7 Last Words

7 Last Words

“For I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18)

Since I was in the Philippines, I wasn’t able to have a reflection on a YCOM Pacific video that I took part into making with the rest of the YCOM crew. So above is the link, give it a watch before reading the rest of this!

First off, Praise God.

The talents, treasures, and amount of prayer that went into this video is really uplifting. It literally took months to just come up with its concept, and have what seemed like endless nights that went to recording the poets, to traveling across the Pacific region to all its various parishes.

With that said, I think the anchor verse used for this video says it all.

We were all definitely tested. Whether it was how were we gonna get to the places we needed to go, waiting on certain things to happen so we can even begin, to even the small things as to just having to spend countless days straight of standing to film and just be around the same people all the time.

But as it says in Romans, our sufferings were definitely not worth comparing to the glory that would come. It really didn’t matter how many views we could generate with this video..because if at least one person could see the works of Christ in us, then that alone would be enough. That we as servants in YCOM, are continuing to inspire through the inspiration of Christ and His Holy family that they give to us. Anything more, are just a part of His infinite blessings.

Thank you to the dancers and poets that committed there time and energy into fulfilling what God has had planned for the YCOM program.

Thank you to the YCOM servants that committed time, energy, talents, to take on such a heavy project. It was quite the journey, but we got it done.

and Thank You. Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, for forever giving us the blessings of each other and the blessings to live this life to the fullest with our faith forward.

O Lord, you have given me endless opporunities to find out more about You, through the people you let me cross paths with. Allow me to listen. Listen to whatever it is you want me to proclaim. Lord, I offer my life to You, take over.

“..And how can they hear, if the Message is not proclaimed?” (Romans 10:14)

Christi Crux Est Mea Lux

Prayer, Patience, Perseverance

per·se·ver·ance [pur-suh-veer-uhns]

  • steady. persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
  • Theology . continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.

I’ve tried to live by three P’s: prayer, patience, perseverance. We have to be constant in our prayer life, always seeking out God’s guidance in the things we hope for. We have to be patient and sensitive to the spirit so that we can discover what it is the Lord is asking of us or telling us. We have to persevere in our faith, especially as young people because this world seeks to destroy our relationship with God. A sister from Australia, who I just met this year, put it in the simplest way: when you go through dryness, the next thing that comes after is thirst. So it is with Christ, that when we experience a spiritual desert of sorts, we should be so thirsty for God that we will do what it takes to find His oasis of abounding grace.

With that said, I know that as a person I can be pretty persistent, especially with the things I want. How fitting is it, that about a week and a half ago I came across a saint who lived through perseverance. I purchased this rosary at a St. Paul’s in Gateway after the Global Leaders Summit. Ever since discovering my roots with St. Therese of Lisieux last year, roses have been a very significant aspect of my faith journey with the Lord. I saw a silver rosary covered in roses, and I didn’t even think twice about buying it.

That same week, some pretty heavy news reached me. It involved someone very close to my heart and the severity of the situation really shook me. I was in the middle of a 2 week pilgrimage all across the Philippines and my travel itinerary left little room for flexibility. This was someone who was a big part of my life. I felt so vulnerable, so helpless and so stuck. Words were all I could offer. I couldn’t physically give them the comfort they needed nor could I do anything to take away the pain or the burden that this person felt. It was beyond any of my abilities.

My heart shared in the pain, and I couldn’t help but cry out of helplessness. What else could I do at this moment but pray? Pray for this person and pray that the Lord would give me the strength to deal with this person’s struggles.

Truthfully, I can tell you that never have I ever prayed the rosary with such sincerity. As I recited the words muffled by my tears, I could just sense Mother Mary embracing me and holding me in her arms. Her presence was so strong that I knew she was interceding for me right at that very moment. Two voices speaking the same prayer work wonders, because eventually the situation became less turbulent and less urgent. It was then that I realized that it wasn’t my love for this person that could save them, rather it is my love for God and my belief in his love for me that will bring that person the peace and comfort they seek.

“The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.”- Exodus 14:14

I looked closer at my new rosary and discovered the mark of St. Rita. Her arrival in my life speaks of nothing but God’s great timing.

