In the Darkness

1495617_10152069871078329_1282759230_oYesterday Toronto experienced one of the worst ice storms to ever hit. It was devastating and beautiful. Over 300,000 torontonians lost power, the streets were cluttered with fallen tree branches, and ice so thick you can literally skate on the roads filled the streets and sidewalks. The news was filled with warnings of treacherous conditions and strongly advised everyone to remain indoors. On the other hand it was very beautiful, like something I have never seen before. Everything turned into crystals. Every branch, fence, road, house, leaf, and every blade of grass glistened like a diamond in the light. It was fascinating.

The roads were so dangerous that my mom even considered not attending Mass which is a twenty minute drive in normal driving conditions. When I heard her, I sternly and lovingly said, “it’s the last Sunday of Advent. We have to go to Mass.” To which she quickly agreed! We decided to leave an hour early.

1509475_10152069856788329_1739881493_oThe ice was so thick that we couldn’t even leave the garage because of the steep decline. We actually caused a bit of traffic in the condo parking lot and I had to get out of the car to direct traffic to ensure the safety of everyone and proper flow (that was a first). We called security and they put salt to melt the ice, after which we all successfully got on the road. We couldn’t believe how dark it was driving to St. Joseph. It was a bit frightening because it was difficult to tell which was water and which was black ice. Most of the street lights weren’t working and the intersections were also not functioning so we had to treat them as four-way stops. My dad drove cautiously and slowly until we safely arrived at our destination.

Upon arriving at the parish we noticed all the lights were turned off so we thought they cancelled Mass. My mom asked someone outside our window and they assured Mass is still on. After dropping my mom and sister off at the front, my dad decided to park behind the church but we couldn’t because the entrance to the parking lot was completely blocked with fallen branches. We ended up finding a parking spot, but what a journey it was just getting to church!

We were greeted by an usher holding a small light to help us navigate. The church was almost pitch black. I also used my cell phone’s flashlight to get to the pew. They told us that father wanted everyone to sit near the front, so we did. I have never attended Mass in such darkness before so I knew this would be a night I’d never forget.

When I knelt to pray I heard a voice say to me ‘Miguel, you’re distracted by your fascination with everything. Relax and listen to what I’m trying to tell you in this experience.” After praying, I became more focused and present. The Lord spoke to me throughout the liturgy and told me the meaning behind the things I was fascinated with. The things He revealed were so simple and beautiful. It has helped me to prepare my heart for Christmas and I’d like to share it with you as a humble gift.

The darkness of Toronto last night reminded me that Christmas is the time which we celebrate the Light which came in the darkness. God entered human history, human suffering, the human problem, in all of its devastation—He entered and brought Light into the midst of everything. This Light, like what happened in the church, brings us closer together. It gathers us in its warmth. The Light is Jesus Christ Who gathers His people to His heart and draws all things near to Him. Like Christmas day He comes into our hearts that is filled with much darkness. He comes into the darkness and gives us hope. This hope gives us joy, and it’s from this joy—from Him—we are called to celebrate on Christmas and live the rest of our lives!

Yesterday morning was filled with so much beauty from how the light reflected off everything. Yesterday night was filled with so much darkness with only a glimmer of light found here and there. However, wherever there was light, there could be no darkness because “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

May the Light of Christ shine in your heart and in your family always. Merry Christmas!

The freedom to choose, the freedom to Love

Approximately 12 months ago, I submitted my application for the Mission Volunteer program. Thank the Lord I did. It’s been one crazy journey, one that had way too many loops and curves, turns and drops.  But Praise God. Praise God for allowing that application essay to materialize, and for that initial interview with the Area Governance Team. I can still remember so vividly how nervous I was. I can still remember fellow MV (and now seminarian) Kris Gardiner saying, “Thea, He’s got crazy big plans for you. I have a feeling His mission for you is going to put you somewhere beyond the GTA.” And man, was Kris right.

In twelve months I’ve traveled to the Philippines twice, Montreal, and Vancouver. I’ve attended the International Leaders Conference for the 2nd year in a row, the Global Leaders’ Summit, the World Great Adventure Tour (CAN x AUS edition), and the North American Leaders’ Summit. All with close to nothing in my bank account. Still with close to nothing in my bank account. But, Praise God.

Because of this program, I’ve made a lot of lifelong true friends…. And I’ve also had to let go of the longest running love. To make more room for THE greatest love I’d ever come to find. I’ve discovered more about myself than I would have liked- having to face the ugly past and the scary future. But, Praise God.

Never could I have imagined being where I am now.
Not now, not then, not ever. But, Praise God.

