God’s Morning

I always catch the 9am bus to go to work. It’s almost always the same bus driver who drives this bus. Every morning he greets everyone “Good morning” with a big smile. Depending how my morning is going I would respond with a smile, reply good morning, or some days I say and do nothing at all.

Today, I’ve realized how humble this man is. He drives passengers everyday who sometimes respond to his greeting and some who don’t notice or care at all.

I am reminded of God and how He tries and speaks to me everyday. The days I don’t acknowledge Him, He continues to speak to me without getting tired of it. He continues to love me even when I reject Him.

I realized that I shouldn’t respond according to how I feel on that day but appreciate and acknowledge that everyday IS a good morning. Every morning is God’s morning and that I am called to listen and respond to the love of God who speaks to me every second of the day.

God bless that bus driver and that everyone may see the little blessings of each day.

Benedictus Deus in Saecula

Catching Up

I had a long week. I’m sure all of the MV’s and FTPW’s had long weeks. Praise the Lord regardless.

I have a lot of catching up to do…with my household, emails, TNC, RYC, etc etc. Things were getting overwhelming, but praise God the Lord has instilled into me more patience than what I thought I had.

The Lord shook me the other day. I got to catch up with a friend who I haven’t been able to see for a few months even (If you read this, SORRY). It was pretty late and I should have been sleeping but I really felt the Lord tugging at me to take this opportunity to see Him through my friend.

So we talked and praise the Lord for all the struggles, and commotion going on in this persons life. Then it hit me…

We should take more time/chances into catching up with the people we care for. Its easy to say there are a lot of people we care for, but actually taking the time out of your busy schedule is another thing. If you believe Christ resides in them, then take the time to share with them that Christ resides in You. Even if it is a quick 30 minutes. Heck, the more prayers you can add to your daily prayers.

Its easy to forget the loneliness that some of our members feel...heck, I was one of them at one point but its harder to forget the moment you realized you had countless opportunities to love them.

Lets take care of ALL our friendships, families, households etc.

Praying for you all. Pray for me please!

Deo Gloria



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Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

This photo was taken when I was visiting Bukidnon, a province in Northern Mindanao, back when I was assigned in Mindanao. We were walking on a trail on our way to a monastery nearby.

This kind of reminds me of our role to not just be good followers but brave leaders who will dare carve new path for others to follow. It’s scary knowing that to trailblaze is to brave the unknown and it can mean painful sacrifices. However, the joy of adventure and discovery is fulfilling too, much more knowing that is for, of and with God. 

Another thing about this photo is the blessing of being with nature. One of the things that I love about mission is the fact that you got the opportunity to see different environment… nature at its best! You will never get enough of God in nature, His messages are written in every flowers and trees and yes even in weeds 🙂 I find comfort, peace and direction in nature.

Lord, grant us the grace to brave the unknown and the joy of seeing you in the trees, flowers and yes even in weeds. Amen.



What’s left?

For some context, I’m a behavioural therapist for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders and I work for a private home-based agency. This means that I go to client’s homes to conduct therapy sessions with their kids. I love my job and I love the kids I work with… but if I’m going to be real with you, then I need to say that, I had a crazy work week. I dealt with really difficult behaviours this week (full blown rolling-on-the-ground-screaming-kicking tantrums) and I got bit for the first time.

With that said, I was also dealing with anxiety for “Level Up Training”. The anxiety grew as the week progressed because I really didn’t know what I was doing until Friday. Yesterday, I helped to pilot the new Level Up Community Based training in GTA. It was a 12 hour day and most of us in the service team literally did not sleep. I know, it’s horrible. I am NOT advocating for sleep deprivation. Trust me, those who know me well can attest to my LOVE for sleep. I will never understand how I could physically manage being awake for 36 hours and still be coherent.

Overall, I had a crazy week and Friday/Saturday was the culmination of what this reflection is really about.

This week had me running on empty. I reached my stress limit on Thursday evening…but with Level Up preparations, I was called to go beyond my limits – physically and mentally.

On Thursday, I felt like I had nothing to give. Everything I had was already distributed out to the kids I had sessions with, the families and parents worked with…and when asked for more, my response was “What’s left?”

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. – 2 Corinthians 12: 9

Grace – the chance to speak face-to-face with the CFC Youth Chapter Heads and Couple Coordinators; the ability to witness the missionary heart of GTA grow even more; the countless blessings.

