Change of Heart

Going into World Great Adventure Tour I was very excited yet nervous of what the Lord wanted to reveal to me especially being away from people I’m use to being around. But I told myself to make the best out of it. Coming into WGAT I was the only sister from Pacific Region, although I knew or knew of most of the sisters attending WGAT I thought to myself, “I should be fine, plus I know how to make friends.” As WGAT started and few days passed by, I became very restless and continuously spoke to the Lord saying, “Lord I am so uncomfortable right now”. I was not only uncomfortable with the places we were living in but I was uncomfortable with the people I was surrounded with. I held onto my rosary scapular so tight asking Him to stay close by me during my trip. I felt that I put up a guard and I was fighting against it. During the ANCOP Immersion on day 7 of WGAT. The Lord called me out during our sisters household. As I was surrounded by these sisters of WGAT I knew the Lord was testing me. One of the questions for our sisters household was “What do you feel you need to change about yourself”. And right away I knew. I had these beautiful sisters who surrounded me by their grace and presence and I was there so guarded by the wounds of my past. Growing up I was always so hesitant of having too many girl friends because of the history I had with my best friends. Drama. Cattiness. I wanted to stay away from that and guard myself from getting hurt again. But the Lord spoke to me and said “My Child, I have gathered these beautiful woman from around the world, to experience My greatness with you. They are here to journey with you. So be not afraid, do not run away from your fears. Embrace Me. And you will be at rest”. When it was my turn to share what I wanted to change, I knew I had to speak what was hindering me from opening up to these sisters. I apologized to them for my distance and knew that the Lord was calling me to open myself up and trust in Him alone. My posture of surrender became my cross to carry, not alone, but to “lay my life for my sisters” as we all journey through this adventure. These sisters from WGAT are the sisters I’ve grown to love and cherish. Through every laugh, smile, and tear, the memories we share are truly blessings the Lord has placed upon me and He has allowed me to see His beauty through these sisters. An open heart and an open mind isn’t so bad after all! He calls us to simply trust and obey.

Deo Gratias