Can I live with you?

The best way to become models of Jesus is to live in the Holy Spirit. When we live in the Holy Spirit we do not just stay there and wait for the Spirit to work in us. The Holy Spirit is already given to us when we receive the sacraments – when we were baptized and confirmed. The Holy Spirit is already within us. It just maybe is dormant.

How do we do this? We surrender to it. We surrender to God. We offer ourselves to the Lord, giving up our worldly desires and making ourselves vulnerable to become a different person molded into a better version. The Holy Spirit can change us. The Holy Spirit will be the one leading our lives.

All we have to do is to pray and to love. We spend more time with the Lord so we become more familiar with His leading. We grab opportunities to love so we stretch our hearts and see the Lord in every person, that eventually we will be reminded of the Lord in everything see.

When we have the Holy Spirit, we fulfill what is written in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” We ask what will be the purpose of the power? Power to do what? To offer ourselves to other people. To lay down our lives to other people in whatever race, color, faith denomination they are. In other words to be loving. To magnify Christ. To be Christ to other people.

I would like to compare my personal approach to the Holy Spirit as to one’s greatest dream. If I want to be the best in my field, say for example the best basketball player, if I follow what my coach says I will surely become the best basketball player. The coach has the power to make the best athlete. This is similar to o the Holy Spirit, He is telling us I will and I can make you a saint, do you want me to live in you?

No Room

Many of us who came from the conference have experienced something different. In a couple of weeks after conference we experience the movement of the spirit stirring within us and making us soar high for the Lord. We ride with the spirit. We fly with the spirit.

As we soar high we see the greater picture of where we are in our lives. We see our relationships, our prayer time, our service, our dedication and commitment, our dreams, our convictions, our challenges, and even our weaknesses. Somehow we get to have a different understanding of ourselves, we see all the opportunities how we can be a better version if not already transforming into one.

The crucial part comes after. How will I change for the better? We go into our innermost self. We look at where we are tied down. My prayer is that in this search of that string that ties us to our old and sinful ways, may we not get lost, may we not enjoy the search too much that we’ll lose focus on what we’re supposed to do.

Our fight with the evil one is not just getting over temptation but it is cutting ties with the devil and all its manifestations and forms.  Not by our own might but with the Holy Spirit, we expunge any trace of the evil one. No room for the devil.




Fill. Kindle. Renew.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

We pray that the Holy Spirit may fill our hearts like a rushing wind, kindle our hearts like a burning bush, and renew our hearts like the baptismal waters of the river Jordan. May the Holy Spirit consume us so that we may be compelled by the love of Christ to go forth and spread the Good News to all nations.

The Holy Spirit enables us to speak the universal language of love, so that, just like the Apostles on Pentecost, we too may be able to proclaim the “mighty acts of God” to all peoples with hopes that others may catch fire and be lead to the conversion of their hearts.

In Baptism we are re-born as children of the Most High. In Confirmation we are indelibly sealed with the Holy Spirit and strengthened by His power to carry out our mission. Let today be a renewal of our baptismal promises and be a reminder of the power of the Holy Spirit within us to fulfill those promises. Let us allow the Lord to stir our hearts once again to enliven our desire to evangelize and give Him the greatest possible glory with our lives!

So, Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

Why I Am Catholic And Not Just Spiritual

It is very common to hear this line from your “average” Christian.

“I am spiritual, but not religious. I don’t need the Church, all I need is a relationship with Christ.”

At one point in time, I even held this point-of-view. But in my personal journey, praise the Lord, that I have also grown up and away from this very superficial point-of-view.

Here are some of my personal reasons:

1. Spiritual usually means that I just feel good about my own perception of God.

If God fits the mould that I imagine Him to be in, then He is not God. God, ironically enough, by definition should not even be definable.  He cannot be put into a certain view-point or a certain mould. That is why He tells Moses, “I am who I am”. (Ex 3:14) God is simply God. Period.

If I simplify God using my own personal finite cognitive skills, then God ceases to be infinite, which in fact is one of His attributes.

How then, can I come to know God? Well, through how He revealed Himself. He reveals Himself to us in a myriad of ways, from the beauty of nature to the razor sharpness of logic as well. I believe God has revealed and reveals Himself in us, when we discover this God-shaped hole in our hearts as St. Augustine would say. This inescapable emptiness that can only be filled with this infinite God. This infinite God who fully revealed  Himself in Jesus Christ. Which leads me to my next point.

2. Jesus was the Word made flesh. He was not just spiritual, but more importantly physical as well. (John 1:14)

This is where things get interesting. Christians, including me, like to spiritualize things. But God, though pure in spirit (CCC 370), created us in a very PHYSICAL world. We act as if anything that is physical is evil, but the reality it is not. For everything that God made is in fact VERY good.  (Gen 1:31)

And if Jesus is any example – he would be the best – since He is fully human and fully divine, He is also fully good. His humanity and physicality doesn’t take away from His goodness. Neither should our reality of being physically present take away from the innate goodness that God has made us to be. Jesus shows us the way, He integrates the spiritual and the physical. He does not differentiate between both.