At a very young age, St. Rita was forced into an arranged marriage to a man who was never good to her. She endured his insults, physical abuse and infidelities for many years, but was persistent in her marriage. She continued to pray for for him for the next eighteen years. Eventually her husband experienced conversion and sought forgiveness through the Church. He was murdered shortly after. Her two sons wanted to avenge their father’s brutal death and vowed never to stop until they brought justice to their family. St. Rita was scared of what her sons were plotting to do, so she lifted up their lives to God. Both sons died later that year due to natural causes. She wanted to enter the convent late in life and was denied multiple times. Eventually, she was accepted, but as a test of her faith and loyalty to the monastic life, her mother superior asked her to tend a dead stick and plant it. Out of obedience she did just that, and after one year of nurturing it the stick grew leaves and became a bountiful grape vine. It has almost been 600 years since St. Rita plated that stick, yet it remains fruitful! So much so that it even produces wine for the Pope.

There is no doubt in my mind that God brought St. Rita, the Patroness of Hopeless Cases, to me at this time of my life. The situation I was presented with before seemed so impossible and so out of my reach that I almost gave up. If anyone could understand what it’s like to pray for something so fervently and with so much intensity, it’s her. She is my role model; she affirms me that the time and effort I’ve been putting in my prayer for someone’s conversion will not go to waste. I should remain faithful to His promise and believe the Lord’s presence is very much alive in my relationship. So it is with the love I carry in my heart that I remain hopeful in prayer, patient in affliction, and persistent in my petitions.

“When God calls you on mission, He also calls your family” “

I never knew what this quote meant until two weeks ago.

So my sister, Alyssa, arrived in Montreal from the Philippines last Friday morning at 1:00 am on April 19, 2013. I must say that it has been the longest 6 weeks ever.

This was her first time going to the Philippines alone. Her first time away from us for this long. Her first time attending ILC and GAT. Her first time serving for a historical event such as this. A part of me wished that I was there to experience it with her. But a part of me knew that God all planned it this way!

So heres a little back story on the relationship that I have with my sister:

We are two sisters. I am the eldest and the shortest between the two. I am the affectionate, childish, loving, and annoying older sister. She is the serious, fun, caring, and reserved little sister. Though we may have different personalities and personalities that have clashed in the past (We weren’t always the best of friends in a land long long time ago!) but our love for God allowed us to see the preciousness of our sisterhood.

I always try to show her that I love her…I’m different ways!

Whether it be every morning when I wake up or when I come home late from work and Alyssa would still be sleeping…I would purposely wake her up and annoy her and convince her to eat with me.

I would be pretty persistent.

Attempt 1: going up to her room and calling her name (a bunch of times!) to her wake up, head down to the kitchen and wait.

After a few minutes…not up yet.

Attempt 2: going back up to her room and calling her name and shaking her, telling her time to eat, head down to the kitchen and wait.

After a few minutes…not up yet.

Attempt 3: Going back up to her room, calling her name, shaking her from side to side and jumping on her bed and saying “alyyyyyysssaa…time to eat! Wake up! Wake up!” And hug her. Tehihi

And After a few minutes if she didn’t get up yet…you can imagine what else I would do!

So when she was gone…I was in withdrawal!

We grew up in the CFC-Youth and we have been serving the community for a few years now, which means…we do a lot of things together! 🙂 So with her gone for 6 weeks we were both challenged to do a lot of things individually.

However, through this withdrawal, the Lord allowed me to witness His work through my sister and for her to experience service on a different level and allowed me to experience my mission individually being miles and miles and miles apart away.

God has plans for her too!
And that He did!

When Alyssa was heading to ILC, she left her phone with my family so…we weren’t able to communicate. I thought to myself that it’ll be ok because I would be experiencing the ILC with her on Ustream…little did I know that I would be seeing a lot of her!

A sister texted me and told me to tune in to the ILC Ustream. When I opened Ustream I couldn’t believe my eyes…Alyssa was on stage filled with the Holy Spirit and trying to excite 7000 people, She was emceeing the ILC with two other brothers! My initial reaction was a single tear rolling down my right cheek (I know dramatic! Just kidding), a tear of joy! I was so proud of her, just seeing her there experiencing Christ and serving…allowed me to see a piece of God’s greater plan for her!

