A God With Us

John 2:1-11

Weddings in the olden times lasts for a week or two because it was not just about tying the knot of the bride and groom; it was also about celebration of an entire community. They gather and celebrate, reconnect with family and friends and of course seal the bond of two families join together by marriage of both family members. If something not right happens it will dampen the celebration and end the feasts. This is were Mary, meticulous as any woman can be, came to notice that there is no more wine. He told her son about it. This is a very insightful conversation in the sense that Mary before talking to her son, knows very well the capacity of what her son can do, “Mother knows best!” She knows that her son can do something about the situation. Jesus in return, though His time has not yet come, acceded to the request of the mother. The miracle at the wedding feast in Cana shows so much about the sensitivity of our Lord. He is not a far off God. He is a God with us, Emmanuel! He understands our emptiness, “Our jars are empty, there is no more wine” we cry to the Lord. And He comes filling us in, not just with ordinary water but the best wine. St. John the beloved affirms us in 1 John 5:14-15, “And we have this confidence in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in regard to whatever we ask, we know what we have asked Him for is ours. “ Let us not be afraid to ask the Lord to fill our empty jars with wine.

Finding God in all things

This is how the story of my Tuesday started…
I was working at the reception desk at school and the next receptionist did not show up for his shift. I was unsure with what was happening, if someone got replaced or a mix up with the schedule happened. I then called our executive administrative assistant to see if there was a mix up. I updated the other receptionists and one promptly responded and offered to take the rest of the shift. Financially I would gain more if I kept the hours but nothing can replace our time spent with God. Hours and time with the Lord is just priceless. Our Great Father arranged my day so that I can meet Him. This is just one part of my colourful Tuesday.

My school is very close to the many churches in downtown Montreal. This day, I decided to walk to St. Patrick’s Basilica to catch the 5:15pm mass. As I made my way to the church, all I noticed were lines and lines and groups and groups of people walking endlessly, walking rapidly. Sometimes whenever I am walking or whenever I am in a crowd of people, my mind start to wander and I start to wonder. “What are the stories behind their lives? Who are they? Where are they going?”
The people we travel with each day, the people at the bus stop, fellow pedestrians, everyone -“What’s their story? Where are they going? What’s their destination?”
I continued my way and people are just walking so fast, too fast. I asked myself, “Why are they walking so fast? Why are we walking so fast? What’s the rush? Is there a deadline? Are they late?”
Then as I crossed the street, just a few meters before me, I saw a guy standing straight, staring intensely at something or someone in front of him, he was wearing all black, standing next to a tree with his arms in front of him and his palms locked together holding something I don’t know what. I couldn’t see what he was looking at because of the sea of people in front of me. Then when I got close, I saw two taps on his right shoulder. But all I saw was the hand. Then I saw the guy who tapped him in the shoulder. The first guy as it appeared to be is a guy begging for some change or rather fishing for some change as he had a made-shift fishing rod with a can at the end of it. As I got closer, I saw the two men still in conversation with each other, a connection from one human to another.  Both men had smiles on their faces and as I got to be really close to them, I saw the guy who tapped say a few more words towards the guy begging with his hands still on the others shoulder. He nodded and smiled and continued his way. I don’t know what he said to the guy asking for change but what I saw was compassion and love. Soon after, I realized that this guy who stopped to speak to the beggar was someone I have seen before. He was dressed in very simple clothes and neutral colours, he has dreads and he is pulling a wheeled bag that seemed to be a case for a percussion instrument. I remember seeing him a few weeks ago. He was walking with other percussionists and was walking with something that you can’t ignore: POSITIVE ENERGY. He was exuding JOY. After that brief moment, I continued my way to church. I even looked back to look at the brothers again. I thought to my self, “What did he say? Who is he?” And someone on the street (even though he was saying the name in vain), I heard, “JESUS CHRIST!”
But the answer came at a perfect timing that I asked the question. (MIND BLOWN!!!)

