
Last weekend, I went to Victoria with my counterpart to conduct a Household Leaders’ Training and Camp Training. Although I love going to the island, as a result of my love for the mission and the people I serve with and for, I felt my heart held back even a tiny bit. I was saddened that I would be missing the debut of one of the sisters I really care for. Then I started thinking of all the possible events or occasions I will be called to sacrifice for the sake of the mission. And I was moved to even greater sadness.

Until I reflected on Christ. Christ did not hold back on giving His all for the mission of our salvation; His body, blood, soul and divinity in the institution of the Eucharist, His life on the Cross, and His Mother at the foot of the cross before His last breath. I, too, am called to give my all without reservation all because of love.

My Jesus, grant me the grace to serve You wholeheartedly. Let me love You through my acts of submission, and not just through my words. Mother Mary, I ask for your prayers that I may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen. 


Which disciple do you associate yourself with?

Most of us, including myself, wouldn’t have Judas as our go-to-guy. The sting of his betrayal resonates with everyone, even until now. A lot of us are quick so quick to judge, shaking our heads in disapproval. How could someone who claimed to love God betray him for so little? Real love has no cost, but apparently all it took was 30 silver pieces.

What possessed someone who was already part of the special twelve to turn his back on the one who gave him so much. A new life with new opportunities. But it still wasn’t enough. For Judas, if Jesus was really the Son of God- and nothing was impossible- then why did it take so long for this new revolution to begin? If Jesus was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, then why did they still have to endure so much waiting?

He was impatient with God’s plan, so he took matters into his own hands.

Hmmm, now doesn’t that sound familiar?

I have in me, a Judas of sorts. I know that God has chosen me specifically for a purpose that only I can fulfill. I know that God loves me unconditionally because He’s shown me in so many different ways. I know that God favours me because he’s allowed me to witness so many great and wonderful things. Yet, I still find it hard to trust in Him. I still find it hard to be patient with His plans, to wrap my head around the fact that things happen in His perfect timing.

The past year God has given me the opportunity to be real with myself. I know what Judas’ thirty pieces of silver translates to in my life. I know what I’ve traded Jesus for on numerous occasions because I was tired of waiting. I made my own plans and ditches His.


He knows the weaknesses that lead to my everyday betrayals. He knows them as well as he knew that Judas would place on Christ the kiss of betrayal. Yet here I am, still receiving God’s good graces. Why? Because His mercy has no end. Indeed God is good. He is very, very good.

All we have to do is face ourselves and our actions with complete honesty- does this bring me closer or further from God? Am I serving myself and my own desires or am I dying to myself so that God’s desires can be fulfilled through me?

What God requires is not perfection, but a broken spirit and contrite heart.

Oh Most humane and adorable Jesus, Your endless grace and mercy flows forth. Before granting the gift of absolution To earnest repenters of sinful ways, You demanded a sacrificial compensation. For a wrongful act cannot be rectified Until punishment has been accepted! Yes, for the salvation of my soul, Jesus, You accepted the price of the Cross! Grant me the grace to remain free of debts, My heart remaining flawless before You, Making Your absolution truly worthwhile!

This blogpost was inspired by “Betrayal” (Matt Maher’s Day 3 of 7 Easter  Week Videos)

I am absolutely in love with You

I have been reflecting a lot on how much I have grown throughout my years of being in CFC-Youth. And so far, it has been a blessed journey. I have definitely learnt more than I ever thought I could. Because of certain relationships and the people I have met, my journey has definitely been blessed all the more. From attending households, pastorals, shouts, conferences, to eating out after events and those late night drives going home, my days have definitely been filled with lots of love, joy and laughter. April 7-9 marks my 8 years of being in this beautiful community. Well, actually, it should be CO, but I actually do not remember when it was.

During these past two years, my desire to do something more for the Lord has definitely been increased. It was within these past two years in where I really took a step back and asked the Lord for His guidance. It was within these past two years in where I was able to see with the eyes of faith. And it was within these past two years in where I really started questioning my purpose in this community.

After coming back from my GAT trip in the Philippines back in 2012, and going straight to the Almighty Conference in Winnipeg, I took with me the questions that started my discernment to apply for the MV program. “What more can I do for the Lord?” And, “Why am I still in this community?” This was the year when the MV program was introduced to me. Or rather, it was when I really took notice of the MV program. The questions that ran through my mind were answered pretty quickly come conference time but, because of my doubts and fears, my heart quickly hardened to the thought of it.

