The Genius Of Our Catholic Faith

There are so many cases now of mental illnesses and most of them are actually caused by a society that is individualistic and people have no way to air out there challenges and deep emotions of life. If people only learn to kneel down and go to confession instead of just lying on a couch and soaking themselves in emotions, there will be less mental problems in the world. This is the genius of our Catholic faith, it gives us confession. It actually provides an avenue were we can be released from personal burdens and allow us to be refreshed again. Confession is not for God but for us.

The goodness of confession aside from the fact that we are forgiven is the feeling of being accepted as who we are not as we should be.

Glimpse of Truth – Day 3

Truth be told, this youth camp was (and is) a giant blur.  For reasons unknown the Holy Spirit led my brother Cesar Rivera to ask me to be a facilitator for the very first time, a year after joining the community.  I was terrible.  I botched my share, fast-tracked my 1 to 1’s, and paid more attention to my friends at the camp than my own discussion group.

If I were to take one thing from this entire experience, it would have to be my calling as an evangelizer.  This camp was a foretaste of my love for “catching men” by way of witness.  In fact, it was the vessel of that very passion to share and witness that lead me (and another friend) to bring around 10-12 of my high school friends to camp!  In retrospect, it may not seem like a big deal, but in context it truly was God’s victory at work. Most of those friends weren’t your run-of-the-mill cradle Catholics.  They were more likely people who disregarded (or were very indifferent to) the faith.

Although most if not all of them are no longer active, I’m glad that my “yes” (for whatever reason) enabled me to act as an instrument in instilling them seeds of faith, fun, friendship, freedom.

Regardless if I knew it then or not, my being a catalyst for Camp S.W.A.T. was simply the Lord sharing with me a small glimpse of what was to come in my faith journey:  a journey filled with personal witness, sharing of self, exchange of persons, trinitarian love, non-stop evangelism and everlasting desire for Truth.

St. Paul, the Apostle of Truth, pray for us
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of Evangelization, pray for us


In God We Trust

Today is October 1. I’ve almost reached 2 years of employment with work. I thank God for the experiences, lessons and professional development I’ve obtained through my position. Despite only 6 employees within the company, it is large enough that I’m guaranteed 40 hours a week and have very fair compensation but small enough that I have a diverse set of work and am rarely disengaged. I am extremely grateful for the flexibility in my work schedule and for an understanding boss, who gave me time off to go to Hawaii (10 days), ILC (21 days), and WTNC (9 days) within a span of 8 months.

Today is the Memorial of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. I’m thankful for her example and child-like attitude in being holy. She reminds me that “holiness consists simply in doing God’s will, and being just what God wants us to be.” For me, that’s just it. My attitude has changed from doing my own thing to doing God’s will. I think it’s not just my attitude but my posture and more importantly, my heart. It’s easier said than done but I know for sure that I’m more open to doing God’s will than I ever was before.

Today marks the month of deliberations for Mission Volunteers. This entire year has been a roller coaster. But one thing is for sure – the Mission Volunteer program has helped me in every aspect of my life. It has helped me grow in love with the community, learn how to better love my family and loved ones, how to be a better witness at my workplace and most importantly, has helped me deepen my relationship with the Lord.

Every bit of me is anxious of the outcome of this month for the MVs. But if I can recognize God’s hand in my life every day, I have nothing to worry about. Today was a huge blessing. Tomorrow will be too.

A Command

“Service is a command from God.” – Father Gerry

This weekend, I was able to partake in a blessed and spirit filled Regional Servants of The Lord conference  here in Winnipeg Manitoba. I was given the opportunity to serve and lead the Program committee and Boy I was scared. I didnt know what to expect because I have always been asked to help but never to LEAD.

Now just to back track a little, it was God who called me into the Catholic Faith, it was God who brought me into this community, it was God who lead me into the MV program and it was God who called me to FTP work. Therefore, it was The Lord who called me to serve in this SOLD conference, lead the program committee and go out of my comfort zone to grow.

Service is a command from God. Jesus was called to serve, not to be served. Service requires sacrifice. To Love requires sacrifice and to serve others and the Lord is to love others and love the Lord.  However you do it, know that it goes back to Gods command to all of us, and that is to serve and to Love.

One last thing, there was a SOLD delegate who was 84 yrs old! And man, it was such an inspiration to see him Worship with hands up high in full surrender. He also participated in the skills competition which required running, dribbling and shoot a basketball. I hope one day I get to be in His shoes still worshipping and serving the Lord.

