The One We Love

As we begin this season of Lent, as children of God, we are called to deny ourselves. Sacrifice our own desires and live for Christ.

Lent is a reminder from the Lord inviting us to follow Him, walk with Him, be with Him, and suffer with Him. We bear our crosses willingly and whole heartedly. When we fast, we offer the things we love because of the One we love. 

Not only is lent a time to suffer but a time to repent. A time to renew our relationship with the Lord in almsgiving and in prayer. We offer our time and gratitude denying ourselves because of the One we love. 

In these 40 days of lent we are given the opportunity to journey closer to the Lord. We are given this time to practice patience, putting others needs before ourselves, speaking and listening to God, and reflecting on the beauty of the life He has given us.

As the 40 days go by, each day will be harder to deny ourselves more for Christ. Remain faithful and always make choices with a joyful heart that reflects God.

“Remember, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.”

We do not belong to the world and the world does not belong to us. Detach yourself from worldly things and follow Christ. We belong to Christ as Christ is One with us.


Benedictus Deus in Saecula

Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10