The past two years have been filled with heartbreaks within my family, service, school, personal life and relationships. I guess you could say, in all aspects of my life (Haha!). Two years filled with heartbreaks but, nevertheless, the Lord was still so good throughout. It was also within these two years in where I saw how good and loving the Lord really was. I saw how He worked to make all of the good things in my life happen. But most especially, I saw the joy and fruits of my struggles and difficulties.

Throughout these past two years, the Lord continued to stir my heart in ways I never could have imagined. I once thought that the Lord never cared so much for what I had wanted. Soon enough, the more I asked for the Lord’s guidance, the more He showed interest in my desires. I found that, the more I accepted His will and the more I willingly suffered with Him, the more at peace I became. Slowly but surely I started desiring for what He had wanted for me.

Two years had passed and still, my desire to apply had still remained. Throughout these two years, my desire had been magnified and yet, I found more and more reasons to not apply. My weaknesses, doubts and fears had increased and my heart was hardened even more. The desire, the longing for the Lord and to just really know Him more intimately was still there though.

As I write this, I am happy and proud to say that I finally answered the Lord’s call and applied. Surely enough, the Lord accepted me with open arms. I am now a Mission Volunteer. Praise God!

The Lord really knew how to make His way into my heart. He affirmed and assured me that, as long as I continued to say yes to Him, He would take care of everything. My weaknesses, doubts and fears would not matter because at the end of every day, He was holding on to me.

Never have I been this sure of the Lord’s love for me until now. I start my 8th year in this community as a Mission Volunteer. That is pretty awesome :’). As I journey in the MV program and put aside all of my doubts and fears, I will continue to have faith, hope and trust in the Lord.

Jesus you have me completely
Every breath that I breath
I am absolutely in love
Jesus I am yours forever
All of me surrenders
I am absolutely in love with You


Spring Cleaning

Cleaning. I wasn’t too fond of that word before, but as I grew, I became quite fond of it. I started cleaning more in the house, cleaning in other peoples’ houses, and even cleaning the place around me. I even recall a recent moment with my good friend, Ellen, where we sat at a gazebo area in Milton, to witness to a drunk person throwing his beer cans in the bushes by the pond after being filled with frustration that the stranger he approached did not want to drink with him.


It literally felt like we were on a legit mission, staking out whether or not the drunk man had left. And when the coast was clear, we headed for her car to grab some plastic bags. We began to pick up the beer cans that the man had thrown away, and then a few beer cans became a few pieces of garbage, and next thing you know, we were cleaning the whole gazebo and pond area!

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to stay in the home. It can reach out to everything around us. But I think as this late spring approaches, God is calling me to really clean up the cracks and crevices of my heart. It’s the inner home He is calling me to.

Spring is when the flowers begin to bloom,
and life sprouts from the ground and flies in the air,
and it nestles in the trees,
bringing itself to our homes.

LIFE is a part of this ‘spring cleaning’ I have been coming to know.

In an SFC event called, ‘Princess Diaries’, they had stated that we are like gardens. But I have allowed a few weeds spread here and there. I’ve cut them off, but I haven’t dug them out from the roots. Quite honestly, there have been so many things that a long while back, God had to strip all the grass off and plant a completely new garden and He is tilling the soil. He’s helping me dig out the weeds that have grown in dry soil and He feeds me with the water of the Holy Spirit, purifying my heart as I await the bloom of spring.

SPRING CLEANING, to me, is not so much about cleaning my room, which I admit, still needs a little work, but it’s about allowing my heart to take its time and to not allow it to be swoon or overtaken by the dandelions that may grow. They may seem like flowers, but they grow from dry grounds. I must tend to my heart and make sure that the fruits aren’t blooming in spiritual dryness.

The real bloom is that of which is done with patience and grows on moist and fertile ground.

