You speak loudly

I am amazed by how loud God is when He speaks.

Today in the silence that comes with adoration, I came to God not understanding why I was feeling so inadequate, yet so overwhelmed. And it came to my realization that I desire a lot of good things, but I don’t properly divide my time nor do I prioritize what’s most important.

One minute I’m writing an email. The other minute I’m practicing guitar. The next minute I’m drawing something that I’m planning to paint. Now I’m praying. Now I’m cleaning. Now I’m staying in bed for too long. Now I’m trying to plan an event. I’m doing too many things at one time, having too many things on my mind that there’s so many things left unfinished that cause me to feel like I’m unaccomplished.

But today, God told me to do only what is necessary. And this message quickly brought a quote from St. Francis of Assisi to mind. It is:

“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

I received the same message later when I was asking St. Joseph to pray for my family and myself, in regards to work and vocation. I got this same message to not worry, and to do only what is necessary.

Half an hour ago, I arrived in the comfort of my sister’s apartment, not really knowing what to tackle first. However, I remembered that I’m supposed to post a blog today. I had a post lined up from last week that, of course I didn’t finish yet, but then finally did, and posted it a few moments ago.

I viewed the post on the main page of the website, and I quickly scrolled past it and looked at the post below. There was God’s message to me again! The quote by St. Francis of Assisi was in Ate Isay’s post.

I don’t know what exactly to make out of all of this, but I feel very loved and embraced by God because He knows me very well to know that I need to be affirmed of His message more than once. I know that if I simply seek Him first, then the necessary will become done, and all other things will happen with His grace. God is calling me to live a simple life.

Lord, You are so generous and kind. Thank You for speaking to me and giving me the assurance that I need. <3

Published by

Kleah Zara

God, Catholicism, Family, Friendship, Service, Marketing, Design, Movies, Music, Art. <3