
Lately, I find myself faced with many tasks. Tasks with service in the community, at work, and even at home. These past couple of months have been busy and I’m not going to lie, I’m overwhelmed. Not like being overwhelmed is a bad thing but it definitely asks much of me and I think that’s what God is trying to do; test me in what I’m capable and incapable of doing.

Yesterday I was reminded that sometimes it’s okay to stop what you’re doing, take a step back and just ponder.. Ponder the work of The Lord.
Reflecting on the bigger picture rather than all the little things is important to. This is where we see God. This is where we see all the little blessings The Lord has revealed to us.

Just as a painter or artist takes a step back to see the progress of what they created, we too should remind ourselves that it’s okay to
take a step back and to ponder the beauty The Lord has created in our lives.

Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10