Shared Healing

The other day I went to confession, and the priest said something that really struck me. As part of my penance, he asked me to lift a prayer to those who share the same weaknesses as me.

Whenever I approach confession, I feel a great sense of joy in being reunited with our Lord. But I also thought: how great is the mercy of The Lord that he allows us to be united to souls all over the world, through both our own brokenness and healing!

I felt great joy praying for those souls, knowing that I completely understand them and share their weaknesses – knowing that my own simple experience of healing can also be a source of healing for souls all over the world.

Lord, your love truly knows no limits! Teach us to always have confidence in your most infinite and loving mercy <3

DAY 1: The Rays of The Son


“Faith is being obedient to the Spirit even though we may not fully understand all things in reason and in logic…Faith is the LIGHT that we need”

We are exposed to the rays of the Son

Faith is the foundation

The light touches my skin

The base of our personal realization that

And fills my soul

We are nothing but a speck in God’s infinity

I am called to shine bright

We can never reach his complete Divinity
He continues to love us

To Ignite

Fill us

To fight

And constantly calls us to live with Him in Eternity

And to not loose sight!

This is possible because the Lord God

Has exposed His Son to us



Lord God,

Allow the rays of The Son to reach us, so that we may be able to expose His Light to others.

Amen 🙂

Strawberry Fields

strawberryOn Canada Day, July 1st, my parents woke up my siblings and I and opened our doors and said “STRAWBERRY PICKING”. So we just got up and got ready and went on to go strawberry picking.

Personally, I really love it when we go to the farms [So fun :)] and just have a different view from the busy city life. It is simply so relaxing and just simple.
We got to the place, got a few baskets and hopped on the tractor that would bring us to the fields 🙂
There were other people at the farm, children, parents, grandparents, friends, families. Once we got to the strawberry fields, I couldn’t help but thank the Lord for this wonderful blessing, I was with my family eating the most delicious fruit, so fresh and so refreshing. I was surrounded by many families who are happily and joyfully spending several hours with each other. Mothers and daughters picking strawberries together. Young children slobbering their mouths with the juiciest strawberries until their mouths became so red [So cute :)] Grandparents who have difficulty bending down to pick some strawberries have their lawn chairs and remained to look over their families and their grandchildren handing them some to eat.
It was a truly nice day. The sun was out up so high shining down upon all of us on earth. The sun the nourished the plants so that it will bear good fruits. I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by all the joy that I was being blessed to witness, the joy that I was experiencing, the love that was just outpouring. 🙂
As I bend down to pick some more strawberries, I couldn’t help but notice something about the fruit that I was picking, I said to myself, “HEY! LOOK AT THESE CUTE STRAWBERRIES, THEY LOOK LIKE HEARTS!!!” Then I was like “WHOAH?! That is so true. HEARTS EVERYWHERE!!! EVERYWHERE!!!”
Our Awesome Father loves us so much and He wants us to know that He is always here to love us. He physically wants to show us His love that He even created a fruit that taste ohhh so sweet that is shaped like a heart! A plant that is well grounded and rooted with fruits that could be reached by all His children. Just like our Great Heavenly King’s love for us: free, total, faithful, fruitful.
As I looked around the fields around me, I couldn’t help but give praise to our Father. “Lord God, thank you for giving me a taste of Heaven.” Where I was, was God’s fields, a field filled with people exchanging love, sharing love, experiencing love, exuding love, they were being loved. Looking at the strawberry field, all I could see was sheer joy. 🙂

“Eternal Father, may we always see You and experience Your Amazing Love in the beautiful world around us. Through the beauty of nature, You speak to us. Through the beauty of nature, You show us Your great love for us. Thank you for loving us. We love You so much.”

Have a wonderful day!
God bless us always.

Peace and Love,

Ora Et Labora


Every 4:45 in the morning, regardless of where he has been and what he has done the night before, would wake up and open his bible. He would sit up from the couch he loved to sleep on, do the sign of the cross, and be silent in his prayers for the next 15-20 minutes. After that, he would dress up for his morning jog and be back after 30 minutes to either do weights or play basketball outside his house. He would then shower and eat his breakfast which his wife prepared. Pray over his kids right before he left, then work hard until noon. Every lunch time when the siren signalling noon would sound off, he would make his way home riding a tricycle for 5 minutes and he would have his lunch, turn on the tv and then watch his favorite noon-time show Eat Bulaga. He would laugh for a bit then turn it off after a few minutes. He would take his afternoon nap for 15 minutes, then take another shower before he would make his way back to work. From 1pm til 5pm, in fact it would usually be til 7pm because he liked to work over time. He worked hard because it not only provided for his family, but he felt loyalty for the company that provided work for his father too ,which also provided for his family while growing up. He would come home, talk to his kids and wife, eat his dinner with his family, then he would be off to an activity for Couples For Christ almost every night. If he was home, he would turn on the tv, watch some news or basketball depending on which was on. But more often than not, he was at an activity with Couples For Christ. This whole regimen happened during weekdays and weekends. Though for weekends his overtime at work would only be during the first half of the morning, because he would usually spend noon til 3pm with his family at a mall then go home to play basketball. A CFC activity would be his schedule right after. On Sundays, mass would take priority; he would go to work right after to clock in work as much as he can before he would go home right in time for lunch with his family at a mall. Then be back home by 3pm for his weekend basketball usually with his son. Then off to another CFC activity.

