participate in the redemption of all of humanity through our own sacrifices and through our sufferings willingly accepted…  Why is it that with these thoughts, realities of this world disappear and a feeling of peace and joy hover over my heart?

I think I’m dreaming and over exaggerating right now.  The Lord plants these seeds but why?  I guess its to remind me of a mission, one that I have not experienced yet.

Lord whatever it is let it be done


For the Love of Jesus

Happy belated feast day of St. Therese! You know, it’s kind of funny. Growing up, I was quite familiar with St. Therese, but I’ve always tried to steer clear of her. I’ve always been a bit of an annoying “hipster” when it comes to choosing patron saints for myself. I used to always try to find more obscure or lesser-known saints, and St. Therese, being one of the “hotties” of the saint world, wasn’t on my radar. (I know. Who do I think I am?! LOL)

Seeing as September/ October is the time of deliberation, I’ve dedicated a Little Flower Rosary Novena to all of our personal discernments as potential missionaries. To be honest, I only felt it was the right time to pray this novena for the simple fact that St. Therese is the patron saint of Missionaries. At first, I really didn’t put much thought into it.

However, in the thirteen days of praying this novena, I’ve come to know and understand exactly why my soul chose to plead for her guidance, for she is one of the most perfect examples of how to strengthen and prepare one’s heart. I’ve received numerous affirmations from her through my fellow sisters, my prayers, and my readings, so if I were to summarize what her intercession has done for me, I can summarize it in five simple words:

For the love of Jesus.

In her life, everything St. Therese had ever done was simply for the love of Jesus, no matter how small. This purpose is so simple, yet it so strongly embodies the disposition that we should have in our hearts: the disposition of humility and obedience.

Humility: Not everyone is destined to do great things, but everyone has the capacity to do things for the love of the Lord, no matter how small the task. At the end of the day, what matters is not the magnitude of the task nor the title that we assume, but the love we put forth. So fulltime or not, we are destined for greatness… in love ☺

Obedience: I can think of no greater incentive for obeying, other than for the simple fact that we do it for the love of The Lord. If we have the Lord so deeply rooted in the center of our hearts, each “yes” we make to The Lord will be a “yes” that is made beautiful. ☺

I thank Mama Mary and St. Therese for being my greatest intercessors and examples in my journey of discernment. Thank you for asking the Lord to prepare my heart.

Let us continue to pray for one another’s journey with the Lord!

Happy discernment everyone! <3

St.Therese of the Infant Jesus, Patroness of Missions, pray for us!

Lead Me

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Saviour

I’ve never been so desperate for God.. my heart has never been so tested by my faith and love for Him. All through September, Oceans by Hillsong United has been one of the songs I’ve been able to relate to with my discernment for ftpw. The lyrics to this songs makes me feel restless, uncomfortable, and anxious, yet brings me a calming peace in my heart knowing that the Spirit leads and the only thing I need to do is say yes and follow.

Lord, continue to grant me with an open mind and an open heart. Wherever You would call me. 

“Trust and trust alone should lead us to love” — St. Therese of Lisiseux