Pillars – Day 8

This blog post is taken from project73.tumblr.com a blog created by Frater Emmanuel (Richie Aldaba).

When Ray Mina, the speaker for the session, encouraged us to find people from different regions to share our love for them, I must confess I immediately disobeyed. I knew of two people that I wanted to say, “I love you to” and I knew they were standing at the back of the room. With my eyes fixed on the back, I headed straight towards them careful not to look at absolutely anyone else.

And there I found them, praying to themselves with the familiar and comfortable smiles on their faces. I nearly broke down when I approached them because I knew how much I owed them, how much they mean to me, and how important it is and was for me to let them know how I loved them so deeply.

That night, I approached Steve and Ellen Cadiz, couple coordinators who have worked with me since 2003. Although that night I only honoured them, (because they were the only ones there), I would be remiss to neglect posting about the amazing people known as parent or couple coordinators for YFC Pacific.

I would like to think the YFCs in my region have abundant blessings and gifts, most especially as it pertains to their faith. My younger brothers and sisters (on the most part) attend confession regularly, joyfully celebrate Mass, and have a remarkably deep understanding of faith for their age. All these gifts are a result of a number of things: solid retreats, great leadership, an amazing spiritual director etc.

But one thing often goes unnoticed. I firmly believe that our spirituality is due in large part because of the prayers of our beloved coordinators: the Rodases, the Cadizes, the Perezes, the Castroes, the Aguilars, the San Joses, the Alcantarras,  the Marcelos, the Siys, the Jayins, the Villamayors, the Empigs, the Umalis, the Trigos, the Diazes, the Reyes, and the Tangcos.

It is through their amazing example that we learned how to pray, how to feast, how to fellowship and how to be authentically Christian.

For me personally, I would be completely lost especially without our titos. They taught me how to love in such a deep and profound way. Despite my faults, they continue to love me to this very day. It is through their blessed love and service that we were ever taught how to care for one another. It is through their blessed love and service we experienced Jesus on a whole different level.

Much like St. Monica and the Holy Family, they nourished us with Christ’s love. Yes they fed us food, but they drew us closer to Christ in the most amazing way possible, through their intimate love for each other, for us, and most especially, for Jesus.

Though the names and faces continue to change with time, Couples for Christ has shone a light in to the very need and longing for every year human being – a need to for community in the divine image and likeness of His Most Holy Trinity.  May our CC’s never go unnoticed and may we, as the youth and young adults of the community, always show gratitude towards the sacrifices they make for us.

Thank you to all the CC’s who have mentored, pastored me and those I’ve been fortunate to serve alongside:
The Cabanos’
The Cadiz’s
The Atienza’s
The Castro’s
The Aguilar’s
The Reyes’
The Dimacali’s
The Dantes’
The Diaz’s
The Tangco’s
The Fournier’s
The Contreras’
The Ganaden’s
The Tadifa’s
The Ramos’

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the Glory, now and forever.

NALS Countdown: Day 6-10 [Lord’s timing is perfect]

Day 6: 1st RYC/Conference
Live holy Live loud
(I don’t know how to flip it the right side up :(…)
My first Conference was in 2005 entitled “Live Holy, Live loud” in Calgary.
I remember being an inactive CFCYouth for 2years after joining in 2002/2003 then bam! Conference in 2005! haha makes me wonder why, how Lord? haha
but the Lord is of perfect planning and time.. because at that moment He said something I needed to hear: LIVE!
and praise the Lord for that moment po 🙂

Day 7: Recent RYC/Conference
A recent Conference I was blessed to go to was the recent “TNC:Jesus Expo” in Waterloo
After 8years since I said my first ‘yes’ to Live for Him..
The Lord has continuously been the God of perfect timing because at that moment He reminded me.. that it’ll be ok as long as trust and obey #uncertainties #whatliesahead #whatifs #ahhhhhhh
In trusting and obeying, miracles can happen.

Day8: Shout out to Couple Coordinators
Shout out at Tito Manny and Tita Digna Libramonte, GTA area CCs!

Holla to Kuya Arnold and Ateh Lennie Rodriguez, Campus based CCs!

Day 9: Shout out to cluster/program/chapter heads
Andrei and Rayah
ehhhhhhh holla at the GTA Area Heads, Andreizzzy Nazareno and Rayah REALista! po hehe

Day10: #ilovemyhousehold

Lord’s perfect timing to bless me with the moment to meet beautiful and awesome sisters and brothers



every moment has been the Lord’s perfect timing to reveal a greater plan, miracles, moments of His love etc. and it all came from a “yes”. Praise God! 🙂
and I’m sure you would some what agree with me too po, right? hehe
The Lord has blessed us within this past year(s).. so what more for 2014?!

soo in the upcoming North American Leaders Summit..
to be honest, I don’t really know what to expect (it’s the first NALS ever.. EPIC! lol) but I trust and have faith in the Lord’s perfect timing for it.

