Friendship | One of the Four F’s in CFC-Youth

Painted by Del Parson (1983)

Jesus Washing the Feet of the Apostles, Del Parson (1983)

While I can sometimes get lost in the busyness of service and the sometimes-stressful concept of ‘household’ I sometimes forget that mission isn’t a lone journey towards God. Everyone in the Couples For Christ community, and all Christians alike, are striving to live lives pleasing to God; we are all in it together, trying to share the Gospel, trying to love one another the way that God loves us.

As a business student I’ve learnt that an organization’s structure can be one of its strengths. For Couples For Christ’s organizational structure this still remains true. As the family is the basic unit of society, the household is the basic unit of CFC; and over the past few years I’ve definitely grown in my appreciation of the household because it is founded on relationships centred in Christ. That’s not to say that I wasn’t grateful before, but through recent experiences, it’s become more evident to me that the friendships I have in my CFC-Youth and SFC households are living-giving friendships that bear much fruit. And the people (brothers and sisters) in my households mirror God’s great love in many beautiful ways. #4oclock #weeatfirst #sisterskeeper #sistahood #ilovemyHH

Friendship in the household is extended to the chapter, then to the area, and in the greater scheme of things, wherever the CFC community is. In that regard I’ve met some amazing people in the community from around the world, who I can easily say are my friends — not only that, but my brothers and sisters. One of the memories I will always hold dear to my heart was when I went to the Philippines for WGAT and GLS in 2011. There I met some CFC-Youth brothers and sisters from across Canada, the UAE, Singapore, and the Philippines. To this day, we still message each other on Facebook or Twitter, or comment on one another’s Instagram posts. Although distance makes it difficult to maintain friendships, I’ve realized that any conversation or interaction I have with a friend is a huge blessing, whether they live near me or far away.

Last night I was given the opportunity to speak to one of my friends from the Pacific Region, whom I haven’t spoken with for months. During our conversation we weren’t able to cover every single detail, but they shared a lot of information with me that can only help me confidently say that they are pressing towards holiness, intentionally learning how to live and love like Christ even though it is very hard to. Through speaking to my friend and hearing them share about their life, I’ve come to see that the cross I bear is the same cross in which I should draw strength. (Side note: Jesus has already won.) To be reminded of this, not only emphasizes how great God is, but also how unbelievably blessed I am to have life-giving friendships in this community that are solidly rooted in God’s amazing love.

Besides the myriad of people in this community and around the world that are seeking God, may I never forget that God is wherever I go; Jesus is the perfect friend, who has never given up on me and has reminded me a million times to believe and trust in Him. He is the only One who remains with me constantly and consistently. Although humble, He is the greatest among all that exists and He can never be replaced by any person or any thing in this world. Jesus is my friend who walks with me in the mission, patiently listens to my thoughts and prayers, and keeps close to me, helping me journey towards the Father.

Dear God,

Thank You for the gift of life-giving friendships that remind me of Your love, kindness, generosity, mercy, and compassion. I pray for all the friendships I’ve gained and I pray for all those who I have yet to meet. For the people who I haven’t spoken to in a long time, I pray that they see You in them and have the desire to live and love like You; that their hearts welcome You into their lives over and over again. All the glory is Yours now and forever.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Published by

Kleah Zara

God, Catholicism, Family, Friendship, Service, Marketing, Design, Movies, Music, Art. <3