The Lord Has You – Day 2

Camp Reloaded CFC-YFC East Youth Camp 2003










Yes, that is me refusing to make melodies.  I was a rebel.  Though it may seem funny looking back just how much of a disobedient brat I was, I will always treasure this youth camp for what it instilled in me.  For the first time in my life, I experienced (with complete awareness)  God’s victory.

Albeit, (like we say at all youth camps) “it was only the beginning”, I was quick to go back to my old ways soon after.  Despite that, for one amazing weekend I was indeed able to overcome all of my shortcomings and all of my failures.  I was able to overcome my pride and sense of immaturity to actually get to know others who sincerely wanted to know and love God more intimately.  Little did I know just how powerful the prayers of the service team were.

“The Lord has you”

In retrospect, it’s true what they say that God’s plan is so intricately woven.  One of the brothers ended up being one of my closest friends and I’ve had the pleasure of serving alongside of him for many years both within Campus-based, and within the Core Group of Pacific Region.  One of the sisters was at the time one of my closest friends (and still is to this day) audaciously serving the impoverished and the innocent in both the Gift of Life Ministry and Ancop Canada (within SFC).  There was also a sister I had just met at the camp.  I probably said “hi” to her once throughout its duration.  We ended up serving Music Ministry together, then eventually community-based and then eventually we became counterparts and close friends also.  Her deep love for God and selflessness in serving others eventually lead her to study to become a Salesian sister.  Who knew?  The Lord really did “have us” after all.

One thing I can say for certain, our lives (willingly or unwillingly) were never truly the same after that weekend.

“I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you”  Philippians 1:3


Published by

Christian Marquez

Immaculate heart of Mary, Pray for us Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us