
So, Ash Wednesday is tomorrow. Its about that time to think of that “FAST” we are to give up.

What will yours be? Candy? Chocolate? Facebook? Instagram?

What does this fast mean to you? …

…This form of “Discipline” during this lent season.

Lent is a special time of prayer, penance, sacrifice, and good works in preparation for the celebration of Easter. So will this fast be something good for our souls and prepare ourselves more fervently for Christ’s ultimate passion? Will this fast make us a better person permanently?

Or will this fast be something stop after lent, which might continue darkening our souls?

Back to discipline.

In my younger days, I was disciplined A LOT because my parents and sisters knew I was and would get in a lot of trouble. They did it out of love for me… because they cared. I was so blind to see that this discipline was not only for a period of time, but it was enforced for me to come out of the darkness and become a better person for the future.

This fast not only shows love to our God but it’s actually a gift from God for us to become better sons and daughters for Him. He cares. He loves. He will do anything to show it. Sacrifice is one way, if not the ultimate way.

Our fast, if we give it up for the greater glory of God, lets tough it out. Lets not act like those Pharisees back in the day who found loop holes. Lets also pay special emphasis on becoming more spiritual, attending mass more often, having a good confession, spending time in Adoration and just ultimately loving and sharing God’s more.

For this 2014 Lenten season, I pray that our lives are renewed with a deeper understanding of Christ and relationship with Him.

Deo Gloria.


Be here

I’ve been here in Texas for a few days now and just having all this time alone…a lot of thoughts hit your mind.

I guess I realized this;

Just the way the Lord carefully places certain things in your life…imagine how timely those situations came whether at the time it was a victory, or even a struggle. Imagine where you are now…or at least for me anyways, you realize how active the Lord was in every single second of our lives..

Sure, there are a lot of things we need to learn, heal from, reflect on…but at least know this…

You are still here today. You can handle whatever is front of you. There are people God has placed in your life that are there for you. Never give up. Keep Praying. Keep giving more of You, to love all of Him.

Lord, may I always be motivated by You. Inspired by You. To love like You. To be like You. To accept like You have accepted.

Deo Gloria

Not Mine, But Thine

“God has created me to do Him some definite service; He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another.  I have my mission.” – Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman.

My simple reflection is this:

Now, more than ever before, my heart is breaking a mere thousand times daily because I know He is preparing me for something great.  Something undeniable.  Something worthy.  Something glorious.  

So that in my shattered self only the Lord remains, and everything that is not shall return to dust.

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” – John 3:30

Canada Ablaze!

The last four years of my life have really been life changing.  Of course, ever since we joined CFC in 1999, our life as a family has never been the same.  But the last four years have been amazing.  It made me see the special calling that the Lord has for our community in Canada, missionaries to the rest of the world!

Just listening to the Mission Volunteer and Fulltime Pastoral Worker applicants pour out their hearts and willing to give their all for God, has left me amazed.   How in the world, at their age, can these young adults think of giving up practically everything for the Lord?  How fortunate are they to see what life in this world is really all about!

The next 5 years (from our 20th year to our 25th year of the Family Ministries in Canada) will be mind blowing, here’s why:

CFC Canada will be a mission centre, building and sending missionaries to the rest of the world, our problem will be having more Mission volunteers that we can ever imagine (and that’s a Great problem to have)!

The mission in Canada will be on fire, everywhere you go and everywhere you look you will see the face of Jesus in CFC and the Family Ministries in parishes, in schools, in universities, in towns and cities, in all provinces and territories!

Go (CFC Canada), therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 


The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic 4/4 – Evangelization

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” –Mt 28:19-20 (RSVCE)

We are called to always be in the state of evangelization to those who don’t know Christ and to those who know Christ but have lost His scent. Evangelization is spreading the Good News through one’s testimony of being affected and transformed by the Gospel—the life of Jesus. We don’t need to be theologians and articulate with our words, nor flowery with our exhortations. We only need to be a witness to the transforming power of God’s love through Jesus. The world has enough teachers. We need more witnesses. It’s through the witnessing of one’s life that others catch the fragrance of Christ and they become drawn to Him through you.

However, and of course we can never discount the fact that we will eventually be called to evangelize with our words so let us be intimate with the Word of God through prayer, Scripture, and the Sacraments. He will enable us to speak. We have nothing to worry so long as we speak from our hearts, convicted in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Holiness goes hand in hand with evangelization because when we are before God in Heaven He will check to see who we brought with us. We are a community of saints. So let us be like the saints in history who have inspired multitudes to be like Jesus through the way they lived their lives. In terms of our future and vocation, we only need to ask this one question: “how is the Lord calling me to make disciples of all nations?” This will lead us to our calling. This is the job and the great commission the Lord has called every one of His disciples!

