Sacrifice. Obedience. Discipline.

With every good decision we choose to make starts with sacrificing the little things you love and hold close to your heart.

I’ll admit, I live a comfortable life with my family, friends, and the things I do on a regular basis. It is very easy to live life comfortably and it is very easy to forget the privileges the Lord has blessed us with.

I’ve made a vow to live not for myself but to live for the glory of God. Strip away anything that is not of Him and live simply, even if that means living uncomfortably. With sacrifice comes obedience and with obedience comes discipline. I’ve made little sacrifices in my life that has helped me to become more sacrificial in unnecessary things, stay obedient with trusting God more, and disciplining myself.

I’ve come to realize how much more love I’m able to give to the Lord and to others by making these little sacrifices. The more tempted I am in breaking these promises, the more I turn to the Lord for guidance and strength. I’ve come to appreciate the little things in life that make my life blessed!

Appreciating life to its fullness brings a greater amount of joy and love than anything this world can offer.

We are all called to live simply, appreciate our blessings and not only should we love until it hurts but continue to love BECAUSE it hurts.

Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10

One thought on “Sacrifice. Obedience. Discipline.”

  1. Amen, thanks for the reminder and inspiration, we are truly blessed even when it hurts!!!!

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