Only This I Want

The other day, someone asked me this mind-numbing question, “What is it exactly do you want out of life?”.  I admit, I was quite taken aback by this question.  It seems like such an easy question to answer but for some reason I couldn’t find the exact words and I was left speechless.  Maybe it was because I was overthinking the question.  Perhaps I couldn’t find the right words to say just exactly was in my heart..

The Lord knew exactly what was stirring in my heart.  Later that day I went to mass for the second time (Feast of St. Augustine deserves double Jesus) and the Lord answered for me.  The offeratory hymn was a song that is quite common and is well known to any avid church-goer.  It goes a little something like this:

Only this I want:
but to know the Lord,
and to bear his cross,
so to wear the crown he wore.

All but this is loss,
worthless refuse to me,
for to gain the Lord
is to gain all I need.

I will run the race;
I will fight the good fight,
so to win the prize
of the kingdom of my Lord.

Let your heart be glad,
always glad in the Lord,
so to shine like stars
in the darkness of the night.

Even when I was left without words to express, He knew exactly what was in my heart and he gave me an oppurtunity to serenade him with this beautiful hymn. 

Lord, thank you for knowing me so intimately, and may my life be solely yours to behold – only You shall I want.




Published by

Christian Marquez

Immaculate heart of Mary, Pray for us Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us