
This world doesn’t need more over-thinkers, over-spiritualizers, but better Story-tellers. It needs every day witnesses of God’s Love.

It’s been almost a week since my return from the Philippines. For a month, I experienced the fullness of the CFC and YFC community through ILC, GLS and WGAT (check out some highlights by clicking here and here). With so much to share about and people to share with, I was thinking that the Lord would literally “send me out to the world”, to proclaim every beautiful story from the trip to every single living thing (including your dog). Cause yeah… “I am ablaze for You, Lord! I wanna go out and spread Your Love!”

However this week, I have had more moments spent at home and in this room (see picture above). It was on a late jet-lagged Sunday night that I simply sat in front of a computer in a very lenghty Skype conversation. It was just yesterday that I quickly sent a sister a link to my Tumblr blog. And the story the Lord asked me to share about was not about the trip, but a story that I haven’t shared since December at Liveloud 2012. Not very recent, now is it?

However way He wants it told or when in it happened in our lives, the Lord reminds me that no story is irrelevant. Some times, the Lord asks us to look back at the other times where we experienced His Presence. The moments when we most felt Loved. Heard His voice and His every Call. Felt the the tenderness of His mercy. Saw the clarity given by His providence. To recall in great detail (and contemplate), with every sense – touch, hearing, smell, taste (Eucharist), sight- these moments. At the end of the recollection, we’ll find that we are able to say with even more vigour “Wow…’It is the Lord'”. – John 21:7

Lord, we know that the day we chose to love You, our lives since have never been the same. Give us the graces needed to be better Story-tellers of our journey with You to the world.