Be part of the HIStory in the making..
As youth leaders for CFCYouth North America, let us discover and see together what the Lord has in store for us, our brothers and sisters, and the future generation of CFCYouth 😀
NALS: Deo Gloria in Vancouver, Canada! on OCTOBER 18-20, 2014

Contact your Couple Coordinator and register po!!!! 😀

As Leaders of One Continent, One New World, One body and love in Christ… leggoooooo!! 😀

Jesse, I Am

My name is Jesse, which in hebrew means “God Exists”. This is actually appropriate since I’ve grown in my faith to be a very skeptical individual. This is not to say that I questions the existence of God, in fact I’m confident in how the Lord has blessed me with a firm, intellectual understanding of Him, but rather I’m skeptical in the truth that is presented to me since as humans we’re limited by perception.

A fellow MV, Théa Lape reminded me a few weeks ago that sometimes God reveals himself very literally in our lives. At times this direct approach has me second guessing whether or not it is a message from the Lord, or whether or not it’s my psyche assigning meaning to an otherwise meaningless event or occurrence in my life. This has caused me to overlook many straightforward revelations from the Lord over the course of my 26 years in existence.

Lesson learned. When the Lord speaks, listen.

I think that it’s normal to seek meaning in how the Lord unveils Himself to us, and I think a healthy level of skepticism is what allows us to find intention in acts of God.

My name is Jesse.
What will be my David?

As the MV program continues, I’m forced to re-evaluate the state and purity of my desires. Desires to go full-time, desires to have a family, desires to lead a life for the Lord. If I take literally what the Lord has exposed me to over the past 7 months as an MV, then I know that His intention for me will be made known.

My name is Jesse, and I’m confident that the Lord will place my David in community, whether that be figurative or literal.

Jesse R.
I Am, and We are Missionaries”


Now I rejoice in my suffering for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body, that is, the Church…

St. Thomas Aquinas says that in order for the merits of the Passion of Christ to be applied to us, we need to bear the trials that God sends us, so we can become like Christ. The CCC teaches that every offense we make entails a duty of reparation, even if the sin has been forgiven. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past and need to restore the balance disturbed by these mistakes.

It first starts with a conversion of heart. If I am not truly sorry for my sins, then what is stopping me from doing it again? Very often I can be tied down by habitual sin (known as vices). However, once my heart truly repents and humbly admits the mistake made, avoids it with a sincere heart and conviction, only then is my search for forgiveness authentic.

Seeking forgiveness comes naturally after a conversion of heart. I ask forgiveness from the Lord and the people I have offended. And because of my conversion of heart, my sorrow is genuine.

Through God’s mercy, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, I am forgiven. God’s love is limitless and faithful. When a person I have offended can forgive me the way God forgives me, no matter the magnitude of hurt done, I feel very unworthy but blessed to know that I am forgiven. In fact, this forgiveness propels me, in my already converted heart, to avoid that sin.

However, it doesn’t end there. The imbalance that was created due to my mistakes needs to be restored. And this is where patience, humility and agape love need to be at the forefront. These outward and concrete signs of God’s love need to be present in every interaction with the people I have offended. It is through a consistent out pour of God’s love that His Holy Spirit can heal the brokenness caused by my mistakes. It may take days, weeks, months, or years to make reparations for what I have done, but because of my conversion of heart, I am willing to do whatever it takes.

When I apply these principles in my life, I can begin to see a glimpse of how God feels when we offend Him. I can only imagine how many nails I have hammered to His hands and feet. Every time we hurt our brothers and sisters, we offend God as well. We often think that our reparation for sins only comes in purgatory or through an Act of Penance but I believe that there is no time like the present to make conscious acts to rebuild what was broken and to restore the wounds.

Thank God for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Praise God for His forgiveness, love and fountain of grace. It is through His example that I can forgive and persevere in making reparations for my sins. A true sign of heartfelt and earnest sorrow is an unwavering conviction of making what was wrong right.

Reflection: Oct 4 (smile)

A smile goes a long way.

I remember in my MV essay one of the things I talked about was my early days in the community po..
how the youth who were already in YFC had a different smile that I was intimidated at first but found that it was what I wanted to learn to have po..
In growing in this community and these 23 years of life.. I am affirmed that that kind of smile is the Lord.
A smile of.. haaaaaaa po hehe
A smile of Kindness.. Love.. Trust
A smile that is Comforting .. Joyful.. Hopeful.. etc.
I don’t know po hehe it’s definitely something nice and good po hehe

There is this costumer who always comes in and buys the same thing almost everyday.
she use to come in really grumpy and angry po..
she would demand to have her food brought to her table and set up for her to eat.. because she was only able to use her one hand..
And it’s so disheartening that a lot of people hate dealing with her.
But I think this only made me determined to share some positivity with her po haha
Every time she comes.. man.. prayers up and always pray for the Lord’s smile hehe
and.. Praise God because as of recent, she would come and order with a smile on po 😀
She’s in a more brighter mood too po hehe

A smile goes a long way..
especially if it’s from the Lord.

