
It has almost been 2 months since I graduated college. Ever since then, I lost my job and have been on the search for a new one. My time has been focussed on serving and spending as much time as I can with my family. The fact that I am now unemployed makes it difficult to support my family as well as pay off debt. There are so many financial worries I have on my mind, everyone I talk to keeps telling me that “the Lord will provide”. I’ve been asking the Lord if I’m actually going to go to conference this year. Although I know I don’t have the money, I trust in whatever the Lord will provide me. The Lord desires what we desire. And whatever His plans are for me, all I can do is obey Him. It is only through the faithfulness of our hearts that will set us free.

Jesus, King of Mercy, I trust in You.


Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10

2 thoughts on “Providence”

  1. Matthew 7:7. This verse got me through my unemployment phase and the humble beginnings of what evolved into my mission life. One Provincial Youth Conference in Cebu, the Canadian national conference in Winnipeg and the SFC National Conference in Ottawa all provided for by God. I held no job and my bank account was so frozen from being in PH for 6months. Just reminding you that He wants nothing more than to always reveal His love for you, at every opportunity possible. I really was on the same boat as you (and still am!)

    Childlike in faith= being humble enough to say “God, I want to do things for myself but I can’t. I want to provide for myself and be self-sufficient but I can’t. I really, really, REALLY need you. St. Therese says that in times of need such as this God wants us to fully acknowledge our limitations and ask for His help, the same way young children ask the adults in their life to provide for them. They want to be independent but don’t have the resources or ability to do so- God wants us to be fully dependent on Him and only Him.

    Also reminded of Matthew 6:8 which says “Your father already knows what you need before You ask Him.” I came across it during one of my recent prayer times. Continue to hope in the Lord!

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