Who are my Friends?

The gospel yesterday was from Mark 2:1-12. It talked about the paralytic man who was carried by his friends to the roof of the house where Jesus was. This gospel keeps me grounded and grateful of what the Lord has given me.

If not for the concern of the four men, they would not have exerted so much effort for him. If not for their commitment and dedication, they could have stopped as they were approaching the overflowing house. If not for their resourcefulness and teamwork, they could have hurt the man as they were pulling him to the roof. If not for the trust and belief that Jesus can make him better, they could have not gone at all.


“Lord Thank you for giving me my family and friends. They are your gifts. Lord I pray for the people that you have surrounded me with that they will not get tired of looking after me. I pray also that as I am looking after other sisters, may I be bold and courageous enough to carry them to the roof, open the roof and lead them to Jesus.”



Philippians 1:29