How Much Do You Love?

How much do you love? Do we love like Christ? Do we try to love like Christ? I leave that to your discretion on how to determine those questions. I remember being asked by a brother one time about how much I love. I told him, a lot. So he asked me, “Christian, if it were to be 3AM and it is a blizzard outside and it’s freezing. You’re in your bed fast asleep and this friend of yours calls you because for some reason they just finished work and they ask you, ‘bro, can you drive me home? I can’t get a hold of my parents and I have no other way home’, will you be willing to bring them home?”

I remember I was left there pondering what I would do in that situation. When it came down to it, I said yes, I would. Why? At the time I never fully grasped why, I just knew that I was willing. Looking back at it actually, yes, that is the most extreme inconvenience if ever faced with that. But then again, I ask… how much do you love?

Love is a choice not a feeling. Love is something that was never meant to be convenient although it can be sometimes. Love is something that is meant to push us to see Christ in others. It is something that makes us a better version of ourselves. It allows us to see our weaknesses and allows us to conquer our dreams. Love allows us to do spontaneous things for those we choose to love.

Sound familiar? God does the same. God is Love and Love is God. In those situations of doubt and fear, anger or frustration… ask yourself, what would Christ do? The answer will always be love.

Lord, allow us to love just as You do. Give us the strength in times of anger or frustration, doubt or worry to just remember to love. Amen.




Built for Mission

Built for Mission- Being built from the inside to go out. Jesus answered and said to him: “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make a dwelling with him.” – John 15:23 (NAB)

“… You were built for mission”, was one of the last affirmations I received through text before I left for the Philippines for training. On a superficial level… Not in any way high maintenance, so giving up the straightener wasn’t a going to be big deal. Physically, I’ve been built bigger and stronger (I owe it to working in inventory). I’m totally ready to “rough it out” on a mountain somewhere.  But all this self-talk didn’t mean I could withstand just the intense heat here in Manila. It knocks me out at night, my hair looks like an afro half the time, and my face is permanently sweating and red.

As a FTPW trainee, I’m being built up to take on the work of a Missionary for Couples for Christ. In my recent Metro Manila Immersion for the East A sector, I’ve initiated and conducted 1on1s, attended both YFC/SFC events, supported and given talks at Youth Camps. But close to two months into training, do I recognize that a great amount of experience in service in no way means that I can withstand whatever the demands of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) are. They, along with the pace to which they are to be fulfilled (serving in Metro Manila is like serving in Montreal x200), change all the time.

Christ wants to build me from the inside to be able to withstand going out to build His Kingdom and Church. The Gospel today (John 14:1-6) reminds me of how much Christ not only seeks to be with me, but completely in union with me. Do I give Him the time to build His dwelling place within me?  A dwelling place built with easy access… For in any given moment I am asked to proclaim the Good News, in this place I can easily sense the Holy Spirit moving, giving me confidence (I CAN give this talk even if I can’t speak Tagalog),  strengthening my trust in the Lord (Not me… It’s all you Lord), providing wisdom (Kinda messed up on point A, but let’s pad up point B up and we’ll be fine).

Lord, please forgive us for the times we fail to acknowledge your presence around us and within us while we are busy serving, working on building.  You are the way, the truth and the life. Wherever you call us to mission (Quezon, Laguna or Batangas), may we always find a dwelling place with You. Amen.

God in me:
Prayer for the Indwelling of the Spirit