11am Trip

I arrived at the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal at 9:00am. I was hoping to catch the 9am trip but I was too late. I saw the ferry moved away from the docking area so I just sat there at the Berth of the 11am ferry trip. There was no one there. It felt so weird coz for the last 20mins no one came. Considering that I am in an area where it’s supposed to be filled with 200+ passengers. I just sat and thought of things to do then talked to the Lord.

His message to me was simple, (which I thought was complicated). He told me, “There’s more in this 11am Trip.”

After 20mins, one passenger came, then after 10mins another family passengers came. Then after that people start to come almost every minute. The area was almost filled up. Some were already standing. 15mins before the departure, the room was already packed simply because I stayed and waited knowing that there is an 11am trip.

This is the same as the promises of the Lord, when He said Jeremiah 29:11 (For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.) That is our 11am trip! That is my 11am trip! When I have hard time waiting that is because I forget of the 11am trip! I forget that there is already a sure fulfillment of His plans – the time and the place for it is already set.


“Lord you are God of time and place. You hold everything in your heart. Teach me to have the right posture in waiting. Remind me that You are with me while I wait and that You are also ahead of me to winning my future. Teach me to learn from Micah 7:7 – But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.”


Candy (Philippians 1:29)

He fed how many?

Its no joke that Jesus himself was the ultimate model of our very own Random Acts of Kindness movement.  He was the ultimate giver of love, miracles, and compassion.  What made Him do this RAK?  I’m curious myself, what could have He seen in this large crowd?  Of course He saw many who are sick, he might have seen many who are hungry and hadn’t eaten in days, and he probably saw many who are poor in spirit and wanted to give them direction and purpose!  And how about feeding these 5000 with leftovers!  What a miracle in itself!

I can already see the many RAK given to me, starting simply with being fed, moving on to being graced with kindess and love from others, and receiving words from the Holy Spirit through others. Its amazing how we are also called to do the same to give love and compassion and God-willing a miracle.  I’m very excited to see where performing these acts of kindness will take me.

Lord, I pray for the ability to perform random acts of kindness to my family and friends and most especially to the public where I find myself more closed off and shy.  Help me to be more compassionate to those who seek for simple joys from others.


Only Through Love

“As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love.
If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. *No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends,* because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. This I command you: love one another.” – John 15:9-17

It is only through love, where we can live peacefully, dance joyfully, smile gracefully, laugh bountifully, and cry mercifully. Only through love will you experience God. When God commands us to love our neighbour and love even our enemies, He calls us to love this person because we love Him first. For God is love and He is enough. It is so simple, yet we tend to complicate it for ourselves. It is only through faith and trust in God to know that He has equipped us every day of our lives to go forth and to love our neighbour. Though our pride and selfishness may get in the way remember to humble your heart, and know that we are nothing without Christ. We are nothing without Love. This I command you: love one another.” 

Deo Gratias

Kamay ni Hesus

I went to Quezon for the day with my family and I had no idea we were going on a pilgrimage. Kamay ni Hesus (or Hand of Jesus) is a shrine located on top of a hill in Lucban, Quezon. After some research, I found out that it’s 300 steps to the top of the shrine.

Now 300 steps doesn’t seem like a lot, but my family and I were not prepared at all. We weren’t wearing the right attire, nor carried what we needed like an umbrella or a hat or even a towel. Although we were physically unprepared, I saw the faces of determination in my family, and knew that together, we would make it.

So, at 11am in the morning, near the hottest time of day, we began our pilgrimage. What I experienced for the next 45min of walking up those steps is something I could never replace. My family, supporting each other, cheering each other on, sharing water, wiping our sweat with one handkerchief… sounds completely gross, but we didn’t care.

Upon arriving at the foot of the shrine, my Mom said the most beautiful words “Here I am, Lord. We made it.”

Going up is definitely harder than going down. We all know it’s easy to fall, to sin, and sometimes, it’s a long way down. But when you travel together in a group, you have the support and help of those around you in helping you in your journey, and making sure you don’t stray.

I thank God for my family, for allowing us to journey together, and for the community of Couples For Christ.


No day is ordinary. For the Lord, every day is EXTRA-ordinary.
This past week coming from the Philippines was such a blessed week with friends, family, Norelle, my cat and most especially the Lord. Each and every day was filled with joy and love. When my parents and I arrived in Toronto, we were greeted by my two sisters and my brother in law who welcomed us with open arms. Although, physically I was tired, my heart was jumping with joy that I was back in Canada. I was thinking in my head, “wow, praise the Lord, I am home. This is such an amazing feeling and I cannot wait to see everyone and experience Christ’s blessings.”

