Mi Jesu.
His Holy presence – overwhelming and still.
Anything He says or do, I do and I say.
Unworthy as I am,
He need only one word, “come.”
I am but a mere sheep,
Pressed closely against the heart of One who Is
In his arms,
I am home.
Yes, I am but a man
Ready and willing..
But still a man.
And I stand before the edge of the boat,
And I wait before the edge of the boat,
Yet, I hear nothing.
Is what I’m hearing,
What He is saying?
He turns to me
And with one slight glance, I hear his voice.
Before His gaze, all that I am, is stripped away.
I know His voice
His voice.. not from his mouth.
The voice that echoes heaven.
The voice that speaks without ever making a sound.
The voice of eternal bliss and ecstasy.
The voice of God the Father.
He says but three words…
And with three words, he allowed a poor soul like me
to experience divinity.
“I am Yours”