I entered this program knowing it was geared towards DISCERNMENT- the process of determining God‘s desire in a situation or for one’s life. What I kept forgetting however was that in order to do this, all my doors had to stay open. Just because Christ showed me one option, it didn’t mean that the rest were irrelevant.  I became so fearful of making a mistake that I ended up sitting on the fence for a lot of things. I waited, thinking that if I was patient enough God’s plan would just fall on my lap. 

But what I realize now is that, it’s better to make a decision than no decision at all. God wants me to be happy, wants us to be happy which is why He gave us free will. Brothers and sisters that is the BEAUTY which I failed to see in my journey as a MV. Regardless of what I chose to do, God would meet me there. God would still hold my hand. God would still smile on me. God would still choose me.

Christ’s birth and death on the cross meant we have the freedom to choose. To choose what we do with the time and the life He has blessed us with. We have the freedom to love in whatever capacity we have, which ever way we can, and however we want to. We have the freedom to love our God in the ability to choose how our lives are lived.

Praise God.

Twelve months later and this is what I take away from this program:

Choosing Christ means that you will never be empty handed. You will always have both hands full of His grace, blessings and many gifts. Making life decisions with God in mind means that you win every single time. Invest 100% and you gain an interest of 1000x. God has mastered the art of happiness; He always looks at how He can fulfill as many of your heart’s desires in one given situation- even the desires you hid, the desires you never realized you still kept. He does this, so that we can realize the true value of our life in His eyes. His heart beats for ours, bleeds for ours, and builds for ours.

“Israel, the Lord who created you says: ‘Do not be afraid- I will save you. I have called you by name- you are mine.” ISAIAH 43:1

I enter 2014 with a heart full of love, a life full of hope and a mind set on the truth that my faith is the greatest gift I have to offer this world. And I gladly end 2013 with thoughts of a message God revealed to me, the last line of His first love letter:

You are precious. You are divine. You are Mine.


Every year, I find I am faced with personal situations where I ask myself, “What is the reason I serve? Why do I want to continue being a missionary for the Lord?” Sometimes, the reason I ask is as obvious as having to answer a question on an essay (a.k.a. the MV/ CMV essay), or as expected and/or unexpected in small moments of self reflection.

What is the reason I continue to say yes?

If I could count all the times I had panicked before, thinking, “Oh no, nothing ‘big’ has happened to me yet… there isn’t a ‘big enough’ sign… there are no signs at all. THERE’S NO EPIC STORY TO TELL ABOUT MY YES THAT IS ‘AFFIRMING ENOUGH‘,” I think I would never stop laughing…

I recalled a FTPW’s story of how he became a Fulltime Pastoral Worker.
There was no “major struggle”…
He didn’t feel “tested”…
He did not even have HUGE and DEEP moments of contemplation, debating whether or not it was right…
He never had an overflow of new signs…
He did not even have an “epic” experience…

He just knew that it was right; that it was God’s plan for him, and that it was perfect. He started and continued on with the same reason each and every time… solely because He is called by the Lord… And that is when I realized it:

I don’t need an “epic story”, nor do I need signs, or new reasons. The reason never changes…it growsWhen I first wrote my essay about why I wanted to be an MV, something “big” happened that led me to a realization that it was because of love. The second time I wrote my essay about why I wanted to continue being an MV, another “big” thing happened that made me realize – once again – that it was because I have experienced the love of God and I want to be able to bring that love to others. And now, as a new year begins, although I have not experienced anything “big”, I have come to realize that my reason will never change. 

I am loved. That will never change.
I am planned. That has never changed.
I am called. Because of the other two, this will never change.

From the moment I was Baptized, I said “Yes,” to a mission… a call from the Lord: “Love one another as I have loved you.” God loved us in many ways… but above all, He continues to do so every day in each and every one of us, and I believe that is what the mission ultimately calls for. To love beyond borders. To love past distance. To love in all works. To love with no limit. And ultimately, to love Him above all, and to show others that this love – His love – is possible. I KNOW that this is His mission for me. My reason has never changed. It has only matured and grown, and in the end, it is to remind me that it is all because of Love. 

Lord, thank You for your ever-affirming love. Thank You for constantly guiding me, even at times I may not feel it. Your love is all I need, and it is my greatest call to love the way You want me to. Above all, Lord, thank you for the mission. Thank you for Your daily call. I know Your mission for us will never change, the same way my reason never changes as well. I only pray, Lord, that you continue to let my reason and the mission grow and constantly call us in greater and greater ways. In all of this, Lord, I trust You. Jesus, Lover of my soul, I trust in You.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill us as You will…


I’ll never forget the day I got a phone call about my grandfather passing away…or the journey along the way that lead to traveling for his funeral and the whole process of just being there as a high school kid, not really understanding but knowing that something more was happening…and I guess reflecting on it now, Praise God for that journey.