I don’t know if the CFC Youth of GTA will ever truly know how much you have changed and blessed me. I will always chase after God because of you – because when I have nothing left there is only God– and you all deserve more than I what I have left.

New Journey

Where to start…

Yesterday was the last day of CLP for me and few of the youth. Well not youth anymore haha… It’s crazy that we all made it and finish CLP and not failing at it. Especially for me! This was my third try attempting to finish SFC CLP… But here I am and I am done. I am truly thankful to God for what I have went through and happy I got to do it with my friends (Lara, Abby, Jorell, Judy Mae, Michael and Kleah) It was never a dull moment with them around.


One thing that hit me yesterday is when ate Lissa said it’s a new chapter in our journey and she is excited to see us grow even more. I always forget how long I have known ate for. She brought up how she seen me from when I was little to what I am now aka MV. She said truly a miracle to see me grow this much and she seeing me doing amazing things. For myself I don’t think that way. And Like I undermine myself every time but hear that affirmation really showed me I am going in the right direction and I need to keep praying.

I am truly grateful for God for giving me SFC at the right moment when I need it the most and at the same time of my journey of Discernment to be FTPW. Here is to New Chapter for my fellow new SFC member and I…



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Love has no boundaries

We often misjudge of what it’s like to be a member of this community. Other’s also feel that sometimes, being a CFC-Y has so many limitations and restriction that it’s hard to “freely” act, live and choose.

Have you faced a situation where your values and attitude shifts when you’re not in a community event/around other brothers and sisters? I’m guilty for that… I felt like a different person with the people I surrounded myself with through high school and first year of university.. But then, I would use the community as a form of escape from “reality“. Why does being a member of CFC-Youth have to be so difficult and so constraint?

What I’ve learned is that being a CFC-Y, you’ve committed yourself to something bigger, something greater and something long-lasting. I may not be perfect and it may take time to turn away to temptation. But it only came to the realization that I’ve said no to multiple things only so I can say yes to the Lord because I believe that the “yes” I’ve committed too will give my heart the satisfaction it yearns and because I love the Lord enough to willingly say no.

But I also learned that our love for Christ shouldn’t be limited within the walls of this community. I mean why should it be right? As a member of CFC-Youth, I’ve figured our love for Christ is evident but why should that love be restricted only while we’re only surrounded by other members of CFC-Y. If anything, my love stemmed from this community and this community is the water that has helped my love for Christ grow beyond what I have ever imagined.

If our love for Christ is so true and we believe that what He has planned for us is something beyond our greatest endeavours, then a simple way of giving back is to freely live, act and choose as He does, the way He would want us too. Once we’ve made that decision to surrender to Christ and have faith in that yes is when we can live as free as our hearts desires. His love has no boundaries, because if it weren’t FOR Him, we wouldn’t even be here. So why abuse that privilege?

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God. who loved me and gave himself for me – Galatians 2:20

An Empty Square in my Google Calendar

My schedule for the month of May is packed. It’s awesome to see my Google Calendar so colourful lol. Praise God for He fills my days with so many ways that I can glorify Him.

Unexpectedly, last Thursday freed up. And with the amount of things on my plate, I tried to move things around so I can get some of my tasks done. But none worked out. I started to feel uneasy because it was unusual for me to have a free day.

On the way home, I bumped into a sister from my home chapter. We ended up hanging out. It was very humbling to get to know someone I only met a few months ago, someone 10 years younger than I am, and someone so passionate to grow in her faith. Then when I got home, I talked to another sister on Facebook chat. We had good times, started to confide in each other and just talked about how we’re both doing. And to top off the evening, I ended up talking to my two younger sisters.

It’s sad how I can get so caught up with the many things I have to do that I tend to forget the things that matter the most. I love the moments when my sisters would come to my room, sit on my bed, munch on my snacks, make fun of each other, and just be silly together. But I especially love the moments when we would talk about how we’re doing, what’s happening in our lives, be the support the other needs, and just simply get to know each other more.

I felt like the Lord was telling me to find time for things that matter. And when I wasn’t able to do that, He Himself cleared everything for me. It’s funny how I tried to fill my day and tried to make things work but I’m glad He remained firm because it truly brought me joy.

Dear Lord, you truly know what I need. Thank You for reminding me in times when I forget or in times when I can get so caught up with things I have to do. Thank You for the love You’ve allowed me to feel through the sisters in this community. Most especially, thank You for my best friends. Virgin most prudent, I ask for your prayers. Amen.