To God Be the Glory

In March I attended a talent show at one of the catholic high schools to support some of the youth in the core group and in my home chapter. As I waited for my brothers and sisters to dance, I watched the many other performers share their talents. There were students singing, dancing, rapping, playing the drums, guitar or other instruments. Everyone did such an amazing job, but there were some performers who really impressed me with their talent!

As I sat in my seat, watching these youth and being entertained, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “Why does this event seem slightly empty?” And then it occurred to me that there was no pastoral aspect/content to this event. I was at a catholic high school and there was no mention of God or how God gave all these youth their talent; there was no mention of how the youth’s talents could be used to help the world and give God glory. I grew up in the public school system, so I was used to not hearing about God, but it just seemed off to me that not a single person said anything about God and I was a catholic school.

Although God was not spoken about, I asked God to help me see Him there. And so I found God in the youth and in their courage to perform, and in their desire to share their talents with others. I found Him in the songs that were sung and in the lyrics rapped. I heard God in the encouragement of the audience members as they cheered their fellow school mates on. I heard God in the voices of the teachers who shared their positive feedback as they judged each performer. I heard God in the emcees who thanked and honoured the staff and students who planned and executed the event. In all of this, it caused me to silently cry tears of joy haha. God is present. He is here!

Yes, God was present in the goodness found in the people of the school. But there was still this desire, this longing, in my heart for the people to fully acknowledge God and to mention Him in the program. I thought, how great would it be to have HSB at this high school again? It’s been many years since HSB was established here.

My prayer for this catholic high school and other schools across Edmonton is for the students and teachers to know the CFC-Youth community in the near future. I pray that they will come to know and encounter Christ in varying ways, and see that He is relevant and rightfully deserves praise and honour. I pray that everyone will remember God and vocally say aloud that He is present with boldness and excitement. Amen.

Published by

Kleah Zara

God, Catholicism, Family, Friendship, Service, Marketing, Design, Movies, Music, Art. <3