More Opportunities To Love

Continuing in my third year of serving as a Mission Volunteer has allowed me to see the beauty and witness the challenges of the mission. It has revealed to me my own weaknesses, strengths and has showed me a glimpse of where the Lord wants me.

As this is the third year continuing, there have been many questions and thoughts that have come into
my mind.

First, PRAISE GOD for another year! God is so GOOD!! I’ve been filled with so much joy and happiness knowing that the Lord has called me to continue. It has given me a sense of hope and also peace in my heart.

Then, asking the Lord why He called me to another year of being a Mission Volunteer. The program consists of two years of discernment.. but then He blessed me with three years!

Lord, why did you extend me? Why wasn’t I asked to step down or be endorsed?

Throughout the process of deliberations my mind and heart became restless. The questions continuously being asked were, “Where do you want me Lord?” and “Where do you want me to serve You?”

He then answered:

“My child, continue to be patient. I want you to stay where you are now, serving your brothers and sisters in your area and know that I have called you to be still until the time is right. I have called you to another year of discerning as a Mission Volunteer because I want to give you more opportunities to love here, where you are right now. I want to be able to prepare your heart and make your desires, My desires for you. Trust in Me and always remember My love and mercy.” 

I was given peace and He affirmed me that He just wants me to give more of myself.

To take this year as an opportunity to love more, give more, and serve more.

Never be afraid to love more.


Benedictus Deus in Saecula

Culture of Mission

This year we are celebrating 20 years of CFC Youth and SFC. It is truly a year to celebrate and give thanks to God who had been faithful to us all these years. I was asked one time what’s my dream for the community for the next 20 years, to which I replied, “My dream is for each member of our community to have culture of mission. Every member will go on at least 2 year mission once in their life.”

For CFC Canada my dream is for us to become a factory of missionaries, graduate from being a mission receiver and become a full pledge mission sender.

Dreams do come true, before there was no “true north” now we are true north, before there was no MVs now we have MVs, and before there was less FTPW applicants now we have a surplus of recommended missionaries for FTPW training. Formation track is fully implemented and is making a difference in the lives of our members. We are in the midst of breakthroughs in true north mission! Our challenge is to pass on the right culture, mission and vision down to personal level so each of us can make it our own.

The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic 1/4 – Prayer

According to Matthew Kelly, the four signs of a dynamic catholic are Prayer, Study, Generosity, and Evangelization. I haven’t read the book yet but I’d like to share some of my personal reflections on the four signs. In this blog I will focus on Prayer and will share my reflections on Study, Generosity, and Evangelization on subsequent blogs.


Of course this is number one. Prayer has to be the most important aspect of a Christian. Prayer is our communication with the Lord and the way of being in constant communion with Him. St. Therese of Lisieux said, “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” Benedict XVI also reminds us that “the Fathers of the Church say that prayer, properly understood, is nothing other than becoming a longing for God.” I think what’s important to get from this is that prayer is not complicated. It is simply becoming a longing for God.

Included in prayer is fasting and alms-giving, both which are meant to direct our heart and mind to God. When we fast, it is not about looking gloomy and making sure everyone knows we’re fasting. It’s about getting rid of all of that self-love and focusing on God’s love, which fills us with joy. Also, we shouldn’t boast about our giving alms, whether it be materially, morally, or spiritually. The Lord tells us “when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,  so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Mt 6:3). Again, it’s all about the Lord. It’s all about being more intimate with Him and yearning for His reward and His approval. We should want to please only Him.

We also can achieve intimacy with the Lord through reading of the Scriptures. This is also where we are fed the bread of life. The Lord speaks His Truth and His Word to us through the Sacred Scriptures, and we truly encounter Jesus in it. St. Jerome aptly put it, “ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ.”

Availing the Sacraments is another essential way of prayer. If praying is like drinking from the fountain of mercy and grace then participating in the Sacraments is like swimming in an ocean (even this metaphor is lacking ). It is God’s way of pouring upon us His graces in super abundance.

Prayer is our starting point and the entire journey. A dynamic Catholic is one who never stops longing for the Lord, and who points his desire for love to God’s agape love for it to be completely satisfied. Our source and strength to do anything good and pleasing for the Lord can only come from a life of prayer.

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” –John 15:4

I’ll Love you Forever, I’ll Like you for Always…

I can’t recall how many times I’ve heard the creation story. If you were raised in a Catholic home and went to a Catholic school, chances are the story of Adam and Eve has been drilled into your head time and time again. It goes like this:

God created a bunch of stuff> then man> he was lonely so +Eve> good times all around> then Eve ate apple> gave apple to Adam> original sin> everyone suffers forever and ever and ever after #inanutshell

But little do we know, there’s so much more depth to the story than meets the eye. Many will argue the validity of Genesis and never get past their own understanding. Because of this, most of us miss that which matters most- the why rather than the how.

“When the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it. He told him, ‘You may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden, except the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad. You must not eat the fruit of that tree; if you do, you will die the same day.’” – Genesis 3:15-17


“The woman saw how beautiful the tree was and how good its fruit would be to eat, and she thought how wonderful it would be to become wise. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, and he also ate it. As soon as they had eaten it, they were given understanding ad realized that they were naked…” – Genesis 3: 6-7

What exactly went wrong? If God is all-powerful and all-knowing why would he even create that tree in the first place? Didn’t he already know that Adam and Eve were going to disobey him? Why didn’t he just hide that tree?