I’ve seen Alyssa grow up as a woman and have seen her grow spiritually throughout the years. But after her trip to the Philippines, I’ve seen her transform into a Woman of God! At that moment I realized what that quote meant, “When God calls you on mission, He also calls your family” I knew that even though we were far apart…we were serving Him.

When she arrived the other day, and we hugged…it was different..I knew she knew a piece of my heart about mission as I’ve shared in my first reflection,

“Mission work is creating intimacy with God. When I am in mission it is the most personal you become with God, the most real”

As we hugged, I knew we now shared this common feeling, this intimacy with God.

Lord, I thank you for taking care of my sister and the other delegates that went to Philippines from Canada and all over the world. I pray that all who attended the ILC and GAT, may they hear and be sensitive to the messages that God has revealed to them. I thank you Lord for revealing to me that serving is not an individual mission, but a family mission. I pray that my relationship with Alyssa continues to strengthen and that we continue to be instruments not only in the community but within our family. I cannot wait, O lord, what other surprises you have in store for us all!

Amen 🙂

road reflection

This reflection is from my drive earlier today
hopefully it makes sense. if it doesn’t, sorry po..

so driving during rush hour.. heading home.. crazyyy!
cars over taking, cars not moving, clogged intersections, cargo trucks.. crazyy! hehe
a 15min drive can become almost an hour plus drive
but taking your time to get through the traffic.. a gift.
Safety. Patience. Time.
..gift(s) from taking your time po 🙂

Safety- caring not only for the your own safety but for those around you too
cutting off cars can put you in harms way or cause another person to go on a road rage (raging driver on road=unsafe)

Patience- “smell the roses and blow the candles” (c/o Kyle Beley) relax.
learning it and developing it can help us in the long run.
Good for the health and good for the soul. Also, it opens up ways for more gifts and talents po.

Time- it’s understandable that sometimes you’re catching a time (work, school or next episode of HIMYM)
but take your time, either way you can’t make your car fly hehe
the hour or so jam is a gift to develop a virtue or to reflect and think of this reflection or pray 🙂

I guess this can relate to life (hopefully..)
many times we’re always in a rush to get something and get some where.. that we forget to appreciate the opportunity given
take the chance to be sensitive to others, caring for them.. their safety. Love. (Jn 13:34)
take the chance to develop the bountiful gifts we’re given (Mt 25:14-30)
take chance to bask in His moment in time (which is not existent because we know He is eternity. Rev 22:13)

To be honest, I was and still am guilty of rushing.. in both driving and life.
I am learning and trying to take it slow.. but I still have a long way to go hehe

God bless.

“Do you love me?”


When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.”


A second time he said to him, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.”


He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” And he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.


Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you girded yourself and walked where you would; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish to go.”


(This he said to show by what death he was to glorify God.) And after this he said to him, “Follow me.”

– John 21:15-19

Last Sunday, a missionary Jesuit Priest from the Philippines celebrated the masses in my parish. He was invited by someone from Montreal who once visited his area in Palawan in the Philippines. The montrealer told him that he should come to Montreal to share the work that they do. During his homily, he went through the different parts of the Gospel and explained it in a way that is easier for the masses to understand . Personally, I was really touched by his homily because I truly felt that it came from his heart. He even had a long pause at one point during the homily as he started becoming emotional because he said that he was really personally touched by the Gospel. The bible verses above are the last part of the Gospel last Sunday. This was the part where Fr. Lito became emotional. Inside the church, you could also feel that the whole parish was sharing the same emotion with him. He said that when Jesus asked Simon Peter if he loves Him it is not to insult him or question his love but simply a reminder. Simon Peter’s response to Jesus that he loves him and repeatedly said so three times as the Lord had asked him is Jesus’ way of reminding him on what Simon Peter’s love for Him entails. Jesus asked him to feed His lambs, tend His sheep, feed His sheep, and at the end the Lord God tells Simon Peter,
“Follow Me”.

How much do we really love our Lord?
How far are we willing to go?
Are we ready to feed His lambs,
 to tend His sheep,
to feed His sheep?
Are we ready to follow Him?
Are we ready to love Him?

