Called to explore

I was having such a hard time balancing work, service, family, friends, and my boyfriend. I was having a one-on-one with a sister, and she reminded me that if I pray for time, the Lord will grant it. So, I started to pray about it and just express my desires to serve Him. I kept telling God how much I was yearning for it, but work is what was holding me back.

On April 15th, something interesting happened.

Just a side note, I’ve been reading Walking with Pope Francis: 30 Days with thr Encyclical, The Light of Faith. That day’s message of the day said:


At around 10:00 am, my manager called me into her office and broke the news to me that she had to let me go, effective immediately. The project that I was supposed to be assigned go was postponed to the fall. There wasn’t enough workload to keep me on the team. The feeling I had inside was soooooo weird. I actually felt…relieved? I thought it was so odd, yet I felt so much peace in my heart.

Aside from the fact that I didn’t like the way they treated their employees, I really enjoyed myself while I was there because I gained experience and built new relationships, both with our partners and clients. The people I worked with were also great. That said, I thank God so much for this opportunity.

After I left my manager’s office, I went back go my desk and prayed and reflected on what just happened. Then I remembered that my income tax return also came in the week before, so it was almost as if I could hear God saying, “Don’t worry, kid. I gotchu!” With that in mind and the message from the book, it was truly God’s doing. It’s now my time to explore. Perhaps explore the possibilities of FT? LOL! Maybe not yet, but Praise God for everything. I honestly felt God embracing me and holding me that whole day.

Called to Teach

Last Thursday was probably the most joyful, yet hardest days I had to undergo through during my Practicum. I had to say goodbye to 4 of the classes that I was teaching that week. I never truly knew how much of an impact I had on them until Wednesday and Thursday.

The first two classes I had to say goodbye to were my English 9s. I’ve had them since day 1 of my Practicum and we clicked. I took them through the language of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and they had so much fun with it. When my sponsor teacher left the room during my last class, all of my students begged for me to stay to which I had to respond with a sad no.

I said goodbye to my 12s next. We had just finished a project that allowed them to be truly reflective about their identity – who they were in the present, who they are now, and who they want to be in the future. They thoroughly enjoyed the project, and it was very surprising how much they enjoyed my class. Sure, no one wants to be at school at 830am and so no one is gonna be into class. I had them all fill out an evaluation form, and to my surprise, all of them enjoyed coming to my class (even though I am an extremely hard marker).

However, the last class of the day was definitely the hardest to get through – my English 11Es. After the fun lesson I gave them on performance poetry which they all thoroughly enjoyed, I gave them a “One more thing…” kind of gift. I took them from the classroom and into the foyer of the school and because, since February they have been asking me to sing something for them, I sang one of my favourite songs (you can have a listen to it here) and you can see the look of “please don’t ever stop teaching us” on their faces. To my surprise, after we concluded and headed back to the classroom they had a goodbye gift for me as well – a thank you booklet with characters from the movie Frozen and messages from every single student in my class. I couldn’t speak, I was at a loss for words, but I didn’t cry. When the bell rang, each student came up to me and said their own good bye to me. One of my students just stood there speechless and staring at me. Not knowing what to say, after a minute passes by, she says “Thank you” with a smile on her face and rushes off embarrassed.

Mr. Solis and the 11Es


I had my Final Meeting with my Sponsor Teachers and Faculty Advisor and it was an amazing meeting. Not only did I pass, but they said that I was one of the best student teachers they ever had the privilege of working with. I still did not shed a tear. However, what got to me was that when all was said and done, and after they all left the building, I stayed just reflecting on my 10 weeks at my school. Just as I started packing up, no more than 15 minutes after her departure, my Faculty Advisor comes through the door. I asked if she forgot something and she said she did and proceeded to give me a big hug. Afterwards, she said, “That’s all. I think I will finally be going now.” She left the classroom and immediately tears began falling. I have not been so thankful, so appreciative of everything given to me in my life than in that moment. For 15 minutes, I paced throughout the room with tears flowing down my face beholding and pondering at the love my God had for me when He affirmed me all those months ago about going into the teaching profession, when He affirmed me in my struggles in my studies and when I hit rock bottom in my Practicum, and when He affirmed me by allowing me to have another chance at doing something amazing.