And even that takes time. But I know that although I don’t know, He does, and I trust in Him. So there is no need to worry. Who knows, maybe God is tilling my spiritual life so that one day, someone can stand in awe of the garden they are standing in, the same way I continue to stand in awe at this gazebo/ garden pond. There, I feel peace; There, I feel at home. And I only hope and pray that I can bring this peace and home to others as well.
I know He is continuing to make this more and more personal for me. His love is meant to be shared. With His will… In time… In His time <3

Come To Me

“In the holiest of weeks, learn from the mistakes of Adam, Eve, Judas, and a great many of people over the centuries. When it comes to the Passion of Christ, you are either with Jesus or against Jesus (Luke 11:23). Give the Lord absolute loyalty over your heart and tongue. Give Jesus your sympathy (Psalm 69:21). Dialogue with God and not the forces opposed to Him. Jesus tells each one of us: ‘Come to Me’ (Matthew 11:28).” – Don Schwager

As we journey towards the celebration of our Lords passion, death and resurrection let us be reminded to remain faithful to God. Remain prayerful asking Him, be the Lord of our heart and loyalties. Devoting yourself and making promises daily. Praising the Lord for all that He has done and for His never-ending and never failing love and mercy.

We are called to be like Jesus. Obedient, which lead to suffering. Through suffering, He was able to trust in His fathers will bringing Him self-denial. Emptying of Himself bringing us, His children, grace so that we may witness God’s true and divine love.

Benedictus Deus in Saecula

I am hungry

I always had the desire to become a Mission Volunteer, yet I denied it every single time someone would ask me if I was open to the idea. I think I somehow convinced myself too that I didn’t want it or that ‘it just wasn’t for me‘… but I still found myself randomly asking others about the program.

I remember one of the Titos here in Big Sky telling me that this Mission Volunteer program would strip my heart’s walls, leaving the truth of my interior exposed for many to see. The idea of being broken down really scared me. But even with this in mind, I still applied completely aware of my fears and doubts, and still unaware of how ‘broken down’ I would actually become.

A few weeks ago, some leaders and I here in Winnipeg went on a mission visit to Saskatoon for their Youth Power. On the Saturday of the trip, we attended mass in the evening. Something Father said in his homily that night continues to stick with me until today. He told us to ‘feel the hunger and feel the thirst.’

At the time, I was just so boggled and confused as to why we had to feel our hunger and thirst. I understand that our cups must be emptied in order for Our God to fill them with His richest, purest wine… But I still didn’t understand why we had to feel this thirst. I myself don’t like to dwell on my spiritual desolation and emptiness, and I couldn’t imagine anyone who does… So why did Father remind us to do so?

In my personal prayers these past few days, I always came back to that same question: Why did Father ask us to feel our emptiness? And I slowly realized that I was wrong and that I misinterpreted what Father was reminding us. This thirst, this hunger– it’s not just desolation or dryness or emptiness… It’s a deep desire! It’s the desire in our hearts wanting us to be one with God. We’re hungry and we’re thirsty because WE ARE INCOMPLETE without our God. And our God is the only one that can satisfy this hunger and this thirst.

The past few days have been really rough on me with finals and other things happening in my life. But coming to this conclusion in my personal prayer, I know now that these struggles I face in my life are because I am slowly being broken down of my walls, like what Tito said before I had applied for the MV program. God is slowly tearing me apart so that He can build me up even stronger.

As He tears my heart’s walls, I begin to realize my heart’s true desires. But in order for me to grasp and fully understand these desires, I must first realize how empty my heart is, in order to feel the hunger and thirst caused by His absence.  And as I discover more about my faith and the underlying joys and fears that I carry in the interior of my heart, I pray that God will truly break my heart.

“There’s a cry in my heart,
for Your glory to fall,
for Your presence to fill up my senses

There’s a yearning again,
thirst for discipline,
hunger for things that are deeper

Could You take me beyond?
Could You carry me through?
If I open my heart, could I go there with You?”

Cry in my heart, Starfield

Gyan D

To Make a Blind Man See

It started with a bow.

As I looked up and met the eyes of the Eucharistic minister I was distracted by the haunting ensemble that was tasked with filling Mary Queen of the World with song.

“Amen” I uttered, moments before I placed an unassuming piece of bread into my mouth.

Kneeling down my hands fell on the aged wood of the pew resting before me. As I closed my eyes my sense of touch erupted, suddenly realizing how textured and worn the wood felt.

Was I the first to place my hands here? Surely not. Would I be the last? Not even close.

As my hands gently swayed left to right, with each motion finding new and unintended details in the cracks I thought to myself, “This might be how a blind man sees.”

There was very little taste in the communion wafer, but as I prayed to the Lord, desperate to feel some kind of emotional reaction during my time in prayer I heard Him say, “That’s not really what you need.”

Suddenly realizing that the limited sensation experienced during communion would be the absolute closest representation to a full sensation of Christ, my heart found peace.

And so I chuckled briefly under my breath and thought, “My God, you’ve made a blind man see.”