Simple Distractions

I was on the Facebook page of Fr. James Martin SJ and I saw him promoting his new book by giving an excerpt on being distracted in prayer.  Automatically I smirked and said to myself, “yeah thats me.” Often enough during my prayer time I am easily distracted by my own thoughts.  I’m always thinking about other things.  Or when I’m in prayer and something good pops up, I write it down right way so I don’t forget.

At one silent retreat I attended, my spiritual director asked me how was my prayer time and I said, “I don’t know, its seems a little dull, I get distracted easily, but most of all I’m just there sitting in prayer getting nowhere, I can’t hear him.” He laughed and replied, “Well what’s wrong with that? You’re there praying to him.”  I learned from my director when I get distracted, I should repeat my prayer over and over again until I begin to remove my distractions.  Simply these distractions go away.

Remember prayer is a gift from God.  Often enough we will learn to know what to pay attention to and what not too.  Not all prayers will have desirable results.  When prayer seems dull or when we feel he isn’t present, maybe he’s asking us to pray in a different way or turn the page maybe to another scripture.  This is because maybe God wants to meet you somewhere else.  God is always there, He’s everywhere and be open.  Together let’s learn to take away these distractions and spend more time in prayer!