Father, I kneel at the foot of the cross of Your Son, ever so thankful, ever so blessed at the opportunities You have given me on this earth. I pray that as I continue to pursue my profession that I may guide your children into choosing good over evil, and that they may continue to grow and love you more and more with everyday that passes. Thank you for the multitude of chances You give me when I fail, and thank you for the arms You use to lift me up when I feel hopeless. Continue to inspire in me a heart to love and serve you all the days of my life. Amen.


The Christian life reminds me of driving.

I remember when I took my driving lessons some time ago. The driving instructor taught me how to drive defensively. He taught me to always look at the blind spot when changing lanes, to use my signal lights whenever I change lanes or turn, to pay attention to streets I pass by for cars that are coming, to keep a certain distance from the car in front of me, and even pay attention to the tires of stationary cars to see which way they are planning to turn. I still remember and apply everything he taught to this day.

A friend of mine was laughing at me one time because I drove so “proper”. I told him that it’s just how I drive.

As time goes we pick up bad habits when driving. We forget or choose not to follow what we were taught by our driving instructors. We get lazy and become complacent with our own way of driving.

I think that’s a lot like our Christian life. We pick up bad habits along the way and become complacent with our own way of living life despite having learned the teachings of Jesus. In CFC-Youth we learn a better way from living out our identities and bringing Christ wherever we go, so why do we become complacent in a lesser way even when we are taught a better one?

I always hear people saying “oh man I can’t get any bad habits until I get my G”. Then I realized, maybe we get lazy and complacent in driving because we don’t have to worry about a test. If I have my G (full time license) then why do I have to worry about driving so safe right? We start thinking like this because we take for granted the privilege of driving after passing our final driving test.

We are given a full time license to live so why not live our life the way God wants us to? It’s because we have taken for granted the Love that God has showed us.

In our Christian life we are always tested. In the Our Father we say “lead us not into temptation”.

The temptations in our lives are the tests that we are given, the crosses that we carry, the vices we must overcome. The Lord did not allow temptations so that we may fall, He allowed it so that we may reach holiness by rising above it. In passing every test we grow closer to the Lord. We fail our tests and fall into temptation because we take for granted the privilege the Lord has given us.

Temptation is a humbling reminder of how much we need God and how His way is the one in which we should live our lives. More importantly it is an opportunity to choose Love. An opportunity to never take the privilege God has given us for granted.

Lets always remember what Jesus has taught us so that we may never become complacent to anything short of being a saint.

So if someone laughs at you or judges you for living your life so “proper”. Tell them it’s just the way you live.

Beloved, Be Loved!

I am loved – absolutely, extravagantly, simplistically, and aboundingly loved.

My recent excursion to the Philippines affirmed me many times over of just how important it is to recognize this love.

The community in which we belong is certainly a very selfless community.  We give until we can no longer, and then some.  We give of ourselves because we love the Lord so much and there is, further more, nothing more we can do than to respond to it through charitable works and tireless service. We blossom, as such, in to genuine servants of God – ready to do his will, and generously extending far beyond our own reaches only because He commands it.

Though in order for us to give love, we must know wholeheartedly that we have received it. In order for us to wholeheartedly receive love, we must also wholeheartedly give it. Yes, love is beautiful because it is self-giving.  It is an intimate exchange between lover, and beloved.

Beloved.. Being loved.  Could it be this simple?  I vividly recall my infancy: an adolescent version of me affixed in my mother’s arms.  There was nothing more that I cherished than being carried by those who loved me; my mom, my dad, and my nanay (or grandmother) are the first people that come to mind.  What I cherish so deeply about those memories is the simplicity of being loved.  When I was in my mother’s arms there was no need to ponder why I was there.  There were no questions of, “How must I respond to this love she was giving me?”.  There was no “discernment” on what this love is leading me to do.  There were no questions of “If I am so loved, what can and should I do to make sure I receive more of it?”.

In fact, there were no thoughts involved whatsoever.  Simply a circumstance.  In my mother’s arms, in my father’s arms, in my nanay’s arms, I was loved, and that was enough.  It was an inseparable Truth and divine existence – me, in the state of being loved.  This, times infinity, is the same love our Lord has for His beloved.  Though often we choose to ponder it, dissect it, dismiss it, surrender to it.  The first response that we must always have when addressing it is not a response at all.  We need simply to be in it.  Be loved.  Be in Love.  Be Love.  Be affixed in our Lord’s arms just as we were when we were children.  The rest will come naturally and supernaturally.  We must first be His beloved.