I know my story is a long read but I simply wanted to share to you my Tuesday.
Another day that I was reminded by the Lord and witnessed Him in my surroundings and within the people I encounter. A calling that we have in our ministry, “Young people being and bringing Christ wherever we are”. We are called to receive Christ so that we may be like Him. To welcome Him, so we may welcome each other through Him. To seek Christ, so that we may see Him in others. To love Christ and to love Him, so that we may love like Him. We are called to be followers of Christ every single moment of our lives to every single person we encounter. May it be a smile, a look in the eye, a nod, an acknowledgement that we acknowledge another person’s beautiful existence. To acknowledge each other that we see each other in the light of Christ. Rooted at the core of Ignatian Spirituality, to Find God in all things, in all beings, experiencing God each day, seeing Jesus Christ each day. “When we learn to pay more attention to God, we become more thankful and reverent, and through this we become more devoted to God, more deeply in love with our Creator.” (Ignatian Spirituality)

Jesus Christ is very much alive here and now. He is with us in the present. He is with us in our earthly journey. He is within us if we truly search within. He is within others if we choose to see Him. To be Christ and bring Christ to others is our calling, a calling to experience heaven here on earth, a calling to love. How can we say no? How can something so beautiful be ignored?

 Our Saviour, may we continue to see you, Lord Jesus Christ, in each other and in all things, to see with joy and delight, to see with compassion and love, to remain patient and understanding, to remain humble and loving. We pray to be more like you each day. Thank you my Father. Thank you my Saviour. This we pray in your most Mighty and Holy Name. Amen.

God bless us always brothers and sisters.
Peace and Love,



     “Why do we go to the gym? To exercise and become stronger. When you are standing in front of the weights and you are about to lift them, you don’t expect them to be easy to lift right? Of course not! You expect them to be heavy. You expect to struggle. But after you finish your set, you will return another day and lift heavier weights. It is the same with temptations. We should never expect the temptations to be easy, they will always be hard to overcome. However, whenever we are victorious, we will be ready to face heavier temptations. We should embrace temptations joyfully and know that we will become stronger because of them.”

     I honour those who are able to go to Confession immediately after they know they have sinned. It’s like applying alcohol immediately after you receive a wound (and a deep wound at that!). I have a tendency of intentionally waiting for the scheduled Confession times and I realized how cowardly I am! It would be understandable if the priest was unavailable or my schedule would not allow me to go, but the intention should be there.

     Lord, grant me the humility to place the salvation of others and my own as the top priority in my life.

     The Lord graciously paved a way for me to go to Confession right after I realized my sin. As I headed to the parish, I knew that the Lord would “slap me in the face,” in the way He would adjust my attitude towards my wrongs and remind me to be accountable for my actions. Honestly, there is always a small part of me that is extremely scared to own up to my actions (generally replacing accountability with excuses), because my humanity produces thoughts of the possibility that the Lord may not forgive me this time. We will never completely grasp His unconditional love for us and the length of His infinite mercy.

     The priest who received my Confession gave me the spiritual direction that was mentioned in the beginning (paraphrased of course). I’ve never looked at temptation in this way. I can then look at the evil one with confidence knowing that the Lord has allowed these temptations to come my way, only as a way for me to strengthen my faith and ultimately closer to Him. Praise God for temptations.

Lord, allow me to remain steadfast in spiritual battles. May I have confidence in your never ending mercy and trust in your immense love for me. Thank You for the times that I have fallen and most especially for allowing me the grace to come back to You every time.

Pride and Discouragement

As servants of the Lord, the devil will do what it takes for us to lead and serve with pride so that we we put God behind us and rely on our own strength. Not only that, when we make mistakes, he discourages us so that we will feel so much sadness, sorrow, pain and discomfort, which impedes us and blocks our hearts from serving our Lord Jesus Christ

This year’s Regional Youth Conference here in the BIG SKY REGION was such a HUGE BLESSING. There were a lot of blessings and the service team was such an honour to serve with because they were all doing their part.

We were like one body and we were all different parts of it … the body being Christ.

Although there were lots of good stuff, there were also things we could improve on personally, spiritually, and as a community as a whole. I really praise God because He pushed me out of my comfort zone to not only give praise and honour people for doing a good job, but also lovingly correct people so that they would realize that the evil one is trying to attack us so that we fall apart. Man, the evil one put up a fight. Even for myself, there were moments were fatigue would set in, I would make a mistake and feel discouraged. I think the “GAME CHANGING” moment in RYC for me was going to CONFESSION.