Because God wanted man to have free will, to choose freely out of obedience not obligation.
….or else we’d be robots.

When Eve chose to fall into temptation she did two things:

  • she believed the serpent’s lies; God was holding back the best from them
  • she failed to trust in His goodness.

When we fall into our own temptations and sins, we adapt that same mentality: “God doesn’t really have a plan for us so I’ll just make my own!” or “God hasn’t really provided so I’ll just choose to settle for something else right now”. Sin doesn’t necessarily mean we’re choosing the bad rather it is the conscious decision to choose a lesser good than God.

Our intellect is darkened and compromised. Our will is weakened.

The death that God spoke about in the beginning is not so much a physical death as it is mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Getting caught in the act of something (bad) is not called punishment.
….that’s called MERCY.

The punishment is the pleasure we experience from the act itself. Sin turns into habit and habit into addiction. What seems and feels like freedom is actually slavery. The more we indulge in the sin, the more we’re inclined to do it over and over again. Because the truth is, you can never have enough of what you don’t need.

Maybe you’ve fallen so hard that you’re spiralling down and the only way to get out of it is a huge reality check across the face. That was the case with me. God had to shake my life up in order for me to finally REALIZE that I needed Him. Only Him. In fact, God still continues to shake things up because He knows that I’m capable of more. I’m made for more.

Mercy is God shining light into our life and the decisions we’re making. Mercy is God teaching us a lesson so that we can learn to seek out true happiness and freedom. Mercy is  God asking us to reconsider specific parts of our lives that need to be visited. Mercy is God giving us a wake up call because He wants us back through repentance, faith and healing.

Mercy is Christ saying, “My promise still stands. My covenant is unconditional. And although you chose the lesser good, you are still good enough for me.”

He’ll love us forever. He’ll like us for always, as long as He’s living His children we’ll be.


Stay with me

There is one feeling about waiting which can be very tiresome is the feeling of an unknown.  I’m sure you’re wondering how could it be tiring, you’re just waiting.  Well, at times waiting feels difficult because you start to rely on worldly things, like time, goals,  and you begin to rely on yourself.  A heart that was at ease becomes restless and quickly wants answers.  I think this is why waiting is tiresome because you put things in front of you which you don’t know an outcome.

Its times like these where the Lord wants us to become more faithful, more hopeful, and of course patient in affliction [Romans 12:9-13].  When we continue with our relationship with the Lord waiting becomes easier because our trust in Him increases.  An unknown becomes clear because the Lord reveals to us exactly what we need to see.  With the Lord there is always an outcome.


Cherry on top!

Do you ever have those times where it feels like it has been forever since you prayed? Then the moment you open the Bible and read the readings for the day, a whole load comes off your shoulders, and it’s like as if God planned that perfect day and chose the perfect readings, JUST FOR YOU at the very moment?

I had one of those moments… except “forever” was just 2 days… 2 days of inconsistency in my Scripture readings and I felt like I was beginning to fade away! It might sound dramatic, but it was so real!!! But when I had the chance to open my Bible, I read… I prayed… and it felt like God almost made that moment JUST FOR ME! I continued and when I ended my prayer time, I realized I had been on my prayer date for almost 2 hours!!! PRAISE THE LORD!! And at that moment, I gained an even greater understanding and appreciation of prayer, especially as a missionary…

In mission, we cannot afford to be inconsistent.

The life of mission… it’s a lifestyle… And seeing that mission is a journey of tending to souls, prayer – the vessel in which God feeds our souls – must also be a lifestyle! There is no room for inconsistent mission and inconsistent prayer. I realized that if one is consistent, then the other follows in consistency (but it must be TRUE and GENUINE), and in doing this, we are rooted in the Lord. But as a missionary, if I am not rooted in the Lord, I will begin to fall and the mission He has called me to will definitely fail… This community is “a business of souls”, and souls need spirit. If I don’t fill my soul with His Spirit through the beautiful gift of prayer, then my soul, along with those I am accountable for, might die.

Prayer, although it is as fulfilling as it is, is not important JUST because it is how the Lord affirms me, consoles me, meets me, etc, etc… Prayer is important because it sustains my life in service out of love for Him & His love for me… It brings that completion to everything that feels like it’s missing that last little detail… Prayer is like the cherry on top! So today, His reminder for me is simple…

Put the “cherry” on top of the “Sunday”… 

…EXCEPT… let every day be a “Sunday” ;P

Lead Me, Lord

Probably you have heard this song, “Lead Me, Lord” by John D. Becker many times during mass. Well, I heard it once more during mass a while ago and I felt like its lyrics never ceases to speak so much about our own desire to be on the side of what is good, true and beautiful. It puts into words what our soul longs for when our physical body betrays it. The lyrics goes:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, longing for their Lord,
for God’s coming kingdom shall be theirs.
Blessed are the sorrowing, for they shall be consoled,
and the meek shall come to rule the world.


Lead me, Lord, lead me, Lord,
by the light of truth
to seek and to find the narrow way.
Be my way; be my truth;
be my life, my Lord, and lead me, Lord, today.

Blessed are the merciful, for mercy shall be theirs,
and the pure in heart shall see their God.
Blest are they whose hunger only holiness can fill,
for I say they shall be satisfied.

Blest are they who through their lifetimes sow the seeds of peace;
all will call them children of the Lord.
Blest are you, though persecuted in your holy life,
for in heaven, great is your reward.

Lead us Lord by the light of truth to seek and to find the narrow way. Amen.