This is why for us Catholics, good works are an integral part of living Christian lives. One cannot separate the follower of Christ from good works. Since the source of all good is God Himself. These good works were enumerated by Christ in the Bible. But since not all of those things He said were explicitly said, a lot of them were passed on to His followers – the Apostles and the disciples. (2 Thess 2:15) Which leads me to my next point.

3. I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

The very same Church whom Christ established through Peter (Matt 16:18), the One(not multiple) Church that is made Holy through Christ and not by the people in it. The One that is sent to all peoples, and not just to a select few. The One Church that has a proven lineage that traces itself back to the Apostles and back to Christ Himself. The Catholic Church.

This may come as a shock to some of you, but the bible you know now was compiled by the Catholic Church. In fact the Catholic Church predates the Bible in that sense.

Which brings me back to my second point, remember the time Jesus said:

“While they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body. Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” – Matthew 26:26-28

Jesus didn’t mean that in a figurative sense of partaking His body or drinking from His cup. He meant it not only spiritually but very much so literally and physically. And guess which Church takes this to heart?

This Church.

Which goes back to my first point, only is it in the Catholic Church that my faith is asked challenged to go beyond the confines of what comforts me. The Catholic Church challenges me to conform my will to something infinitely higher than me. Which is God’s will, because He has revealed Himself through this Church.

I think it would be a sad day if the fullness of God was limited to what I was comfortable with. I want a faith that doesn’t stop at prosperity, but actually challenges me to pick up my own own cross (Matt 16:24) and be crucified in it. I want a faith that tells me to say Yes to His will and say no to the limited world-view. I want a faith that does not want me to compromise Him for the sake of my own personal gain. I want a faith that transcends my limitedness.

Going back to its roots, Religion is taken from the word Religare which means relationship. My religion is the relationship which God has instituted so I can have a fuller relationship with Him. And like any relationship, try going about doing other than what the other person wants/needs and you’ll end up in a very unhappy and unfulfilled relationship. A relationship is about giving oneself to the other, religion is the giving of oneself to God – Catholicism is its fullness. Why would I give God something less than what He wants?

Built for Mission

Built for Mission- Being built from the inside to go out. Jesus answered and said to him: “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make a dwelling with him.” – John 15:23 (NAB)

“… You were built for mission”, was one of the last affirmations I received through text before I left for the Philippines for training. On a superficial level… Not in any way high maintenance, so giving up the straightener wasn’t a going to be big deal. Physically, I’ve been built bigger and stronger (I owe it to working in inventory). I’m totally ready to “rough it out” on a mountain somewhere.  But all this self-talk didn’t mean I could withstand just the intense heat here in Manila. It knocks me out at night, my hair looks like an afro half the time, and my face is permanently sweating and red.

As a FTPW trainee, I’m being built up to take on the work of a Missionary for Couples for Christ. In my recent Metro Manila Immersion for the East A sector, I’ve initiated and conducted 1on1s, attended both YFC/SFC events, supported and given talks at Youth Camps. But close to two months into training, do I recognize that a great amount of experience in service in no way means that I can withstand whatever the demands of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) are. They, along with the pace to which they are to be fulfilled (serving in Metro Manila is like serving in Montreal x200), change all the time.

Christ wants to build me from the inside to be able to withstand going out to build His Kingdom and Church. The Gospel today (John 14:1-6) reminds me of how much Christ not only seeks to be with me, but completely in union with me. Do I give Him the time to build His dwelling place within me?  A dwelling place built with easy access… For in any given moment I am asked to proclaim the Good News, in this place I can easily sense the Holy Spirit moving, giving me confidence (I CAN give this talk even if I can’t speak Tagalog),  strengthening my trust in the Lord (Not me… It’s all you Lord), providing wisdom (Kinda messed up on point A, but let’s pad up point B up and we’ll be fine).

Lord, please forgive us for the times we fail to acknowledge your presence around us and within us while we are busy serving, working on building.  You are the way, the truth and the life. Wherever you call us to mission (Quezon, Laguna or Batangas), may we always find a dwelling place with You. Amen.

God in me:
Prayer for the Indwelling of the Spirit

Your Spirit is Strong

NALS was a clear affirmation to me that the Holy Spirit is truly strong and moving in our community. I have never been so assured that we are headed in the right direction. We are truly blessed to be here! It’s a GOOD time to be CFC-Youth because the Lord has a superabundance of blessings coming our way.

Together as one we’ll go!

I hope to see everyone again even more on fire for the Lord and His mission in 5 years.



Your voice speaks to me
Your words, eternal life
My heart, empty and free
You fill me with Your light

In the stillness You are near
Absent noisy sounds
Your whisper, ever clear
Your grace in me abounds

Lead me, Lord, in the Truth
Guide me through the narrow way
Consume me, Jesus, in all of You
Holy Spirit, stay