
Most people that I know are aware of my love (okay, maybe a bit of obsession) for minions (from the movie: Despicable Me). I don’t know why, but the first time I saw the movie, I really started liking minions. They are just so cute (they really are! ^_^). Then little did I know I started reflecting on why I love them.

Oh and a minion looks like this….


Why do I love minions?

Minions are similar in size and shape, but have unique features to tell them apart.

Minions are just like us. We are all just human beings but we have specific characteristics that make us different from one another. I remembered a book that I read a couple of months ago. There was a line there, it said, “God created each role with one person in mind to fill it.” We are where we are for a reason. We are who we are for a reason. If we are achieving victories in life right now, praise the Lord! If we are experiencing difficulties in life right now, praise the Lord still! God has always a reason why we are experiencing these things. We have to remember that we are created for a reason. We have our own individual missions to fulfill. We are unique and we have individual purposes. We just have to discover His plan for us. The joy in our journey rests, in part, on the discovery process – unveiling the layers of God’s unique plan.  

Minions are a bunch of simple-minded homunculi.

Because I am such an over-thinker, I tend to admire minions for being so simple-minded. I am a person who would think too much about very simple things. I tend to go over-board and think too much about things that are about to happen, or things that I planned. Sometimes, I tend to be too controlling about things. I have the tendency to make things difficult for me, even though I know that I can work on it on a simple way. Minions remind me that simplicity is beauty. Sometimes, we need to stop thinking or worrying too much and just see the beauty in the simplest things. Because when we worry too much, we tend to miss God’s message through those simple things. Like yesterday, I was heading out with my family to celebrate Mother’s Day, and on our way to the restaurant, I saw this in the sky:


Simple beauty. I think this is what I tend to forget most of the time, to just take things in a very simple way; to just pause for a bit and look how beautiful God’s blessings are, no matter how big or small it is. Life is not complicated, we just over complicate things. Simplicity is beauty.

Minions are fiercely loyal.

Like how minions are very loyal to Gru, we should too be loyal to our God. Their loyalty always reminds me of the verse from Matthew 5:37 “Let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no.” We cannot serve two masters. If we are saying yes to God, let it be our yes, a firm and resounding yes. We cannot be saying yes to God today and no to Him tomorrow. This is such a great reminder of our mission and vision as CFC-Youth: Young people being and bringing Christ wherever we are. If we are saying yes to Him, let it be a true yes, not a no, not a sometimes yes, but a firm and strong yes.

Minions are extremely easy to please.

God just wants us to be happy. We are His children. If our own parents only wish for us to be happy, what more our Father in heaven wishes us to do so. He loves us so much that He would provide everything that we need. He is always pleasing us, it’s just we fail to see this most of the time. We tend to get overwhelmed, blinded, and distracted by all our problems in life. We fail to see God’s grace. Minions remind me of how beautiful it is to be happy with what God has been, is being, and will be blessing us, no matter how big or small it is. As what Matthew 7:7 proclaims, “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened.” God wants us to be happy; it’s just, sometimes we choose not to. Let us be thankful for every single thing God provides us. Let us be like minions who see joy in the littlest things.

Minions are always willing to help out (especially with Gru).

I was at Level Up last Saturday, and as I was packing up instruments, a sister approached and she mention something about “helping hands.” Since then, it has been stuck on my hand. Lately, I’ve been having this vision of hands. I didn’t really know what it meant until last Saturday, when a sister of mine approached me, said something about it, and affirmed me. What does it mean to be the helping hands of the Lord? God is calling us to be His helping hands. It is very fitting that one of the topics discuss last Saturday was reaching beyond. To be God’s helping hands, we need to reach beyond our boundaries, beyond our limits. Yes, the mission starts within us, but it doesn’t end there. A mission will not be a mission until we reach out beyond our own little bubbles. Like what Kuya Kevin said last Level Up, our mission should go beyond borders. In the heart of this mission is love. This love makes us limitless because God is love and God is limitless.

Minions are always happy.

Minions are always happy, and so do we. We need to be joyful! We are young, Christian, happy. Let us be keep smiling for the Lord. A smile can mean so much to another person. A simple smile can in fact change the world. Let us be joyful in proclaiming God’s love to the world.

So…Why do I love minions?

I still honestly don’t know exactly why, but we have a special connection. (LOL)… But maybe it’s because sometimes, I see myself in them, and sometimes, I just want to be like them.

“Jesus, Jesus. All I want is to be like You.” Amen.

Praise God!