EOS – End of Sharing

May God be Praised.

I’m lost without You

There’s been a lot of desperation in my heart recently. As my term as an MV comes to a close, I want to be sure of the calling God has for me at this time in my life. My heart races when I think about it. About making a decision. I feel like I’m drowning because I can’t figure things out.

And when I feel that deep, dark pit in my stomach, the feeling of my lungs filling with water, my heart pounding and my thoughts racing – I remember one of my absolute favorite stories: when Jesus calmed the storm.

“One day He got into a boat with His disciples, and He said to them, “Let us go across to the other side of the lake.” So they put out, and while they were sailing He fell asleep. A windstorm swept down on the lake, and the boat was filling with water, and they were in danger. They went to Him and woke Him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” And He woke up and rebuked the wind and raging waves; they ceased, and there was a calm. He said to them, “Where is your faith?”
– Luke 8:22-25

I know my answer. And it scares me. I will honestly cry, just thinking about it. But who am I to be afraid? Who am I to think that the Lord will not take care of me in the storm? Who am I to ask the Lord to save me, when I have already been saved?

That fear, those racing thoughts and pounding heart, they are nothing. My God is greater. And that feeling, the panic – it isn’t fear. It is simply a deep longing for our God. Regardless of the outcome is from this MV program for me, I have learned one thing – I’m desperate for Him.

The Lord Has You – Day 2

Camp Reloaded CFC-YFC East Youth Camp 2003










Yes, that is me refusing to make melodies.  I was a rebel.  Though it may seem funny looking back just how much of a disobedient brat I was, I will always treasure this youth camp for what it instilled in me.  For the first time in my life, I experienced (with complete awareness)  God’s victory.

Albeit, (like we say at all youth camps) “it was only the beginning”, I was quick to go back to my old ways soon after.  Despite that, for one amazing weekend I was indeed able to overcome all of my shortcomings and all of my failures.  I was able to overcome my pride and sense of immaturity to actually get to know others who sincerely wanted to know and love God more intimately.  Little did I know just how powerful the prayers of the service team were.

“The Lord has you”

In retrospect, it’s true what they say that God’s plan is so intricately woven.  One of the brothers ended up being one of my closest friends and I’ve had the pleasure of serving alongside of him for many years both within Campus-based, and within the Core Group of Pacific Region.  One of the sisters was at the time one of my closest friends (and still is to this day) audaciously serving the impoverished and the innocent in both the Gift of Life Ministry and Ancop Canada (within SFC).  There was also a sister I had just met at the camp.  I probably said “hi” to her once throughout its duration.  We ended up serving Music Ministry together, then eventually community-based and then eventually we became counterparts and close friends also.  Her deep love for God and selflessness in serving others eventually lead her to study to become a Salesian sister.  Who knew?  The Lord really did “have us” after all.

One thing I can say for certain, our lives (willingly or unwillingly) were never truly the same after that weekend.

“I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you”  Philippians 1:3


Desire for Heaven

Most of the time my problem is not knowing what I need to do, it’s having the desire to do it. The problem is not anyone or anything, not even my circumstances; it’s my heart. I do desire to be in Heaven but am I living in a way that truly shows that?

It’s definitely important to always keep the end in mind because it puts perspective on the now and provides wisdom to live a virtuous life, but I find that I lose focus more often than not. I know that I’m losing focus when I start settling for worldly things and reject inconvenience for the sake of others, and when I settle for being comfortable. If I desire Heaven, then my path should not be one of convenience and comfortability.

If I desire Heaven, then I must keep my eyes on Jesus Christ because He is the only Way to get there. I must keep my eyes on the prize which is the upward calling in Him. More than just seeking, the feet of my heart need to move forward. I must follow Him. However, to follow Christ is to deny myself and take up my cross daily. This is no easy task. The path to Heaven is the path of Calvary.

In Heaven, God is the only desire. He is all in all. I cannot desire anyone or anything else. If I do, then I need to be purified. That is why there is purgatory, to purify us completely to be fit for the perfection of the New Jerusalem. But before purgatory, we have the opportunity here on Earth to unite our suffering to Him and rely on His graces found in the Sacraments. I should not ignore this tremendous gift!

As Christians, we embrace suffering because it purifies our desires. We praise God for suffering because it unites us closer to Him (if we choose). If I do not have the desire to embrace my cross, then I do not have the desire for Heaven.

“Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you, remember Christ crucified and be silent.” –St. John of the Cross

My Jesus, fill me with Your joy as I hope in You. Amen.