Praise be God!

Our Lady of Guadalupe, star of the New Evangelization, pray for us!

“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!” –Romans 10:15


Beautiful Solitude. Beauty in Multitude.

Philippines Week #3
February 17, 2014


Solitude brings out the beauty in God’s Multitude.

To be able to be self-suffient
God reliant

To be able to turn to the comfort of our Lord

Solitude brings out the beauty in God’s Multitude.

In times of uncertainty, challenges, and lonliness
The Lord is calling me to find company in Him

The solo traveller
Makes an intimate follower

Solitude brings out the beauty in God’s Multitude.

Everyday I have a glimpse of how it would feel to live and venture on my own
withThe Lord.

Everyday I am reminded of the beauty of “One”
How a single word can evoke a myriad of feelings

Solitude brings out the beauty in God’s Multitude.

Living Beyond the Muros

Philippines Week #2
February 6, 2013

Last week I had the opportunity to venture around Manila with my fellow trainee and my Training Heads. We went around to explore and discover what Manila had in store for us. I asked The Lord to show me, and so He did.

Our first stop was The Steel Church (Basilica Minore de San Sabastien). I walked around and knocked on the walls of the church to check if they were really steel. They were. As I was doing my rounds and taking in the beauty of the structure I was struck by a statue of Saint, a Saint that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. She was dressed in a yellowish/golden dress. What caught me off guard was what she was holding in her hands. On her right hand she was holding a palm leaf and on her left she was holding a plate with two human eyeballs. I took a deep breathe and continued walking around the church. The image of the Saint lingered in my mind. Something was pulling me to go back to the foot of the statue. I found myself standing in front of the Saint. I called the brothers who were with me and asked them if they knew who this Saint was. No one knew, so we looked it up. The search lead us to, St. Lucy.

photo 1-4

St. Lucy is known for her martyrdom in defence for her virginity. Her story is about a young Christian woman who had vowed her life to the service of Christ. According to the iconography which portrays her, it is said that the eyes on the plate reflects her identity as the protector of sight, her name Lucia (from the Latin word “lux” means “light, clarity, understanding, enlightening”). St. Lucy is frequently shown holding her eyes on a golden plate and also holds a palm branch which symbolizes victory over evil.

I asked the Lord, “Why O Lord did you lead me to this image?”

I didn’t think much of it and just continued with the rest of the day.

After all the adventures, our last Church we visited was in Intramuros, the walled city. I asked my Training Heads what “Intramuros” meant and they said, “within the walls”. I continued walking and observing the thick wall that surrounded the church, I noticed a woman siting on ground up against the wall, I glanced at her and continued walking. The Church we visited was San Agustin, they had statues/paintings of Saint Augustine around the church, but there was one towards the entrance of the church that stood out. He wore a black robe and  a book with a small church on his left hand. The church symbolises the Word of God, source of light and truth, and the quest for wisdom.

photo 2-4

I asked the Lord again, “Why O Lord did you lead me to this image?”

Before we left Intramuros I was admiring the 3 meter thick wall that enclosed this city. I, for the second time crossed paths with the same woman siting on the ground. This time she was hiding her face and she was leaning against the wall. I was compelled to continue to look back.


photo 3

I asked the Lord once again, “Why O Lord did you lead me to this image?”

As I reflected on the rest of the day,

I was brought back to the three images that moved my heart.

St. Lucy and her eyes of enlightenment.
St. Augustine and his book of wisdom.
The woman siting between the walls.

After siting in silence, I realized why each image was presented to me that day. I realized that these were the prayers and the posture that the Lord desired for to carry being here in the Philippines and during my training,

“Lord God, like Saint Lucy, allow me to be to be enlightened not only with my eyes but with my heart”

“Lord God, like Saint Augustine, allow me to ask more questions but to be secure in the fact that the Lord is far much greater than my questions”

“Lord God, like the woman siting, allow me to be aware of the reality that is seen between the walls.”

The Lord is calling me to live beyond the “muros”, to live beyond the walls. Walls are created to prevent others from seeing what is inside. To step out of my comfort zone and recognize the reality that is placed before me and the reality of whatever I am feeling at any given moment. The Lord does not leave me to face these realizations alone but sends me His Saints. He sent me St. Lucy to see and seek enlightenment not only with my eyes but with my heart. He sent me St. Augustine so I may continue to ask questions and seek wisdom and clarity from the Lord.

Lord allow me to step beyond my walls.
Saint Lucy, Patron Saint of eyes, allow me to see beyond my walls.
Saint Augustine, Patron Saint of theologians, allow me see beyond the walls of my questions.
O Lord, allow me to turn to Your Spirit and look between the walls for your messages!
Amen 🙂