Rain or shine, sick or healthy, whether he felt like it or not – his daily regimen was followed to the T. Morning prayers set the tone which gave direction to his day, to his work. For him, it was ora et labora, Saint Benedict’s motto, to pray and work. Nothing fazed him. For him prayer was everything, and work was his prayer. It provided him a means to support his family, and also provided him a means to do his mission work in Couples For Christ. He kept the tenth of his wage, the other tenth was for God, the other eighty percent was for his family. With the tenth that he had, he would still give it to the Church and to whomever borrowed money from him for some emergency.

Even when he was struck down with cancer, his regimen did not change. Prayers in the morning, work in between, then CFC later in the day. It was only when he was bed-ridden, that he was limited to only his prayers. Since work was no longer possible. His last breath was spent affirming a youth leader for CFC for doing her work in the ministry of CFC-Youth For Christ. He lived, worked, and breathed his prayers into life.

I am proud to call this man my father! His prayers moved him to work, his work became his prayer!

So how do you honor a man who was all about prayer and work, by turning prayer to work and work to prayer, by becoming a missionary.

Happy birthday Pa!

May the mission I undertake for the God you served, produce more people like you. 

PS. My Father would have been 57 today. If you read this, please do offer a prayer for him. 

This reflection is also cross posted on my own blog:

Packing Up, Moving On

I was looking at my reflection files and found the following reflection written when I was about to move from Vancouver to Toronto. I find this interesting specially that it’s been more than one year than I had been away from Vancouver. Reading it now reminds me of the goodness of God in any areas I am assigned. So here it is, throw back December 2011…

“I am starting preparing for my new mission area assignment and to start with, I started cleaning up my room and segregating things. I found out I had a bunch of trash accumulated for almost year and half that I had been in this area. I had more scratch papers reflections notes on it. I usually just write in any paper I find every time I have an inspiration. So I ended up piling scratch papers waiting for those written thoughts to be transferred.

Funny how it takes a reassignment for me to start actually segregating things and throwing up unwanted materials. Isn’t it like life, sometimes it takes external factor for us to realize we need cleaning up. Actually some of the trash I collected are just souvenirs of the places I had been to. It seems like unconsciously I wanted something I can hold about the place, a connection I wanted to maintain. We really are a relational being; wanting always concrete to hold on to. There are so many things we want to hold on to, like funny and memorable memories, cloud nine experiences, and even undesirable encounters that produces deep wounds and hurts that refuses to heal. Life will go on, whether we like it or not, so better move with it, with joy in the heart. Let 2011 be 2011, another lap in the marathon called life. If we made good memories then let it light our way for the new year and if we have some bad experiences then lets get all the learning’s we have, stand up again, pack up all the necessary things we need in life. It’s always good and healthy to look back, if only to learn from it.

I find it providential that my reassignment happens in the first week of the New Year, new start, new beginning. The Lord is really good because he always allows reset. If cleaning up my room makes my travel lighter, well this is the time to clean up spiritually as well, from sins, hurts and other emotional baggages. It’s tiring to journey if we are carrying a lot. The Lord doesn’t want us to carry heavy loads, He said in the bible “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” He wants us to enjoy the journey. Yes, there will valley of tears, but I would dare to say that all in all, this journey called life is fun. So let us throw the garbage, carry only what is necessary. Pack up faith, hope and love and move ahead with Christ.”


“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” – Proverbs 27:17

God has blessed me with really great households. I have been surrounded by God-fearing brothers who only want to do the work of the Lord. And that posture is contagious.

When I first became active in the community, I had baggage that discouraged me from loving others and serving them. In the midst of the discouragement, there was one particular brother who took the time to have a one on one with me. He wasn’t my household head or in my household. He was just someone in the community. That’s when it started.

I felt loved despite my imperfections. I felt loved despite my mistakes. I felt loved for who I was. And it was that same love that propelled me to serve. To this day, I believe that was God’s love. A love that has no fear, or restriction, or judgement. A love that heals. A love that makes all things new.

I try my best to practice this posture now. To meet others where they are, understand them, and show compassion. Can you imagine how St. Peter would feel if Jesus discouraged him because of his denial? Instead, the Lord forgives, encourages and strengthens us. We are called to do the same.

This compassionate love can be best shared in our households. Households are a source of genuine friendships and are filled with God’s love. If we feel loved in our household, it’s easier for us to love our own household (1 John 4:19 – We love because He first loved us).

I’m thankful that I have been able to maintain a majority of the genuine friendships made in previous households. The brotherhood that is shared in a household is unforgettable and is what makes the community a community.

I’m eager to continue to grow with my brothers and to discover the Lord through how we love each other.


At the Cross

This afternoon I received a plaque celebrating my 5 year anniversary of working at my current job. Around 11pm I decided to go on a small trek with two brothers to visit the Mont Royal Cross just for kicks. Standing in front of that giant illuminated cross that’s visible from all Eastern MontrĂ©al, my mind was filled with one phrase.

“I desire something bigger in my life.”


– Jesse R.
“I Am, and We are Missionaries.”