Wednesday the Lord was calling me to visit Him at the Adoration chapel. The 30 minutes I was there filled my heart with so much peace and joy that it made my heart smile. I was so happy that I needed to let the Lord know. The message of the Lord during this time was, “Kyle, enjoy every day here and look at every day as not just an ordinary day but an EXTRA-ordinary day.”

Thursday came which started off with mass in the morning, but right when I was about to leave I was blessed to meet with Tita Tess, the Parish Youth Co-ordinator at Annunciation Parish. She filled me in with all the wonderful things that was happening with the parish YFC and how they are growing both spiritually and in quantity. Yes there were some bumps in the road but with the grace of God they were all able to get through it. Praise the Lord.
Friday started off again with mass which was again filled with joy and love. The Lord surprised me  with Mauricio Munoz and GR 8’s who just finished joining the Youth camp in December also celebrating mass. It was good to see and speak to them after and just catch up with what has been going on. With the same joy and love, they were explaining how the YFC in the parish has been going well and staying consistent with their Households. Praise the LORD!
Friday night I was able to hang out with some of the Youth and just spend some good company with them.

Saturday came which I was blessed enough to attend the Camp Brave Parent Orientation in Milton. Praise God because I was able to meet up with the HAMILTON Area CC’s, the Milton/Oakville chapter heads and the Team servants for Camp brave. They did such a great job for their first parent orientation and I am sooo excited for the Lord’s plan for them because Camp Brave has been long anticipated and all the Youth serving are also excited to serve. Saturday Evening was filled with good company again where I was able to attend a confirmation celebration for two of the Youths. Tita Cathy and Tito dave (the parents of the YFC who got confirmed) were so hospitable and loving all throughout the celebration. To end off the day, I was able to play street HOCKEY with some of the YOUTH and Titos there at the party! Such a wonderful surprise because it was so much FUN!

Sunday was a blessed day with FAMILY. My WHOLE immediate family was able to go to mass which doesn’t happen often. It was so blessed, Praise God. During the homily the priest said two things that were personal to me:

1)     “As Christians, we are to have CHRIST LIKE ads.”
2) “The Lord may start of slow but always has a strong FINISH.”

Such wonderful messages to continue on the mission as a FTPW. After mass, we all went out for lunch and was able to have good family time and share experiences that have happened these past 3 months. Sunday evening, Norelle came back from her vacation, which was a great experience because it was the first time seeing her in 3+ months. Praise God through much prayer and graces we were able to keep Christ at the center during our time together and continue moving forward in holiness and love for each other and most especially the Lord.

Lord, Almighty Father, I praise and thank you for giving me such a wonderful week of love, joy and blessings. Thank you for protecting and guiding me to Christ everyday. Lord, I will continue to be in need of you for I am weak without you and I am strong with you. Thank you for making me realize that everyday is not just ordinary but extraordinary in your eyes.

The purpose of my life

“We are here on earth in order to know and love God , to do good according to His will, and to someday go to heaven (YouCAT Section 1)

I’ve always wondered about the purpose of my existence. Sometimes, I wonder what’s the point of waking up, going to work, taking kids to their soccer games, day in day out.

I always thought there would be a deep and profound explanation that would strike me and allow me to experience a deep awakening of my purpose in life.

The message that explains our purpose in life from YOUCAT (and the Catechism of the Catholic Church), is so simple but really makes my life so clear to me. It’s what God wanted for us to do all along, going back to His love story with man that started with Adam and Eve and up to now.

I’ve always wondered why He brought me to Canada – I now know its to allow me to love God even more and to serve Him through the community, and to see Him in others

I’ve always wondered why he allowed me to be a husband – it’s to allow me to experience the sacrifice that I’m willing to take for the love of my spouse

I’ve always wondered why He allowed me to be a Father – I now realize and experience everyday How much the Father loves me, I’ve so much love for my kids and yet God’s love is a gazillion times more than that

Father, thank You for allowing me to love You by loving me first. Thank You for allowing me a taste of what heaven is through the life that You have blessed me. Love you!!!

Not About Us

Mark 12:28-34

God’s greatest commandments take us away from self-centeredness into selflessness. Only in this kind of mindset can we truly look at ourselves as someone meant for others.

When we start having the mindset that God dwells in us, we will start to understand that we are to live like Christ. Living like Christ is living for others. Living for others means all things we do, we do to make a difference in the lives of other people. It has never been only about us, it is about God in us. It has never been just about our emotions and feelings, that when we are hurt or in pain because of others we surrender. We go beyond it and ask, what can I do to lead the other to Christ? In doing so, we in fact gain more because by giving ourselves we received back a thousand fold.

For God it is all about us and for us it is all about Him. When this exchange of selflessness ripples through humanity, there will be no one in need because everyone thinks of the other first before themselves.