Let us share that smile that can only be from the Lord.
Smile 🙂

Lord, teach me how to use body and physical language to proclaim and share You.

P.S. if I ever tease you about your smile.. I’m sorry po *bows* but I’m not making fun or anything po.. You have an awesome smile (that’s contagious uyyyyy jks). pG! so keep smiling po 🙂 hehe

Real Treasure

When I was asked to share at West Cluster 2’s Discovery Camp, I found myself being brought back to my past… my journey from the very beginning of my life, up until now. A lot of things have happened to me when I was young, and as a cause of those negative things, I began to live a negative life. I got into relationships in which I thought were love, but inevitably, a life of sin only led me to one realization… I didn’t know myself, and I didn’t know love at all

Those years passed, and as I grew, I began to understand who I was more. Years later, I entered a relationship that I can, up ’til this day, say was one of the greatest blessings. I was with a man who could accept me for everything that I am (with my past included), and respected me enough to love me beyond my “no,” to the physical temptations in the relationship. In fact, he honoured it, and gave his all to pursuing that lifestyle in our relationshipIt was a relationship that most people would give a lot to have.

Many reflections back, I shared about how my trip to the Philippines changed me. We were exploring the different areas in Philippines, enduring bucket showers with cold, unheated water, and day by day, we were constantly switching from one home to the next, sleeping on the floor, on a cot or whatever else was there. And it was in this that the Lord challenged me …

“You think this is mission? Endurance is not mission. Mission is about livingIf I called you right now, with only the very things you have with you today, would you drop everything else to serve Me?”

Yes Lord, I WILL.

Coming home, little did I know that the test of that very question would follow me back home. I found that literally everything was being show to me at a new light. I was finding calls to balance all the areas of my life (i.e. family time, service in the CFC Youth Community, etc). What I didn’t see coming was having to give up the one relationship where I truly felt the real love of a man. There was nothing wrong with our relationship… we weren’t arguing at the time… we didn’t hurt each other either… ALL I KNEW WAS THAT THERE WAS A GREATER LOVE AHEAD…


At first, I thought the greater treasure was the relationship I was entering with the Lord… the very relationship I was giving up the man I loved for… I thought God was the greatest treasure, but it wasn’t until that day I walked into Camp Samac… that moment I saw my friends, listening to me and supporting me with smiles at the back… that moment I saw all the youth listening with hearts wide open for the Lord… And it was also the moment I came home to my family at 1 or 2 in the morning, only to be attacked with true, genuine and affectionate hugs after being away for only 2 days… It wasn’t until this weekend that it all clicked… the GREATEST TREASURES I HAVE ARE THE VERY THINGS I HAD FROM THE BEGINNING

The greatest friends, the greatest family, the great and endless opportunities to share the love of the Lord to the youth I serve daily, the Church, the Sacraments… everything and everyone around me IS THE GREATEST TREASURE I ALWAYS HAD. The difference is that I never noticed that it was real

The very thing that suddenly made all of this REAL TREASURE is that God met me, waited for me, and continues to journey with me to SHOW ME SO INTRICATELY the treasure I already had. The treasure that is greater than a love… a relationship with the Lord.


And of course… when we have this much treasure, what do we do? As a child of God, riches are not meant to be kept for oneself, but they are meant to be shared with everyone else. And it is for this very reason that I saw my YES, once again, to the call of Fulltime Pastoral Work, if that is what He wants of me… so that the world may know the true value of REAL AND EVERLASTING TREASURE… HIS LOVE… a love that shares, a love that changes and a love that might even bring new things… a love that grows in faith, peace, hope, and joy… 

*** Back to the basics: LOVE is not EXCLUSIVE, n’or is it SELECTIVE, it is INCLUSIVE of everyone and everything, always…

May He always be praised!

The Spiritual Battle is Always On

Yesterday, my family and I went to the annual Life chain in the usual spot where CFC Calgary is assigned.

It has been a family ritual for us for years.  During the first few years, the kids were shocked to see some people giving us the middle finger.  It still bothers me to this day and age  why people are so mad when we were simply defending the sacredness of life.  What if their parents decide to abort him or her, would have they existed?

But the truth is, the things of value in this world, our faith, our life, our families, will always be under constant attack.  We cannot be complacent into thinking that being in a community of believers will immunize us from the snares of the evil one.  The battle is real and will be going on throughout our lives.

As a parent, there is no way I’ll be able to protect my kids forever.  One day, they will be on their own facing their own spiritual battles.  All I can do is plant the seeds that will one day sprout and blossom into weapons of our faith.

Lord, please continue to remind us of the humiliation, ridicule, torment You went through because You simply love us.  In times of temptation, be with us and help us to overcome the enticements of this world.  St. Michael, the archangel, please be with us in this battle. Amen!