Okay, what chu got this time?

Today is my grandfathers death anniversary. You know, anniversary’s are supposed to be celebrations. I guess when I was younger, I wasn’t open enough to God to understand why we have these.

But looking back onto my grandfather’s life…it really is a reflection on how I’ve lived and how He’s really influenced me to grow as a man of God. He took care of all of us (his grandchildren) all at the same time. Everyday, as far as I can remember, he lived for us.

By all means, that’s enough to convince me he’s in heaven. He lived his life to prove a point.

To get to the point, I guess I can end with this,

He never said no to us. When it came to helping us, helping others, loving his family, accepting Christ, he said yes. I look into how he raised me and I can see a connection in the way I serve. I will say yes, when You call Lord.

Yes, Lord. Like my grandfather, I will say yes to every opportunity to serve you, and serve others. Simple as that.

Praise God for the day God decided to call him to His kingdom. He may have left the earth, but all my grandfather was doing was just giving the Lord another yes into giving up everything he loved on this earth, for Him.

We miss you Tay.

Deo Gloria


Submission Is The Mission

I was reflecting recently on what it means to be a man of God. I get so caught up in trying to be stronger, more courageous, more this, more that. Time and time again I will fall and get back up with the same resolution and same conviction, but only to fall again. I think it’s important to acknowledge that in one way or another, I will always fall. I am human and I have tendencies to sin. But tendencies are not an excuse to sin, but rather a reminder that I am weak and I cannot be strong or courageous on my own.

I really feel that in order to be a man of God, I must admit that I am weak and that I am not strong enough on my own. It is in this posture that I open myself up to God’s power and His transforming love. I believe that my journey to become a man of God primarily means submitting myself to God. In my weakness, He can be strong. I can be a man in my willingness to let Him take over my life

St. Maximilian  Kolbe shared that the ‘formula’ to holiness is this:

W + w = S

God’s great Will + our willingness to cooperate with Him leads us to Sanctification. God’s plan for us will happen if we let Him work in our lives. It takes our cooperation, or better yet, submission to His will for us because He loves us freely. He allows us to choose. In choosing to let Him in our lives, we can live a life that will bring us joy and hopefully eternal life with Him.


Balancing Melodies

I attended a Vigil Mass this Saturday evening, and was able to sit at the front. Everything was as beautiful as always, but one thing that really caught my attention was the choir. Their voices were so beautiful, but they were being muted by the loudness of the piano. It’s not like the piano sounded horrible… In fact, it was just as beautiful as everything else. It’s just that it was just too loud!

This is what I feel like life can be like sometimes. There are so many blessings in my life, such as: a loving and faithful family, loyal and caring friends, a lively faith, faithful service, etc., but sometimes, one screams louder than the others that all the other good things become muted because one is just too loudEvery singles blessing sings out a melody – a beautiful voice – but it takes the grace of God through prayer to find the balance and create a harmony.

Harmonies enhance a song, the same way prayer enhances my faith – my relationship with the Lord. Prayer is what constantly helps me find the balance. I realized that it is possible to have so many good things in my life, but it is only the most beautiful voice of God that can show me how to tune it all up, so that I can sing Him my greatest song – a life lived holy and wholly with Him and His love.

Lord, help me to find all the melodies. Help me to find them and grow in them by listening to Your voice as my Conductor. May I always have the faith to listen to You so that in all things, You become my tune. May I find the balance in the melodies so that I may bring them all to You in perfect harmony.


Limitless Love

I have been wondering what is it in love that when we begin to admit that we are in love or we love what we have we feel that we lose something. We feel that we are tied up and our reach is limited only. We feel that we lose control and focus of what we are supposed to do. We want to make things exclusive to us and when love what we are doing we want to take ownership and lead on it.

These were not supposed to be the case.

When we love and loving what we have, we are chosen to make it better and bring it to its fullness. Our willingness to do more is not to make it less but to make it known that this is one of the manifestations of the goodness of the Lord. When we do more for the person or the things we love, we do it because it is what is ought to be. Our original intention is to make people be reminded and make things a reminder of the source of good and source of love.


We may feel restricted and limited when we love but let us be reminded that love will only be limitless if we ground it on a limitless God.


“Oh dear God of Love. You are boundless, limitless and unconditional. You can bear everything that is in us and can give anything that is not with us yet. Teach me to always look at Your ways so that when I love it will be Your extension and all they will see is You.”



Philippians 1:29