The Call to Mission

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:2-3

Listening to MVs share about their journey during interviews this week has re-affirmed to me that Mission begins with one thing…a Calling. What a blessing to witness, the uniqueness, and yet some form of unity throughout every testimony.  Indeed, listening to testimony upon testimony, it would seem that many Callings started being felt by few, or many of the following:

  • Unease: a slight to increasing discomfort, with the question “is there more to this than my present life”?. A catalyst to look deeper.
  • Curiosity: an opening to one, or many possibilities the Lord is setting for our lives.
  • Desire: a longing to please the Lord through the right vocation.

(Stir my heart when I lose my purpose…but Lord, let me find it first.)

In taking the discernment deeper, and specifying it to Mission, how does one come to realize “Mission as a higher calling”. This statement has sometimes troubled me, in the sense that mission work is put on a pedestal and hegemonized over all other vocations.  Indeed, there is definitely “no lesser calling” in life, but then what makes the call to Mission work unique, not in worth, but in nature?

My reflection on this lately…Personally, the Call to Mission is unique in three ways:

  1. It is Non-sensical…de-stablizing, contradicting every standard of success the world offers, but ultimately brings us to an encounter of obedience towards with Christ, the Lord of Lords.
  2. One of Love…through His anointing. Out of the many who are listening, the Call to Mission came to us, specifically. “Many are called, but few are (have) chosen”.  He then offers us the chance to lovingly respond in return.
  3. Heavenly…Because responding to the Call is placing our Hope not in things of this world (security, comfort, etc), but assures us a glimpse of eternity. This is the true Answer to the philosophical question contemporary souls ask: “what is really the purpose of life”? (ans: to live for heaven)

The call to Mission is a calling that is “out of this world”, and that opens us up to the immensity of His love that breaks through the senses. Our commissioning is personal, and given us by ultimate loving Father.

Lord, help us to recognize Your calling for us, and give us the courage to lovingly respond in return. 



Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!