A Happy Household Head

Every time I go to a household I am reminded of its importance. Yes I’ve learned a lot about my faith and have been nourished, but what I value most is the presence of my brothers and sisters. We don’t need a household to learn the faith. If I want to learn, I can go on the internet, read a book, watch a documentary, etc. However, the blessing of having a household is the nourishment and building of relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ. I look forward to hearing my brothers share their experiences after the talk. I have learned a lot from them and in sharing our joys and struggles, I believe that the Lord has brought us closer to His heart and each other’s hearts.

I am not currently a household head but I have learned by recent observations what it means to be a household head. A household head is a friend, someone who is not looking to be one step ahead of his brothers but taking one step at a time alongside his brothers. He doesn’t seek his own interests but the interests of those the Lord has given to him. He builds relationships and is overjoyed when his members succeed, distraught when they suffer, and is inspired when he sees God in his members. And if the members do not show the respect he deserves, it doesn’t matter to him, because he is glad to lay down his life and his pride for them.

Praise God for household heads, and if we are one, may the Lord humble us always, that we may always seek the good of our members before our own. Let’s pray that we may always seek to lay down our lives for them and bring them closer to the Lord by leading a good example, and living a life of integrity. If we do this, I believe we will be a truly happy household head.