Mission and its Urgency

Da mihi animas caetera tolle: “Give me souls…take away all else!” (Salesian motto)

I am blessed to share “birthdays” with the Don Bosco, one of the prominent missionaries for the youth in history. It was no surprise then that Father spoke about him and the Salesians during the homily at Mass today.  This bold motto proposes a powerful mission: salvation of souls.  An enormous task that means setting our sights far apart from our personal concerns, and extend our focus on those far from the Church in order to lead them back to Christ.  A mission that is selfless.  A mission that is urgent.

Every day, the Lord challenges us to “take away” and “give”.  At times, I feel as though I have nothing left to give, whether time, resource, or love-wise.   But then the Lord reminds me that in giving away, I am finding something more precious than what I thought I held most dear: the experience of His unending mercy and love.  Priceless.  I am emptied to be filled again.  Filled to be poured out again.  When I have seemingly nothing, more than ever can I boast in having the Lord.  This is what keeps me moving when I “seemingly” have nothing left.

To be an effective missionary, one much give his/her soul entirely to the Lord…and proclaim the goodness of this reality, however counter-cultural it is,  throughout the end of the earth! Father said if one doubts his/her vocation, surrender it, go back, and refocus on who we are: a son or daughter of God, heirs of His promise.  Better be this than a half-hearted proclaimer.  The Lord made us sharers in His mission, and that His faithfulness will never end…If we hold fast to this reality, nothing can dissuade us from responding with boldness to the Call daily…and in big ways!

Coming Home

The Lord has surrounded me with many blessings.
These blessings include the people I encounter on a day-to-day basis at school.
Yesterday, one of my classmates at school had the courage to ask me if I was Catholic. I told her that I am and so I asked her the same question. She told me that she is a Catholic as well, and because of pressure from her parents she attended a Catholic elementary and high school and was also “forced” to attend church and practice the faith regularly. But now that she’s living far from home, she told me that she hasn’t gone to mass or confession in a really long time. She also mentioned how she’s been looking around for a church nearby for her to attend regular Sunday masses. I told her that St. Jude’s Parish was just a 5-minute walk up the street and as I kept talking to her, I could tell by her eyes and the way she spoke that she wanted to cry. She told me how she misses going to church and feels like something is missing in her life. It turns out that the last time she went to confession was in high school. I advised her to go as soon as possible, and she agreed with me. She felt as if she really needed to go. I told her that I would love to join her in mass one day. I shared how I love going to weekday masses because of the peace I feel. The sincerity of her question really opened the doors for her and allowed her to open up about her faith and how she’s been struggling. Her story was humbling to hear and a great witness to God’s plan in her life.

After reflecting on our conversation I was able to see how amazing God’s love and mercy works. He yearns for our hearts and He yearns for us to come back Home to Him. With the conversation I had with my classmate it allowed me to see God’s light within her, yearning for something Greater rather than the temporary pleasures of the world. This year of faith we are all called to evangelize, save souls, and bring them Home. My heart is humbled and her story made me realized the beauty within God’s forgiving and faithful love.

“Wherefore I urge you to reaffirm your love for him” – 2 Corinthians 2:8

Deo Gratias.

Planting Seeds

Proverbs 22:6 6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

My mom was such a faithful follower of Christ. Prayer and constant union with the Eucharist was such a part of her life. Even when she was stricken with cancer for more than 36 years, her faith never wavered.

I, her son, was such an opposite, a once a year church goer, praying only when there is a need.
How fortunate I was that my Mom planted the seed in me by the way she lived her life. It was a seed that remained in me, waiting for the right time to grow, even in my dark days.
CFC was the water, the fertilizer that allowed that seed of faith to grow.
Now, called to serve the youth, I am a farmer, planting the seed of Christ into our young ones including my children, so that one day, whether they remain in this community or not, this seed will grow and Christ will be more alive than ever in their lives.

Thank you, Lord for my Mom and for calling me to this wonderful work with the youth.

Tito Gee

To Be A Missionary

To live a life of mission is to live a life for others. A missionary lives a life not of his own but of Christ in his life. To be a missionary then is to live and share Christ who is personally present in his life. In so doing, his is witnessing the teachings of Jesus. His is not just words beautifully spoken but words anchored on a life lived in Christ. In short, to be a missionary is to be Christ to others.

My dearest child

Tomorrow, Jan 22, my youngest son Jak-jak is turning 7 years old. It never ceases to amaze me how God has allowed me to watch my kids grow up and be a blessing to me and my wife each day (even when they are most annoying).

Jak-jak is such a sweet kid. Never a day passes that he does not say “I love you mom and dad”. Sometimes our exchange would go like this:

Jak-jak: I love you more, Dad.

Dad: I love you the mostest, Jak.

Jak-jak: I love you most of all!

When you ask him, who he loves the most, he would say, “Jesus, first, then my family second and my friends third).

Its such a wonder how Jak would put Jesus Christ first, somebody who he has never met in person, from whom he has never felt a hug and a kiss, over his loving parents. I’m not jealous of this but I am truly happy that he knows what faith is all about and I hope he continues on this journey as he grows up. My most favourite bible verses are when Jesus talks about children. Our faith should always be like Jak-jak’s faith, not blind faith but faith knowing that Jesus Christ loves us and will take care of us, just because!

Lord, thank you for the blessing of my son, Jak-jak, for allowing me to see how much You love us and how you want us to love You. Please continue to bless Jak-jak in his life, you know what he wants so please grant him his heart’s desire. In Your most mighty name I pray, Amen!

Tito Gee

Clearly With Me

I had a one-on-one with a brother a few days ago and he was struggling with making a decision. It was by helping him that the Lord made me realize something important when it comes to knowing where He is leading. I realized that we can never know with absolute certainty, exactly where we will be down the road. When we focus on trying to control the grand outcome, we become paralyzed and don’t end up moving at all because we become overwhelmed.

It’s impossible to to tell the future because we can only live in the present. The Lord helps us in the present moment, and though He might not tell us exactly where we should be and when in the future, He tells us the things we should be doing now to prepare ourselves for whatever He has in store. He makes clear the decision that will lead us to continue the journey of holiness and growth in Him.

Heavenly Father, please help me to be patient in my journey towards You. Help me to just be with You in the moment so that I may simply know that you are clearly with me, leading me to life everlasting. Amen.

Never Pity Missionaries

A quote from Robert C. Shannon rings true even today, “Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is — where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.”

When we choose our path, be it a businessman, an employee or a missionary, sacrifice is always part of it. So when we choose mission, it is no different from answering other path in life, only that we follow the specific call of the Lord for us. When we find our mission, joy follows. So never pity missionaries, they are living out there lives to the full. There can never be more exciting and exhilarating journey than a journey with God!