Evangelizing by any Means Necessary

The other day my phone got stolen.

I was walking around downtown Vancouver and someone reached into my pocket and took it. Don’t ask me what happened, I obviously did not see it. But, to be honest, although I’m sad about losing such an expensive phone (whyyy are Apple products sooo expensive?!), I’m more upset about losing the things in the phone. All my old messages, all the photos I hadn’t uploaded yet, all the apps that keep me close to my brothers and sisters.

And though I’m upset with whoever stole it, I do pray that they take a few minutes and look through my phone. As invasive as it is, my phone is filled with encouragement from my brothers and sisters. My photo albums are filled with Bible verses and pictures of our Christ, our mother, and the saints. I hope they open up all my Catholic apps. I pray that they see the lock screen and God uses that to touch them.

God works in mysterious ways. And maybe He needed my phone more than I did, to reach out to others.

Praise God

Come, this awaits you.

My deepest desire is to evangelize Your word but I’m afraid. I’m afraid that my voice won’t be heard or understood by others. I try my best to show how compassionate I am in my service, by offering all the time I can give. I try volunteering at GA’s, going to events in my parish and even taking my own time to go downtown and help the less fortunate. But I feel as if my time and effort is going nowhere. No one’s acknowledging anything I do… Is this even worth my time?

My daughter, do not be afraid. I am with you. Though you may feel your work goes unnoticed, your work is guiding you to the banquet I have waiting for you. Your work unnoticed on this earth, is being smiled upon by the Holy Family. Continue to do my will. It is you I have planned the heart of a missionary. Be My instrument. Let Me work through you. Come, this awaits you.

8762516739_55ee5d5bab_oPacific Region | RSVP | Session 2: Taste and See

He graciously invites us to accept His invitation to come Home. It is now our choice to respond to His invitation. He says, “Come and See.” Will you follow?

Flying Spaghetti Monster

For those of you who don’t know, there exists a parody religion called Pastafarianism, who’s members worship a Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM for short). Feel free to Google more information on this movement.

Here’s a picture of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He is quite obviously made of food.


Here’s a picture of Jesus. He is a man. He is not made of food.


As Catholics, we believe that Jesus is the bread of life which we consume every Sunday during mass.

My senses can sometimes mislead me. And so, even though it looks, smells and tastes like I’m eating a piece of bread every Sunday, my Catholic reality tells me that I am consuming the Lord.

This is a reality I wholeheartedly accept.

I am proud to be Catholic. And I am proud to love bread.

– Jesse R.


Coming back from the Philippines, one of the main things that I missed was going to mass. I thought at the beginning it was just a habit, where if it was replaced by something adventurous or extraordinary in some shape or form, I’ll forget the idea of going to mass. Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t. I missed mass. Having to go to mass once or twice a week didn’t feel right to me anymore.

I learned that it takes 21 days to get into a habit. Having to go to mass almost every single day for the past 2 years and being out of this ‘routine’ for around a month and a half, I thought I’d come back and not have the urge to go to mass again. Praise God that I was filled for 2 years, was continuously filled by His presence while I was away and have the urge to be filled again now.

“When you’ve had the experience of being filled, you end up thirsting for more.”

Child-like Faith

“It is up to you, young followers of Christ, to show the world that faith brings happiness and a joy which is true, full, and enduring” – His Holiness Benedict XVI

The genius about children is that they rarely try and trick people. When they push something on you – make you eat this, try this, play this, watch this – it is simply because they love it themselves. They only want to share that joy with others.

When you see young people serving Christ joyfully, it changes people who see it. Because we don’t gain anything worldly from this. If anything, we face more trials and sufferings at the hands of the world. Loving God, and spreading His word and works, will bring backlash from the fear and doubt in others. And we will get hurt.

But with child-like faith, we must continue to serve our God. The joy He gives us, we must give to others. Even if it seems like we fail, time and time again, we must remain steadfast. Because even if we gain nothing from this world, we gain everything at home with Christ, where we belong.

Sing and Shout

The amount of joy that left the venue for this year’s Pacific RYC, was something I cannot put to words, but simply put into action. That action is a prayer of thanks, prayer for forgiveness, but as well a prayer of joy.

God’s love is not complicated but secularism, temptation, and sin is what blocks us from simply accepting the blessings we are given.

With that said, Praise God for those that came back into the community. OR for the members who were able to experience what it was like to really use our bodies and movement solely to glorify the Lord. OR for everyone who experience the love of God through our brothers and sisters, our households.

Regardless, WELCOME HOME. Praise God for the 550 strong that said yes to the Lord this weekend.

Cristi Crux Est Mea Lux