         Fr. Lito said that this same incident happened to him and this is the reason why he is where he is right now. God asked him “Do you love me?”. This question, he answered without hesitation, “I love You Lord, more than these”. At that point in his life, he was already in the midst of his career as a Civil Engineer, but he felt that he was longing for more. He then went back to the Philippines and entered the seminary. As he was sharing this, and throughout the whole Eucharistic celebration, he looked so happy. He seemed so joyful and content and very much at peace. His face and entire being radiates his love for the Lord. He is so in love with the Lord.

Fr. Lito also shared that in service we need to smell the same scent as the people that we are serving. We need to smell like them. We need to be one with the people we are serving. We need to be with the people we are serving. We need to eat what they eat. We need to live as they live. We need to breathe the same air that our brothers and sisters are breathing. If they breathe God’s Spirit, we should also breathe the same Spirit.

This whole Mass was such a great experience for me, reminding me of who I am as a daughter of God. I was moved. The times that I would feel that I am unworthy of His love; He affirms me oh so quickly. There is no need for me, for us to ask, “God, do You love me?” because I know that His answer is eternal and will never change. “I love you my child” I pray that whenever God will ask me, “My daughter, do you love me?”, that I will be able to answer this question with all my heart, each time without fail. I pray that I will always be able to answer God’s love without hesitation, rather always with full conviction.

“Lord, I love you. I want to grow more in love with You.”


Have a wonderful day brothers and sisters.
God bless us always.

Peace and Love,

“Radiating Christ”

Dear Jesus,

Help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go.
Flood my soul with Your Spirit and Life.
Penetrate and possess my whole being
So utterly that my life may only be
A radiance of Yours.

Shine through me, and be so in me
That every soul I come in contact with
May feel Your presence in my soul.
Let them look up,
And see no longer me, but only Jesus!

Stay with me and then I shall begin
To shine as You shine,
So to shine as to be a light to others;
The light, O Jesus will be all from You;
None of it will be mine;
It will be you, shining on others through me.

Let me thus praise You
In the way You love best,
By shining on those around me.
Let me preach You without preaching,
Not by words but by example,
By the catching force,
The sympathetic influence of what I do,
The evident fullness of the love
My heart bears for You.


– Mother Teresa

Carrying the Cross

I’m a day late from this reflection. I missed work yesterday as I wasn’t feeling well so today seemed like my Monday, nice try, I’m still late.

I’ve been distracted today from writing my reflection, just too many challenges on the plate. Today was one of those days where I just want to lock myself in the bedroom and not deal with anything.

Today was a day where the load was a bit heavy and I just wanted to just give up. It took someone looking at the situation from the outside to remind me what the cross was all about.

“I’m excited for what’s to come because God never fails to show the greater good that comes from carrying a heavy cross” -migjojav.

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes and heart today!

The Woman I Love

In 2 months Hannah Pambuan and I will be celebrating our 8 year anniversary, and as crazy as it may seem, marriage has been on our minds ever since day one.

The very first time I told Hannah that I loved her was in the park behind her house, and just to add some drama I did it the night before she left on a mission trip to the maritimes. Fast forward to today and here we both are serving as Mission Volunteers for CFC-Youth Canada, to which I attribute to God’s amazing plan for our relationship. With both of us actively discerning full-time mission work, where does this leave our relationship? The way I see it, whatever path we’re walking right now will prepare us both to be who God is calling us to be as a husband and wife in the future. So it’s not that we would be putting our relationship on hold for mission work, but rather, mission work will play an active role in discerning our vocations.

Hannah Pambuan is the woman I love, and although I would love nothing more than to marry her right now and have a crap-load of babies, I know that God is calling both of us to do His work so that when the time comes to propose, we’ll know it’s because God has made us both ready in His eyes.

Hannah and I know that we’re not there simply to satisfy one another, but we’re also meant to be a visible sign of God’s love for us all.

Lord God, I pray that you continue to bless the relationship I have with Hannah. May you allow me the grace to always see her as a sister first so that I may be reminded of the task you have given all brothers, to lead our sisters to Heaven. Amen.

– Jesse R.