Praise God I had the time to go to confession because it was so uplifting. But, going into the confession, and after going 2 weeks ago, I actually did not know what to confess. My pride was getting in the way because I thought I DID NOT SIN or did not know what to confess. So I told Father Jeffrey, “Father, I just wanted to say I am not sure what to confess because all the deep and dark sins I’ve done in the past is non-existent since I’m trying to protect the call of a full-time worker.”

Then Father said, “The devil loves to attack us by making us PRIDEFUL and DISCOURAGED as servants of the Lord. Even as priests and the holiest of the holy goes through these attacks. Just remember WHO CALLED YOU and WHY YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED. Do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST.”

These simple words made me realize that I was being PRIDEFUL and that I needed to humble myself and trust in God and His plan so much more. There were times where I would be trying to help other COMMITTEES instead of just worry about the PASTORAL FORMATION of the whole RYC.

After that confession, I was hit with a sudden feeling of oppression and disappointment because the transition from sports competitions to the workshops DID NOT EXIST. No one was moving and no one was taking initiative to gather all the Youths to the workshops. We were in a stand still. The CFC coordinators had to take charge and tell all the YOUTH to go to their workshops. On Top of that, we were running behind schedule. Man, I felt discouraged, I really felt like I failed to do my part as a FTPW, but remembering the words that Father Jeffrey had said in my confession, I prayed and needed to discern on what to do next. Praise God, the Lord gave me the grace to express the concern we had with the transition and remind everyone that WE ARE IN A BATTLE and that we need to focus on our service for the Lord but TO MAKE SURE WE ARE NOT DISCOURAGED. This service is not comfortable, we will make mistakes and be upset but how fast do we turn to God and ask for His guidance and peace?

Praise God for this loving correction not only to the service team but within my self because as the RYC moved forward, The Holy Spirit filled us to work as one body,  ending the RYC with so much joy, happiness and peace.

With This, May God be praised.


The First will be Last

Gospel reading, May 29

Mark 10:32-45

This is one of the most known and remembered verses of the bible.  The first will be last.

Leadership in our community is so difficult.  People watching your every move, mistakes are magnified a zillion times; your personal time is not yours alone.  It’s a lot of hardship, sacrifice and sometimes stress.

And yet no matter how hard things are, when I do it for Jesus, these things are no longer hardships but opportunities to connect with Christ.

Jesus was God and He knew it, and yet He was so focused on simply being a servant for all.  His sacrifice; the most humiliating, painful, horrible death was simply because He loved us first.

May the cross always be the “kick in the butt” to remind me that there is no hardship, trial and obstacle that will compare to what the Lord has done for me.

Lord, always remind me that everything I do, whether sweeping the floor, cooking food for the youth or leading worships and talks are all opportunities to walk with You.

All the glory and honor is Yours!

Men of Action

Being a man is a lot harder than we sometimes put on.

This Saturday the Region Canadien of Montreal and Ottawa had our RYC. One thing that’s very clear about our region is that there are a lot more sisters than brothers. Not only that, but the sisters are strong, crazy strong. Praise God for that.

As much as I would love to talk about the strong and faithful sisters that I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by, this past weekend God revealed Himself to me through our brothers.

Men of Action

John Magtibay
This brother’s YES to become Area Head this year was truly reflected in his closing Praisefest. Through John I learned that God does provide when we respond to his invitation. Praise God for John.

Kenneth Empaynado
God really transformed this brother during RYC. Kenneth was not the same person at the end of the day. God showed me how to remain trusting in His Spirit through this brother. Praise God for Kenneth.

Jon Eric Marababol
Through all the stress and technical difficulties of leading the A/V committee, Jon Eric showed me how to remain joyful in service by appreciating every little victory. Praise God for Jon Eric.

Dominic Lat
Serving logistics is a sure-fire way to feel stressed, and although Dominic had a lot on his plate for RYC, he showed me the importance of remaining calm before the Lord. Praise God for Dominic.

Marko De Guzman
God calls us to be flexible, and Marko showed me how during RYC by having to completely readjust the competition schedules on the go. Praise God for Marko.

Jon Paul Marababol
JP is a man who really listens to his counterpart. His respect for Michelle clearly illustrates to me that God calls brothers to care deeply for sisters. Praise God for JP.