Quite often, it’s easy to fall prey to judgment of others.  I know for me it may be the hardest vice to overcome.  Truthfully, whenever I go to the Philippines, my humility is often tested.  I’m not sure if it’s the uncomfortable looks they give foreigners (like myself), or the different reverence they have for the Holy Mass, or simply for the lack of understanding they have for the faith (being dramatically different than where I’m from).  In times like these, Jesus’ compassion becomes a sincere prayer of mine.  During this particular excursion, I go back to the simple message that I am loved, and I am His beloved.

He also affirms me that in being loved, and in being His beloved, I, also, must understand this Truth:  Love of God is constant and present.  It is unchanging from person to person.  Personally, I have built a significantly intimate relationship with the Lord and ironically, without my knowing, I have taken pride in it.  We often fall prey to being proud of this fondness and because of it, we are lead to forget that our Lord God is equal for all.  Those who have a lacking relationship with God are the ones He comes to all the more because they do not reciprocate the transcendent love of Christ.  The distance between our hearts and His are not any closer than with the ones who are broken.  They are both intimately one, just as ours, as His beloved, become intimately one.  He is a constant.  He loves us inconceivably and without measure.  We, as his universal church, are His beloved – unchangingly and presently loved.

Love of God is constant and present.  Love of God is like the sun.  It is eternally present.  We can see the sun.  We can feel the warmth of its sunlight and its presence is undeniable.  Some people often say, that we have a choice to acknowledge God.  Yet for Christians like us, we know that the only choice we have is to close our eyes, yet the sun does not cease to exist.  The Love of God continues to touch us.  No matter how unwelcoming the weather, the sun is always constant, and present.  For those who welcome the sun, it’s easy to recognize this truth, our only response is to bask in it, immerse in it, be carried by it, be touched by it.  For those who welcome the Lord, we need only to bask in him, immerse in him, be carried by him, and be touched by him.  God is constant.  God is present.  God is love.

.. And I am His beloved.



life-giving cross


“True love is love that causes us pain, that hurts, and yet brings us joy. Intense love does not measure — it just gives.” – Mother Teresa

Christ, allow me to remember that my suffering gives life to others. Allow me to remember that every cross is life-giving. Father, allow me to not become tired of loving, let weariness become my place of joy.

You have given me life through your suffering, you never became tired of loving me and you let weariness bring me joy!


Totus tuus

Faith, Hope, and Charity

The CFC GMC (Global Mission Centre) Pilgrimage consisted of visiting several churches in Laguna and doing the Stations of the Cross at each one. I was blessed with an opportunity to share my reflection of the 13th Station of the Cross with the GMC pilgrims during one of the Church visits.

The Thirteenth Station – Jesus’ Body is Taken Down from the Cross and Given to His Mother

Moments after Jesus’ death, His body was taken down from the cross and given to His mother. This particular moment is best captured by Michelangelo’s ‘Pieta’. Here, we see Mary’s sorrow, compassion and love for Jesus.



Every time I look at the Pieta, I remember that Jesus died for my sins. I think it’s important to remember that Jesus died for me and that He loves me. But I also think that there is more that the Lord is calling me to recognize. 

Mary knew that despite the sorrow and confusion she must have felt, she still believed that death was not the end. In the same way, as His beloved, she wants us to share in her faith, hope and love in and of her Son and His plan for us (and humanity). 

May we have faith when things seem impossible, hope in the fruitfulness of our trials, and love in all circumstances. 

Faith, hope and love, being the three theological virtues, come from God alone. They cannot be earned but instead, are freely given (similar to grace). They are gifts of grace from God. These virtues, like grace, builds upon nature. I have to do my part in taking care of and nurturing these gifts. But I also have to humble myself to ask God for these virtues and for His help to grow in them. I’ve realized that these virtues are essentials in living my life. Without proper formation, I would be lost! My relationship with the Trinity would be dead!

Mary, being the Mediatrix of All Graces, is then the one I can turn to. She will not only dispense these graces (virtues) to me but shows me by her example in what faith, hope and love is! Isn’t it amazing how we pray for an increase of these virtues in the first 3 Hail Mary’s of the rosary?

Pray for us O, Holy Mary, Mother of God, that we may become worthy of the promises of Christ!