Ubi Caritas Et Amor, Deus Ibi Est

Where charity and love are, God is there.

I only experience this hymn once or twice a year and every time I do, it feels as if angels are singing a very personal message to me. Out of the many hymns my parish choir sings, this is definitely one that strikes a chord in my heart, then again, the message of the Lord always does.

“Whenever you care for someone, there is the presence of Jesus.” – Father Tobin

I constantly ask the Lord to be humbled, especially during this Lenten season, and as His Passion and Resurrection approaches, He has not failed to put me in my place. Usually, I expect the extraordinary when I look for God’s whisper in my life. However, He has revealed to me that the smallest, often overlooked, gestures are what He has called me to work on. I always want to serve Him in my fullest capacity, usually by crossing oceans or moving mountains, and often I fail to realize that Christ took many small steps when He walked on water. God always presents me with opportunities to spread His love within very tiny, unnoticeable acts, however in my pride I deemed them as being unnecessary.

“It’s okay, that person won’t even notice anyway.”

“Would it even make a difference?”

It takes a very humble person to act instinctively to the goodness within them. The Lord calls us to move when the Holy Spirit initiates us to act out of love. I am learning to place more of my faith in Christ and trust that He is always working, “You do not know now what I am doing, but later you will understand,” especially in the small things. It is not in the grand gestures, but it is when we do small things with great love, as Mother Teresa taught, that we are able to move mountains.

Thank you Lord for today. Thank you for giving me a reason and a means to love. I humbly ask for Your mercy in the moments I fail to act out of love. Lord, humble me. Grant me the grace that I may choose to love knowing that I may be wronged, the same way You knew Your hour was coming. May I be as compassionate and forgiving as You have always been to me. May I constantly be reminded that every person is made in Your image. Soften my heart and grant me the grace to be in communion with You, now and forever. Amen.