Edward Alvarez
Serving for RYC by taking pictures means you that at times you need to be disconnected from what’s happening. Edward showed me how to sacrifice for the mission by putting himself last. Praise God for Edward.

Lance Gabriel
This brother’s worship showed me one simple thing, the importance of integrity. This brother is overflowing with it. Praise God for Lance.

Kevin Muico
Our new full-time pastoral worker for CFC-Youth Canada demonstrated to me how to be in communion with the Lord, by inviting his Spirit to the conversation. Praise God for Kevin.

These brothers may have not all been in the spotlight during RYC, but they deserve to be honored. They served as committee heads, worship leaders, session speakers, and this RYC could not have succeeded without their leadership.

Being a man is tough.

There are so many expectations on us to be strong, to carry the weak, to lead, to be fearless and so much more. Being a male leader in this community should freak us out because of what’s at stake, but the Lord showed me how truly rely on Him this RYC. He asked me to be accepting of affirmation in our work given to us through the brothers and sisters that He has blessed us with in this amazing community.

God calls us to reinforce one another.


Being a brother is tough, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

– Jesse R.

The Three Apostles

Yesterday I found myself in the Oratory of Saint Joseph in Montreal. A year after I said yes to becoming a Mission Volunteer, a month after I became a Full Time Pastoral Worker  – finally ticking off all the major areas where CFC-Youth is present in Canada. And while the whole basilica is beautiful inside and out with amazing architecture, art, and history on it’s side plus the Holy Eucharist being inside it; you can never really go wrong. And while the hundreds of pilgrims were doing there thing, I found myself glued to three fixtures that were grouped together. It was the three statues of Saints Jude Thaddeus, Mathias, and Peter.


For the longest time, I’ve had an affinity to these three apostles. In fact, it’s safe to say that they have been my friends since day one.

Saint Jude

Saint Jude Thaddeus, the forgotten apostle, because his name was close to that of the traitor is in fact the patron of hopeless causes. Out of the three he was the latest I befriended, but had an immediate click with. He found me at the time when I was preparing for my licensure examination for Chemical Engineering in Manila. I had to cram 5 years worth of knowledge, formulas, concepts in Math, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering in 6 months for a three day exam – I deemed it impossible. Doubt, laziness and a host of other things crept up that led me to breaking down quite a few times before and during the exam. But praise God, Saint Jude prayed for me and I passed. In the bigger picture, I do consider myself a hopeless and lost cause. Yet here I am, a missionary for one of the biggest lay organizations of the Catholic Church.

Saint Mathias

Saint Mathias was the outsider who found himself cast into the inner group. When Judas was gone, they needed somebody to fill in his place – and in a stroke of luck (literally, his name was casted from a lot of a hundred or so), he became part of the twelve. Being the non-canadian for the first batch of Mission Volunteers in Canada, and the only non-canadian trainee for full time pastoral work from Canada – one can say that I am in fact an outsider. Me being a Mission Volunteer was not in my plans when I moved here, but through God’s grace and calling – I’ve taken a step further in Full Time Pastoral Work.

Saint Peter

Saint Peter, the rock, was not whom Jesus loved the most. In fact the gospels say that it was St. John whom Jesus loved the most. Saint Peter was the one who loved Jesus the most. He was the first one who would always jump out into the water to meet the Lord even if it meant walking on water and almost drowning. He was the one who wanted to serve the Lord first in all things, but he was also the first one to deny him – he did so three times in one instance. But the Lord did not give up on him, he in fact was called to something greater – to be the rock of the Church – our first pope. More often than not, I have denied the One whom I love the most – yet still He calls me. He still loves me and gives me more chances than I deserve. 

The Three Apostles

I could go on and on about how I can relate to these apostles, but the amazing thing is that they were grouped together somewhere in a church thousands of miles from where I was born. And to see them together, praying for me all this time brings me to tears and above all – amazed that God loves me so much to take three of His best to pray for me and lead me to where I am.

They all went to the ends of the world to proclaim the Risen King, and here I am in Montreal – the last of the big mission areas of Canada that I haven’t been to an affirmation of the mission in the Three Apostles.

Saints Jude Thaddeus, Mathias, and Peter, Pray for us. Amen.